Goodness gracious, this guy is a creep. Given the allegations, one has to wonder how many other people he has molested…
In this post:
Military man indicted for allegedly molesting teens on flights
The United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Washington has indicted a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army, currently stationed in Alaska, for two counts of abusive sexual conduct while onboard an aircraft. This is punishable by up to two years in prison.
Recently divorced 41-year-old James Benecke was taken into custody at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson outside of Anchorage, Alaska, and made his initial court appearance this week. According to the indictment, he molested teen girls on two separate Alaska Airlines flights just a couple of months apart.
On April 12, 2023, on a redeye Alaska Airlines flight from Anchorage to Seattle, Benecke allegedly intentionally made contact with his seatmate for sexual arousal. He’s accused of putting his hands on the thighs of a 16-year-old girl seated next to him. After she pushed his hand away and pulled her knees to her chest, Benecke reportedly put his hands on her buttocks.
Two months later, on June 12, 2023, on an Alaska Airlines flight from Dallas to Seattle, Benecke allegedly touched the leg of the 18-year-old woman seated next to him, and then eventually slid his hand up her thigh. When the woman tried to get up to speak to flight attendants, Benecke pretended to be asleep and did not let her get up to leave. She then had to jump over him, and when she did, she felt his hand on her buttocks.
In this instance, the contact was reported to the flight crew by the teen and her boyfriend, and Benecke was moved to a seat at the rear of the plane.
The investigation is still ongoing. Due to the defendant’s heavy travel schedule, law enforcement is interested in speaking with anyone who may have been seated near Benecke on an aircraft, and those with information should call 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324).

Man claims he’s a “big guy” and it was an accident
Benecke denies the allegations against him, and claims that he’s a “big guy” who spreads out on planes, and that any contact was accidental.
Of course he’s innocent until proven guilty, but I think that explanation defies logic. Admittedly airplane seats are tight, and sometimes you might accidentally touch someone in a way you didn’t intend. But the behavior described here can’t be chalked up to an accident. That’s especially true when you consider that he’s accused of acting in the same way on flights just two months apart.
One has to wonder on how many other flights (or in other settings) he has molested his seatmates, since there are a lot of people who would feel uncomfortable reporting this behavior to crews when in a confined space.
Furthermore, I can’t help but wonder just how often he flies. I mean, in both cases here he happened to be seated next to teen girls. Was that a coincidence, or did he have another way that he “picked” his seatmates?

Bottom line
A 41-year-old man is accused of molesting teenage girls on two separate Alaska Airlines flights a couple of months apart. While the man’s defense is that it was an accident, everything about these reports suggests otherwise. You don’t repeatedly accidentally touch people in this way. Never mind that both victims just happen to be teenage girls.
Only two victims have come forward, and one has to wonder how many teenage girls haven’t come forward…
Yeesh. Thanks for your service, CWO Benecke.
How typical
If it were an accident, then it would be quick and an immediate apology without "sliding" of his hand. Also if you are the one sitting then you do the best you can to give the person climbing over space to do so.
"Teen girls" evoke images of innocent 13 - 15 year olds. 16-18 year olds probably refer to themselves as women (oops, sorry if I offended gender) thus I think the title is perhaps too "click bait" for my liking.
As a retired faculty member of university age students (16+) I've see some pretty bad accusations made that were patently false over the years.
While the "accused and publicly convicted "pervert"" has not had...
"Teen girls" evoke images of innocent 13 - 15 year olds. 16-18 year olds probably refer to themselves as women (oops, sorry if I offended gender) thus I think the title is perhaps too "click bait" for my liking.
As a retired faculty member of university age students (16+) I've see some pretty bad accusations made that were patently false over the years.
While the "accused and publicly convicted "pervert"" has not had a trial, the stigma of the accusation and public humiliation will haunt him forever. If proven not-guilty there will never be any public outcry about the unjust accusations and accusers will never be identified.
This article might have been better held until a conviction occurs.
You are an idiot
This guy is disgusting. He’s like Larry Nassar: Airline Edition.
Yes it's shit. And the person deserves punishment. No doubt about it and it's good that that is happening.
But you're writing about this only because it happened on a plane and it will give you clicks. Would you write about it if it happened on a bus? Probably not.
Stop doing that, please, Lucky. Your addiction for gossip and clicks really hurts the quality of this blog.
P.S.: What's always irritating for somebody...
Yes it's shit. And the person deserves punishment. No doubt about it and it's good that that is happening.
But you're writing about this only because it happened on a plane and it will give you clicks. Would you write about it if it happened on a bus? Probably not.
Stop doing that, please, Lucky. Your addiction for gossip and clicks really hurts the quality of this blog.
P.S.: What's always irritating for somebody from Germany is how criminals are accurately described: Recently divorced, 41 years old, even giving their full name... I know, for Americans this is not weird at all. Like high school shootings. Just something totally normal in America.
Huh? This is an air-travel focused blog. Why would he be writing about things that happened on a bus?
Disgusting. As an ex airline lawyer I have seen this before and how reprehensible the perpetrator and airline were both I trying to deny the truth. Hope this dirty abuser is punished to the full extent of the law.
Anyone has Pictures of the Perp?
I am very disappointed to see OMAAT publish prurient junk stories such as this.
Isn't this why we have Gary Leff and WFTW? This is his bread-and-butter content.
couldn't agree more!
When I use to work at ticket counter for several, solo female travellers, especially those from Asia, would often ask us to seat them next to female passengers. I can really see why.
If correct then law needs to deal with him fully. But it is very easy to blame men for everything these days. Make sure it is proven before the accusations and witch-hunts start, as young women on Spring Break are just as bad as the men.
This isn’t a “men’s rights” issue. Men can do whatever they like as long as it’s legal just like they always could. The guy is obviously a predator. He may have already or may go on to do much worse and I’m glad he’s been caught.
"very easy to blame men for everything these days"
Bit of an exaggeration, yet still relevant. Uglier men need to just keep to themselves at all times, as even the most innocuous sentence might be seen as threatening. Good looking? Just don't be a complete perv and it's all fun and games
Good grief, what a pity party. Have some self-respect, you two.
Oh, please. Get off the incel forums, they will destroy your soul.
If people are accusing you of being a threatening, it's not because you're making innocent comments while ugly.
Spoken like a true incel. How about you stop crying and face the fact that you’re responsible for being a massive loser, not women.
What ???? Wasn’t a drag queen on board?? Granted, he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If proven guilt by a court of law.
Boy this brings back a very unpleasant memory when I was a college student traveling in Europe, back when the trains had compartments. My friend and I had the compartment to ourselves and stretched our legs out. Sometime in the night a man came in and sat down. Half asleep, I moved my legs out of the way and soon realized I felt someone's hand on my leg and then sat bolt upright when I...
Boy this brings back a very unpleasant memory when I was a college student traveling in Europe, back when the trains had compartments. My friend and I had the compartment to ourselves and stretched our legs out. Sometime in the night a man came in and sat down. Half asleep, I moved my legs out of the way and soon realized I felt someone's hand on my leg and then sat bolt upright when I realized the hand was on my flesh under my jeans. I started screaming at him, but I think he only spoke Italian (we were in Italy). He seemed very indignant when I scrunched myself in the corner. I had to stay awake the rest of the night.
That's so messed up. I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you and hope you never endure such heinous actions again.
As a teenager (long ago) I also had been inappropriately touched. It was so very difficult to speak up. Embarrassing, frightening and guilt laden to publicly voice. While times have changed in preparing young girls to report such violations, the courage to do so is traumatic. It is far easier to say nothing and bury it and that's why I imagine there are other victims. Hopefully they can get some supportive care. And yeah my...
As a teenager (long ago) I also had been inappropriately touched. It was so very difficult to speak up. Embarrassing, frightening and guilt laden to publicly voice. While times have changed in preparing young girls to report such violations, the courage to do so is traumatic. It is far easier to say nothing and bury it and that's why I imagine there are other victims. Hopefully they can get some supportive care. And yeah my incident occurred on an overnight flight when I went to the lav.
Why we don't separate the airplane with a men and women only section is beyond me. This is done in many countries. In India where there are men and women only sections, sexual harassment in those sections are virtually none.
You can’t be serious.
You’re not very bright. Why !?? Because 99.9 % of people are not sexual predators. It is however, far more prevalent in India.
You aren’t too far behind. Sexual assault and rape are as prevalent in India as they are almost in every “first” world country.
I don’t know which India you are talking about but none if the airlines in India have this. This is a perfect example of - it is better to stay silent and be think of as a fool. Instead open your mouth and prove it.
Not sure whether you are ignorant or trolling... possibly both.
I have flown to, from and within India dozens of times and never seen a male and female section.
That would be a foolish design (many men fly with their female partner and vice verse and would not want to be separated) as well as an ineffective one (catholic boys-only schools are far from immune when it comes to sexual predators)
Most people would know the difference between accidentally touching someone unintentionally or placing a hand between someone’s legs. In fact as I write, the lady seated next to me on the train almost lost her balance and grabbed my arm for support whilst apologising profusely.
Good lord people are disgusting.
And the "big guy" defense is unbelievable. He's a molester, and no, we don't need to hear "both sides" to know that.
Exactly, doing it the American way. The defense is unbelievable.
We don't need to hear "both sides" to know that.
Anyone against the horde is guilty and never have a chance to prove innocence.
That's what people said Jan 6 in DC about the election.
Months later that doesn't seem to be the facts.
What on earth are you on about?
Disagree. We SHOULD hear both sides (because there ARE wrongly accused people), but it doesn't mean we should believe both sides. Now that we've heard this guy's story, we can call BS on "his side of the story".