International aviation is incredibly complicated, and politics and diplomacy can often get in the way of things. We saw this with the Gulf blockade involving Qatar several years back, and we’re also seeing it with the current situation in Russia.
Well, the Falkland Islands is having its own diplomatic dispute at the moment, which is threatening some air service to these remote islands.
In this post:
The basics of the Falkland Islands
First I think some background is valuable, for those who aren’t familiar with the Falkland Islands. This is a remote South Atlantic archipelago, just a few hundred miles from Antarctica (many cruises to & from Antarctica stop here). There are just over 3,000 residents there, and it’s a British overseas territory.
Now, it’s important to note that the Falkland Islands being a British overseas territory is disputed by Argentina. An undeclared 10-week war happened in the Falkland Islands in 1982, over control of the islands. This was between Argentina and the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom won, as Argentina surrendered.
Even more than 40 years later, this continues to be a point of contention with Argentina, which claims control of the islands, and calls them Las Malvinas.
Well, that disagreement between the Falkland Islands and Argentina is leading to the latest aviation dispute, involving this remote archipelago.
Diplomatic dispute over Falkland Islands flights
While the Falkland Islands doesn’t have many residents, the islands do have air service to connect them to the rest of the world. Not only are these flights popular with some tourists, but they also provide an essential link for people and supplies.
Mount Pleasant Airport (MPN) has a once weekly flight to Punta Arenas, Chile (PUQ), operated by a LATAM Airbus A320. There’s also a once monthly flight to Río Gallegos, Argentina (RGL), also operated by a LATAM Airbus A320.

Pre-pandemic, LATAM also operated a flight from the Falkland Islands to Sao Paulo (GRU), which was supposed to resume shortly. Well, that’s now being blocked by Argentina. Why?
- Argentina controls the airspace around the Falkland Islands, so Argentina needs to approve flights to the Falkland Islands
- Argentina wants its national airline, Aerolineas Argentinas, to be able to fly between Buenos Aires (EZE) and the Falkland Islands, but the Falkland Islands is rejecting this request
- In an act of reciprocity, Argentina is blocking LATAM from adding a new route from Brazil to the Falkland Islands
Member of the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly, Mark Pollard, had the following to say about this:
“The Government of Argentina continue to deny our self-determination, and take every opportunity to enforce sanctions on our people and collectively punish us for legitimately exercising our democratic rights. This latest move is yet another attempt to isolate us from South America and impede our economic development.”
“We have said, repeatedly, that Falkland Islanders will not enter into discussions about a direct flight to Buenos Aires, or the possibility of Argentina’s national airline servicing any routes into the Falkland Islands. We have been steadfast on both of these points, and it is incredible that these are still considered bargaining chips by a government which treats us with such unprovoked open and continued hostility. By refusing permission for overflight of this aircraft, not only are they removing the only link between the Falklands and Cordoba, they are also hindering their own economic and social development by reducing connectivity between Sao Paulo and Cordoba.”
Bottom line
The Falkland Islands is pretty darn remote, and has very limited air service. The archipelago was supposed to see the resumption of a route from Sao Paulo, though Argentina is now blocking it. Argentina controls the airspace around the Falkland Islands, and it’s claiming to be denying this out of reciprocity, because Aerolineas Argentinas isn’t allowed to fly to the Falkland Islands from Argentina.
Personally it seems to me like the government of the Falkland Islands is in the right here. It’s not really fair to claim this is due to reciprocity, as the Falkland Islands is just in the unfortunate situation of being near Argentina’s airspace. It almost seems like Argentina just wants to launch this service to troll the Falkland Islands, and as a power play.
I’m curious to see how this plays out, though this does seem to me like an abuse of controlling airspace.
What do you make of this dispute?
Argentinians seem to delight in cutting off their nose to spite their face. About 15 years ago, they launched a charm offensive aimed at brainwashing the Falkand Islanders into acceptance of Argentine business presence on the Islands. It fell on its face. The abrupt resumption of the invective which the saccharine campaign had temporarily replaced, revealed their true purpose.
Worst part of all these trash talks at each other.
The 2 month long Falkland wars ended 40 years ago, Russia and Ukraine is dragging a year and isn't close to ending (thanks to Western equipments).
The Empire and colonialism is still alive just in a different (with better propaganda and more politically correct) form and a shift in some key players.
No need to guess which side you're on. How is the self-determination of the Falkland Islanders 'colonialism'? All British Overseas Territories have chosen that status via a democratic process, and the British Government is obliged to follow their wishes. What the Argentinians want - now THAT's what I'd call colonialism!
The people of the Falkland islands are free to choose who flies to and from the islands, they have never been part of the Argentine republic and have been independent since before the birth of Argentina. Desire the right.....
"as the Falkland Islands is just in the unfortunate situation of being near Argentina’s airspace"
That's because the Malvinas are argentinean... the fact UK invaded it like they invaded a lot of places doesn't mean it belongs to them.
That being said...I don't approve the play of the Argentina's goverment
I am English. I just cannot believe that there is not a grown up attitude in the Falklands towards Argentina. It's 40 years now since the war.
I have been to The Falkland Islands. It's a horrid place inhabited by revolting people and a remband of colonialism. We shouldn't be there at all.
I apreciate your comment Clive
I am so glad that you enjoyed your visit to my country. We have no intention of allowing argentina to control or communications links ever again. I lived through those horrible days back in the 70s and early 80s and never again. You also seem to forget that argentina is doing their very best to deny our right to self determination and to grow and prosper. Indeed their wish is to turn us into an argie colony.
The islands are under British sovereignty so the air space around them should be under British rule especially facing away from Argentina. As a British over seas territory it should be British airspace around the falklands and the other islands
I thought Britain controls and protects the airspace above the Falkland Islands? Am also sure the UK government flies to the Falklands regularly. Very confusing and self defeating for Argentina. I get it, flights could add an hour or even less if they avoid Argentina Air space but it can be done. Am positive when the economics of getting the solution are right, it will happen.
Argentinians need to look very closely at their history, and where they themselves originated from. Hypocrites often behave like fools and so there goes your proof.
I don't understand why the flights from Brazil don't just stay over the water and never overfly Argentinian air space.
I was just in the Falklands three weeks ago on a cruise and the place is fascinating. And it's British all the way. Argentina has no rights to it whatsoever.
So...the island is under Argentinean space but belongs to a country more than 10k miles away. You still holds colonialism flag
I think there is enough air space for everybody with no restrictions. There are many more important things going on than this nonsense. If the Falkland Islands do not conquer world hunger or cure cancers but everybody just stop being so petty and just chill. the haves need to understand what it's like to be a have not.
Give the Falklands back to Argentina. This is all outdated British Empire stuff.
They've never been part of Argentina, so can't be "given back"
Sorry "John" or should that be Juan, the Falklands were never Argentinian so there is no "giving them back". You should inform yourself about the history of the Islands. By your logic, Argentina should be decolonised and given back to the native South American people after centuries of Vatican endorsed genocide and theft. Now there's an idea, I'd vote for that. Adios muchacho!
Humans have always fought over ownership of land. This is no different. The British expelled the Argentines living on the island and replaced them with British subjects, upon claiming the islands. To now say that self determination should determine ownership of these lands, after British colonization is not right. It is well within the rights of Argentina to grant whomever transits through their airspace.
Selective history telling. Key chronology needs clarifying. Recorded by British navigators first, then the French claimed and settled there, then the British came, after which the Spanish came in force and expelled the British. The British came back and retook the Islands, this being the status quo to this day with a populace identifying as British. This powerplay between imperial nations just reflecting what was going on in Europe itself with France and Spain on...
Selective history telling. Key chronology needs clarifying. Recorded by British navigators first, then the French claimed and settled there, then the British came, after which the Spanish came in force and expelled the British. The British came back and retook the Islands, this being the status quo to this day with a populace identifying as British. This powerplay between imperial nations just reflecting what was going on in Europe itself with France and Spain on the wain and Britain waxing. All this many decades before the treaties on international borders were a twinkle in the future United Nations eye. So the right to self determination by a resident population should not determine ownership eh? Then I suggest you let a stranger come into your house and take over and kick your family out. Fair enough right? I don't think you'd like that.
The British did not expell any Argentines at all because the Islands were British before Argentina was even a country
The Argentine illegally invaded the Falkland Islands, causing the unnecessary loss of life of both Argentine and British. The Falklands have been British for circa 250 years, they have never been Argentinian or populated by Argentines. The people elect to be Britsh. The Islands are 300 Miles from Argentina.
You said it.... "The Islands are 300 Miles from Argentina"
the island may be populated by britsh...that's doesn't make it british. It stills in Arg territory
The French founded the islands’ first settlement on East Falkland in 1764. In 1765 the British settled West Falkland.
Argentina did not exist at that time.
Argentina occupied the islands from 1820 until 1833 when the British took back the islands.
It sounds as though Mark Pollard isn’t helping the situation one bit.
Well, you Kelpers, you have a bargaining chip too…. Just close the Darwin Cementery!
Malvinas Argentinas, fuera los piratas
Peronism is a mental disorder.
If the Argentines insist on referring to them with a Spanish name, can we insist on referring to Argentina by the name used by the natives tribes who lived in Argentina originally?
It's weird that Argentina, a national created by colonialism, is pretending to find the concept so disgraceful.
El problema es que las Isalas Malvinas es un territorio argentino usurpado por el Reino Unido. Porque sino su espacio aéreo estaría rodeado por espacio aéreo argentino? Porque geográficamente pertenecen a Argentina y políticamente por herencia española. Son tan necios que no pueden entender algo tan básico. Una pena
Give Argentina back to the natives
Except the Falkland Islands were never an argentinian terretory.
Tienen el chip de colonos estos Pablo, son asi
En todo caso el colonialismo de las Islas Malvinas ocurrió antes por los franceses y luego vendidas a los españoles y por lo tanto herencia argentina. Esto en lo politico. Pero geográficamente te darás cuenta que solo pertenecen a Argentina Gus.
How pathetic. Of course the Argentines will refer to them in their own language just as the British do to countries and towns all over the world.
El problema es que las Isalas Malvinas es un territorio argentino usurpado por el Reino Unido. Porque sino su espacio aéreo estaría rodeado por espacio aéreo argentino? Porque geográficamente pertenecen a Argentina y políticamente por herencia española. Son tan necios que no pueden entender algo tan básico. Una pena
FYI There isn't a separate flight from the Falklands to Rio Gallegos in Argentina - it's a stop on the Punta Arenas - Mt Pleasant flights (and vv). Doesn't stop every Saturday - only about ever two weeks.
Officiary it's to allow families of the Argentinean fallen to visit their graves but it's mainly used by guys on fishing boats connecting with thee deep sea vessels that operate around the FI.
Your not allowed...
FYI There isn't a separate flight from the Falklands to Rio Gallegos in Argentina - it's a stop on the Punta Arenas - Mt Pleasant flights (and vv). Doesn't stop every Saturday - only about ever two weeks.
Officiary it's to allow families of the Argentinean fallen to visit their graves but it's mainly used by guys on fishing boats connecting with thee deep sea vessels that operate around the FI.
Your not allowed off the flight in RG and normally it's about 6 guys on/off
We must remember a bit of history. The Islands was take for the British by force around 1850. They put all the people from the island in the mainland and left there the own people. Initially the islands belong to France and they sold to the Spanish.
And who originally "owned" Argentina? You know, before the genocide caused by your ancestors moving there and stealing their land.
You can't have it both ways.
Argentina, who let Nazi war criminals hide thanks to Peron, thousands of schoolchildren still missing, mother's still meet wanting to know where they are.
Leaders breaking the laws of the country, and you want us to let you take over the Falklands.
right, cause the usa did not take a bunch of nazis too. there is no NASA without nazis. As for the brits: the carnage they’ve done on the world is incalculable.
Yes, because, "you can work in our space program under house arrest or you can stay in jail" is the same as "welcome to our country."
They voted and only 3 out of 1516 votes were against remaining a British Overseas Territory
They do NOT control the air space over the falklands, the RAF do. I believe there are either 4 or 8 typhoon fighters permanently assigned to the falkland islands. They do however control the airspace above and off their coast! Pathetic really, no REAL power!
No seas necio Gary, mira un mapa y te darás cuenta a quien pertenecen las islas. Son parte de Argentina. No es casualidad que estén rodeadas por espacio aéreo argentino. Es claramente una intrusión británica que irrumpe nuestro espacio aéreo.
Argentina can barely control their own economy lol
A totally biased article, pure british propaganda. Las Malvinas was invaded by the British in the 1800's like they did with many other places around the world. These invaders claiming self-determination is same as russians invaders claiming self determination in east Ukraine. If they are so keen of getting integrated to South America they should allow the Argentine airline to fly there which, as another commentator has said is not close by Argentina "just by...
A totally biased article, pure british propaganda. Las Malvinas was invaded by the British in the 1800's like they did with many other places around the world. These invaders claiming self-determination is same as russians invaders claiming self determination in east Ukraine. If they are so keen of getting integrated to South America they should allow the Argentine airline to fly there which, as another commentator has said is not close by Argentina "just by chance" ( islands do not float and drift around the ocean)
Utter nonsense. English settlers have lived on the previously unoccupied islands since 1765 - over 50 years before Argentina became a country. Check your facts and leave your bias at the door.
Check a bit, the British took the islands aroun 1850 by force.
Utter falsehood, britishits first tried to snatch the islands from Spain in 1774, the Spaniards demanded them to return the stolen territory and they did, in 1833 in an unprovoked attack they invaded the islands for the second time removing the Argentine government and population and then proceeded to implant alien settlers from britain, so check your facts and don't leave your brains at the door, dolt.
The brits were there before the Argies were even a thing
So they were taken by the British.. before argentina even existed? So argentina has absolutyely zero claim on them. Cool.
Just to correct your shocking lack of knowledge tho, the first recorded landing on the Falkland Islands (to use the correct name) was by the British in the 1600s.
There's not such thing as "indigenous" people there. The "falklanders" are just English people.
And it's not "unfortunate" that the Falklands "happens to be close to Argentina"... erm... they were part of Argentina once! the english took them and Argentinians want them back since then.
It was such a shame when the english claim the world as the song says... now its time to give back what they robbed.
This is incorrect. English people populated the uninhabited islands in 1765 - more than half a century before Argentina was founded. The islands have never been a part of Argentina, and the English "colonists" have more claim to the islands than the Spaniards who took the land now known as Argentina by committing genocide on the indigenous peoples of that land.
Enlighten me Robert: who where the indigenous people living in the islas Malvinas that the Argentines/Spanish committed genocide against? As far as I know they never existed..
I was referring to the indigenous peoples of the land mass now known as Argentina who were massacred by the conquistadors. The Falkland Islands were uninhabited until settled by the British in 1765 - not "invaded".
I misread your commet: you referred to the indigenous people of Argentina ( not the Malvinas) well, in my view not tas bad as what the British did in America, Africa and Asia...
The falkland islands have NEVER been Argentinian bar a few days in 1982 before the British Army retook the islands.They have been a British protectorate before Argentina existed as a nation!
Las Islas Malvinas fueron descubiertas previamente pos Francia y luego vendidas a España por lo tanto herencia Argentina.
En cuanto a lo geográfico, la pertenencia de las Islas a Argentina no admite discusión
Wow Anna, that’s a bizarre re writing of history but never let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?!
Great Britain did indeed have the largest empire that has ever existed, and almost certainly will never be matched. The Empire had many faults of course but most of the countries gained their independence in a much stronger and stable political and economic situation. You can’t really compare society and the actions...
Wow Anna, that’s a bizarre re writing of history but never let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?!
Great Britain did indeed have the largest empire that has ever existed, and almost certainly will never be matched. The Empire had many faults of course but most of the countries gained their independence in a much stronger and stable political and economic situation. You can’t really compare society and the actions of countries hundreds of years ago to our values and actions now.
Great Britain has contributed as much or indeed perhaps more than any nation on earth in terms of industrial development, science, medicine, culture and sport. You’re welcome by the way
Argentina on the other hand makes some nice wine and a decent steak but for the most part is a corrupt, economic basket case of a country who only invaded the Falklands in April 1982 to try to divert attention from the ongoing murders and reign of terror the “Generals” were inflicting on their own people. The fact that the Argentine population were dumb enough to fall for the ruse is their own stupid fault, sadly many hundreds of them paid with their lives, along with the unnecessary deaths of many British servicemen.
It’s no surprise that their national heroes are Maradona and Peron; the first a drug taking cheat (pretty good player though!) and the other a fascist who presided over the disappearance and murder of many of his political opponents.
The Falkland Islands has never, ever, been part of Argentina (which is, don’t forget, an artificial country created by the horrific Spanish Conquistadors and later by Southern Italians and other European settlers) …and it never will be.
While the Argentines put these obstacles in our way, we are not completely isolated from South America. We still have the Lan Chile flight. We still have the RAF twice weekly flight direct to UK.
Argentina cannot controll our air space only their own. It is possible to fly direct to both Uruguay and Brazil avoiding Argentina altogether. However Argentina would like place embargoes on those countries.
In effect Argentina has very little control...
While the Argentines put these obstacles in our way, we are not completely isolated from South America. We still have the Lan Chile flight. We still have the RAF twice weekly flight direct to UK.
Argentina cannot controll our air space only their own. It is possible to fly direct to both Uruguay and Brazil avoiding Argentina altogether. However Argentina would like place embargoes on those countries.
In effect Argentina has very little control over what we do. That Brazil flight was set up more for the business sector but does not stop the businesses operating.
We can sail our ships to Uruguay and transfer to flights from there if need be , it is an option.
We have ways to get around these inconsistencies as we have always done.
Our fishing and tourist industries are thriving even though Argentina has tried on many occasions to block it.
So there is no problem Robin! Good luck!
Some facts about the Falkland Islands:
1. British sovereignty has been continuous in these Islands since 1765 - before the Argentine Republic came into existence
2. There has never been an Argentine civilian population in the islands.
3. The islands have never been governed by or formed part of the Argentine Republic
4. The UN Charter stresses the principle of self determination as a fundamental right for all people, and the...
Some facts about the Falkland Islands:
1. British sovereignty has been continuous in these Islands since 1765 - before the Argentine Republic came into existence
2. There has never been an Argentine civilian population in the islands.
3. The islands have never been governed by or formed part of the Argentine Republic
4. The UN Charter stresses the principle of self determination as a fundamental right for all people, and the people of the Falkland Islands choose to continue to be a British Overseas Territory
5. The Argentine government is seeking to exert colonial rule over the people of the Falkland Islands against their will - Great Britain is NOT exerting colonial rule over the Islands
6. Throughout history, whenever an Argentine government has been experiencing serious problems at home, they've started rattling their sabres in the direction of the Falklands to stir up nationalist fervor and distract from their failings at home
7. There is more justification for allowing Native American peoples to resume sovereignty of the United States than there is for the Argentine Republic to rule over a territory that has never been a part of their nation
There are so many lies in your narrative that it will not make sense to discuss them with a rabid like you...
Just facts, John. If you'd like to refute any of them, go ahead.
El territorio está disputa. Podes tratar de agarrarte de lo que se te cante el culo, y tratar de argumentar que Argentina trata de ejercer presión colonial, cuando el gobierno inglés de malvinas son parte de uno de los grandes imperios coloniales del occidente. Más aún son ustedes los que ejercen presión colonial sobre recursos naturales marítimos y de la plataforma continental perteneciente a Argentina. Anda a lavarte el orto bien lavado viejo qlo sucio.
Woah woah woah, the Native American's never drew up land deeds this shit was fair game don't play games with me. I'm a white man in America. That makes me powerful.
England deserves nothing in the way of fair play from any other nation on earth.
You racist pr1k, the Falklanders are not even British, let alone English, and I would be interested in knowing where you are from, that makes you think under your own rules, that you’re from innocent stock…?…?…?…
bro said england the country doesn't deserve shit (true), not "anyone with any semblance of british heritage that's every existed"...
England as A country is a myth, and it’s just something that the ignorant use, especially the British imbeciles who are unaware that england is really just the southeastern rump of the U.K. that is mainly Norfolk and Suffolk…………..
But your obviously spurious hatred of a people, is racism, and I asked you a question, which you have obviously refused to answer, because you don’t like the truth, do you…?…?…?…
Without england youd prolly still be living in a cave lol
B*****KS to Argentina.
I don’t know what the idiot is talking about, when they said that the indigenous people of the Falkland Islands where not real, because as descendants of the first people who settled in the Falkland Islands, they are as indigenous as the descendants of the first people who settled in what is known as Australia……………
Or are they imaginary too, or is it that the idiot is a racist, who doesn’t believe that white...
I don’t know what the idiot is talking about, when they said that the indigenous people of the Falkland Islands where not real, because as descendants of the first people who settled in the Falkland Islands, they are as indigenous as the descendants of the first people who settled in what is known as Australia……………
Or are they imaginary too, or is it that the idiot is a racist, who doesn’t believe that white peoples can be indigenous, or was that comment just made from a stand point of being imbecilic and uneducated…?…?…?…
At first, I thought it was propaganda.
Then, it was tone deaf.
Now, it is just dim.
Do you also post by the name John too?
I wonder whether Argentina is thinking about another invasion. I’m sure they’d win this time given the weakened strength of the uk forces and the total lack on long range bombers.
This just seems to be a lead up to it given everybody’s attention is on Russia and WW3 right now.
Lol the UK now has Tridant Submarines capable of delivering nuclear and non nuclear payloads up to 12000km away but sure.
They also have a target large military presence there which they didn't previously have and would see the West Falklands invasion force coming.
Argentina hasn't really replaced the navy that got sunk last time. It doesn't have the capability to launch an invasion, and certainly isn't planning one imminently.
The UK now maintains a significant military presence including 4 Eurofighter Typhoons on the Falklands. It would be well aware of any planned invasion.
I do think the "Basics" section should mention that it is the local population who want to remain part of Britain.
From 1966 to 1981 the British government was looking to transfer them to Argentina, but it was the locals who killed that idea.
Can you imagine Puerto Ricans wanting to become of part of Cuban or Haitian territory?
(Argentina was a dictatorship 1976-83, and the governance is still poor compared to Western Europe)
Why does the Government in Falkland Islands block any chance of flights to and from Buenos Aires?
if you are unable to understand, why the Falkland islanders don’t want to have massive argie jet’s, which can carry a thousand or more people in them, to be going to the Falklands, especially when they illegally and cowardly invaded, without declaring war first, then you shouldn’t be allowed to have unsupervised internet access…!…!…!…
But with that said, even if the argies hadn’t have invaded like cowards in 1982, why do you think that...
if you are unable to understand, why the Falkland islanders don’t want to have massive argie jet’s, which can carry a thousand or more people in them, to be going to the Falklands, especially when they illegally and cowardly invaded, without declaring war first, then you shouldn’t be allowed to have unsupervised internet access…!…!…!…
But with that said, even if the argies hadn’t have invaded like cowards in 1982, why do you think that they shouldn’t be allowed to choose who can and cannot fly planes/jets into their own airspace and land on their own airport, because every other country in the world, chooses who can and can’t fly to their airports……:…….
Hi Jowan... please can you clarify which commercial planes out there can carry over "a thousand more people in them", and more pertinently land at Mount Pleasent airport?
It's an interesting question. I can imagine the islanders being nervous about Argentinian aircraft using Mount Pleasant airport. Perhaps permission could be granted for a trial period and passenger names checked to limit access to undesirables such as Argentinian military intelligence.
The chances of using a civilian flight to act as an invading force ate pretty low. Invasions tend to need substantial amounts of men and material to be successful which a commercial aircraft...
It's an interesting question. I can imagine the islanders being nervous about Argentinian aircraft using Mount Pleasant airport. Perhaps permission could be granted for a trial period and passenger names checked to limit access to undesirables such as Argentinian military intelligence.
The chances of using a civilian flight to act as an invading force ate pretty low. Invasions tend to need substantial amounts of men and material to be successful which a commercial aircraft would be incapable of carrying.
Abuse is not controlling your airspace. Abuse is starting a settlement and armed confrontation in your territory (your backyard). All actions must seek peace in a reciprocal way.
Hi, I'm an Argentinian.
My country is part of Latin America. If the islanders wanted to be integrated then they could absolutely do it. They isolated themselves and pretend to use our territory without any restriction. Their attitude towards us is unbelievable, they rejected humanitarian help during the pandemic. Sure that's not petty, is just answering to kindness and a helping hand with a slap in the face. It's nasty the way they behave...
Hi, I'm an Argentinian.
My country is part of Latin America. If the islanders wanted to be integrated then they could absolutely do it. They isolated themselves and pretend to use our territory without any restriction. Their attitude towards us is unbelievable, they rejected humanitarian help during the pandemic. Sure that's not petty, is just answering to kindness and a helping hand with a slap in the face. It's nasty the way they behave considering that Argentina didn't kill any civilian during the conflict, but three islanders died due to "friendly fire" (the british killed three of them).
There's british people living in mainland Argentina and, in fact, the other day I spoke to a guy who was staying in my city and told me about how he was learning Spanish and planning to move to Bs As. I can guarantee you no one will ask that guy to surrender his citizenship and british identity but he would be absolutely insane to claim "self determination" over a piece of land in Bs As.
That's the issue with the islanders, the islands could become part of Argentina and they would still keep their british nationality but at the end of the day: an usurper wants the land and the more they can grab the better as long as they can raise the self determination card that was created for indigenous communities, not settlers far from home.
I read a comment here saying "the UK should have taken the mainland part too", you know what? They probably wanted that, but they couldn't, they didn't win easily, they faced battle. The special Argentinian forces remained in the continental part.
The British are quick to say "that petty Argentine government manipulating those poor people" but almost all of us would agree with reciprocating the islander's attitude.
Stop threatening us with your military exercises, we haven't done anything to provoke it since democracy has been reinstalled. And stop acting like victims cause it's ridiculous and distasteful.
The conflict could be solved with an unified Argentina, with British islanders living in it and enjoying the civil right to travel from La Quiaca to Ushuaia and beyond. Argentina, the USA and the UK could go back to being strategic allies as well.
But the sad truth is that the later country benefits more from the conflict and prefers to keep it that way, as long as they can blame us.
The only reason you offered help was to garner and appropriate favour in an act of self service.
You illegally invaded and you expect them to pretend it never happened . You’re not to be trusted as a country.
Perhaps it's true that we cannot be trusted as a country, by the uk.
But despite being poor we have helped with what we could in the past. We fed your armies during ww2 : "A diplomatic mission by the British Lord Willingdon arranged commercial treaties whereby Argentina sent thousands of cattle to Britain at no charge, decorated with the Argentine colours and with the phrase "good luck" written on them. "
Perhaps it's true that we cannot be trusted as a country, by the uk.
But despite being poor we have helped with what we could in the past. We fed your armies during ww2 : "A diplomatic mission by the British Lord Willingdon arranged commercial treaties whereby Argentina sent thousands of cattle to Britain at no charge, decorated with the Argentine colours and with the phrase "good luck" written on them. "
It was "humanitarian help", not a IMF loan.
To say "There's British people living in Argentina" doesn't really support your argument here. There are doubtless people living in Britain who are of Argentine decent. Personally I think a lot of the British distrust in Argentina stems from two fairly major slaps in the face to British people. Yes, your illegal invasion of the islands is one part of that. But also your country's harbouring of fleeing high ranking Nazis at the end of...
To say "There's British people living in Argentina" doesn't really support your argument here. There are doubtless people living in Britain who are of Argentine decent. Personally I think a lot of the British distrust in Argentina stems from two fairly major slaps in the face to British people. Yes, your illegal invasion of the islands is one part of that. But also your country's harbouring of fleeing high ranking Nazis at the end of WWII would definitely be another. Anytime the Falklands islands come into question in Argentina it's not exactly portrayed as friendly conversation. Nationally you seem to view the islanders as interlopers, in spite of the historical evidence that Argentina "sold" the "Las Malvinas" to Britain hundreds of years ago.
British people settled in uninhabited islands now known as The Falkland Islands before Argentina even existed.
Actually, Argentina has the sixth largest community of jews. So that alone would break your point but you would have to prove your statements with evidence. Do you have evidence? As far as I'm concerned, the majority of nazi civilians went to the USA,a few high ranking officials went to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. We persecuted them and sended them to Germany to face justice.
If you are going to tell a story,...
Actually, Argentina has the sixth largest community of jews. So that alone would break your point but you would have to prove your statements with evidence. Do you have evidence? As far as I'm concerned, the majority of nazi civilians went to the USA,a few high ranking officials went to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. We persecuted them and sended them to Germany to face justice.
If you are going to tell a story, tell it complete. Perón was a fascist dictator, we are not to blame for his crimes, and the same goes for the military Junta.
Listen, I know you don't want to believe we actually are decent people so I'll stop commenting. But the islanders aren't "interlopers" to us, we are just strangers and I hope one day we could unite.
The average Argentinian is not interested in visiting a windswept rock where the local leisure centre is a sheep tied to a pole.
The only reason you offered help was to garner and appropriate favour in an act of self service.
You illegally invaded and you expect them to pretend it never happened . You’re not to be trusted as a country.
You can always take a dump in the post office
I don't think Falkland Islanders are imaginary.
Ummmmm......all these crazy commentors know that Argentina is also filled with European Colonizers....right? This is a stupid and mute point. The Falklands will always be British. Done. End of Story.
I have flown the Punta Arenas to Mt. Pleasant flight on LATAM via Rio Gallegos in Argentina. Not a single pax boarded or got off on the return flight.
Argentina would have Zero pax on its "domestic" route on Aerolineas Argentina because no Atgetine would dare travel to the Falklands because they are NOT welcome thete.
The British screwed over more than 75% of the world's population at one point. I don't see the reason as to why Argentina can't give them the middle finger back? Retaliation for your ancestors atrocities, now isn't that a B****?
Stupid comment and pointless
You only say that the British screwed over 75% of the world(which is crap, because the British empire was only 25% of the landmass) because you’re obviously an Anglophobic racist, and while it was the biggest empire ever, it was actually built more by trade, and we didn’t enforce our way of life or religion on any country, which is why there’s no real number of Indian christians, except for the ones who are related...
You only say that the British screwed over 75% of the world(which is crap, because the British empire was only 25% of the landmass) because you’re obviously an Anglophobic racist, and while it was the biggest empire ever, it was actually built more by trade, and we didn’t enforce our way of life or religion on any country, which is why there’s no real number of Indian christians, except for the ones who are related to mixed Anglo/Asian families………
And unlike the disgusting, kiddy fiddling roman catholic iberians(especially those sadistic twisted priests) who started the transatlantic slave trade, because they had slaughtered 90%, of the real indigenous peoples, of North, South and Central america, with their inhuman treatment, where they were worked, starved and beaten to death, in every part of their lives……………..
Maybe you should have explained first that mention of Cordoba. (It's the one in Argentina, and back in 2018 they were talking about a flight there from the islands.)
The Falklanders allow a humanitarian flight to/from Argentina every month; so that Argentine families can visit the Arg cemetery. They don't even require Argentines to apply for visas.
The Falklanders are simply are afraid that Arg, being jingoistic and hostile to their sovereignty, will nationally-subsidize any new BA until the current LATAM route (Chile) is uneconomically feasible and thus cancelled.
This they would be at the mercy of an openingly hostile foreign government...
The Falklanders allow a humanitarian flight to/from Argentina every month; so that Argentine families can visit the Arg cemetery. They don't even require Argentines to apply for visas.
The Falklanders are simply are afraid that Arg, being jingoistic and hostile to their sovereignty, will nationally-subsidize any new BA until the current LATAM route (Chile) is uneconomically feasible and thus cancelled.
This they would be at the mercy of an openingly hostile foreign government that would have a monopoly on their SA connections.
The LATAM route operates based on an international treaty from 1999 regardless, with Chile agreeing to run it at the behest of the Argentine and British governments. Its cancellation would not be based solely on economic factors, and the fact it's once a month is also a result of the treaty and not economics. It's likely unprofitable as-is.
Personally what you think should not have been mentioned. If you want to present the situation of some news and how it affects travel to/from a certain place that's one thing, but in reality this does not affect anyone's points or miles strategy and having your opinion just opens the answers for a political debate.
Stick to cheating at football like your hero, druggie Maradona. Its what you do best.
Argentina should be deeply ashamed of themselves for allowing so many Nazi mass murderers to escape to their country and be given protection after the war until the present day. You supported Hitler and his policies and provided his henchmen with 'ratlines' to escape Germany in 1945. Fact.
With the help of those disgusting kiddy fiddling roman catholics(who’re not alone, but they are doing far more to hide it), who handed out false papers for traveling, as well as money, and they housed them for months, until the coast was clear, because they knew that these nazis had slaughtered millions of innocent people, as well as the soldiers who had to fight them…………..
Which begs the question, if that behaviour(and abusing children,...
With the help of those disgusting kiddy fiddling roman catholics(who’re not alone, but they are doing far more to hide it), who handed out false papers for traveling, as well as money, and they housed them for months, until the coast was clear, because they knew that these nazis had slaughtered millions of innocent people, as well as the soldiers who had to fight them…………..
Which begs the question, if that behaviour(and abusing children, as well as enslaving women because they got pregnant outside of marriage) is what a good roman catholic christian does, then, why would any truly decent person, want to be one, or even support the evil system, which would obviously make them as bad as the evil which they support……
Right, they don’t allow flights from Argentina and are upset that Argentina blocks the airspace to them. Makes sense, as in the logic of a 3 year old. Let there be open skies for all (Argentina included) or don’t complain.
What country are you from, because I am wondering if your country(or if you would be happy, if they were told they have no choice) would accept your idea, that they shouldn’t be allowed to choose who can and can’t fly their planes into your country…r?…r?…r?…
And the answer is, obviously a resounding no, because your government(along with every other gov’ of the world) just wouldn’t accept that, and nor would the people…….
What country are you from, because I am wondering if your country(or if you would be happy, if they were told they have no choice) would accept your idea, that they shouldn’t be allowed to choose who can and can’t fly their planes into your country…r?…r?…r?…
And the answer is, obviously a resounding no, because your government(along with every other gov’ of the world) just wouldn’t accept that, and nor would the people…….
Which should be more than understandable, to anyone who has more than just a single brain cell to think with, especially if you know, that, that country, illegally and cowardly attacked an effectively undefended pastoral sovereign territory, without declaring war first……………..
And they trying to claim lands, which had never ever in history, been their lands, which is indisputable, because the people of the Falklands have been the people of the Falklands, for hundreds of longer than the argies have been argies…………
It is a paradox that the Falklanders complain for becoming isolated by Argentina decisión and not having allowed direct flight with one of the largest international airports in the region, in Buenos Aires. The only reason is ideological. Can’t see how they complain and what reason they may jhave to normalise business and trade, peace and prosperity. It’s like Taiwan not allowing direct flights to Beijing, or Gibraltar not wanting the Iberia direct flight to Madrid.
They’re complaining, because what the argies are doing, is the same as France not allowing flights from a third country to fly to the U.K., because of Brexshit, because they are stopping the flights from Chile too, which you would have known if you read and understood the article…!…!…!…
And, I am interested in knowing, wether your own country would allow, another country to force its unwanted planes/jets to be allowed to fly to...
They’re complaining, because what the argies are doing, is the same as France not allowing flights from a third country to fly to the U.K., because of Brexshit, because they are stopping the flights from Chile too, which you would have known if you read and understood the article…!…!…!…
And, I am interested in knowing, wether your own country would allow, another country to force its unwanted planes/jets to be allowed to fly to its airspace and land at its airports, after they had illegally and cowardly tried to invaded it…?…?…?…
Argentina is a total joke. A country that had everything to be a top world country but it people and politicians turned it into a disgrace. They dream that one day they will get the Falklands. They will keep dreaming forever.
It's very noticeable you don't know much about the history of the island and how they became a British colony. The same way the British empire had colonies everywhere else in the planet. That doesn't make it right.
The fact that a country is rich and powerful shouldn't be a good reason to take land wherever they want in total disregard if other countries soberan territory, Of course is easier to be critical of...
It's very noticeable you don't know much about the history of the island and how they became a British colony. The same way the British empire had colonies everywhere else in the planet. That doesn't make it right.
The fact that a country is rich and powerful shouldn't be a good reason to take land wherever they want in total disregard if other countries soberan territory, Of course is easier to be critical of third world countries which can't and are not aloud to compete with first world countries.
So easy to give cheap opinions
MGB, firstly; you have a funny avatar moniker for someone who hates Britain. . ..
Secondly; you are obviously ignorant of the real history of the Falklands, because the people who live there, are descendants of the very first people in the history of the world to call the islands home, which means that THEY(unlike the argies) are actually the indigenous people of the Falkland Islands, and they were a sovereign(correct spelling) country hundreds...
MGB, firstly; you have a funny avatar moniker for someone who hates Britain. . ..
Secondly; you are obviously ignorant of the real history of the Falklands, because the people who live there, are descendants of the very first people in the history of the world to call the islands home, which means that THEY(unlike the argies) are actually the indigenous people of the Falkland Islands, and they were a sovereign(correct spelling) country hundreds of years before argentina was even thought about. . .. …
Thirdly; not only are they the indigenous people of the islands, but they have been their for hundreds of years longer, than the argies have been argies. . .. …
Fourthly; the argies are basically spanish by descent, with very little if any South American Indian blood(because the spanish slaughtered at least 90% of the indigenous people, from 1492, until the spanish started the transatlantic slave trade in the early fifteen hundreds), which means that by your argument, they shouldn’t even be in argentina………
I was based on the Falkland Islands for a year between 1997 and 1998. Wonderful place with great people, who are firmly Falklanders and British in their heritage. Apart from the flights from South America, there is also a flight chartered by the Royal Air Force from the U.K. at least twice a week from RAF Brize Norton (BZN) to RAF Mount Pleasant (MPN). When I used the flight it was operated by RAF L1011...
I was based on the Falkland Islands for a year between 1997 and 1998. Wonderful place with great people, who are firmly Falklanders and British in their heritage. Apart from the flights from South America, there is also a flight chartered by the Royal Air Force from the U.K. at least twice a week from RAF Brize Norton (BZN) to RAF Mount Pleasant (MPN). When I used the flight it was operated by RAF L1011 Tristars but is now operated by civilian airline contractors. I’m not sure who the current contractor is but I think it’s operated by an A330. The flight stops at Wideawake Airfield on Ascension Island (ASI) en route.
This flight, although military, can be booked by civilians too.
The “airbridge” is operated by AirTanker, and currently stops in Cabo Verde.
Banning Aerolineas Argentinas out of London might be a solution, except... that AR doesn't fly to London. They are not banned, they just do not have the resources.
The hostility saga between Argentina and the UK, with Argentina always being the aggressor or the yapping lapdog depending on the situation's gravity, is not limited to Air Services or to the Flaklands war:
In 1947, during Eva (Evita) Peron's trip to Europe, the London stop...
Banning Aerolineas Argentinas out of London might be a solution, except... that AR doesn't fly to London. They are not banned, they just do not have the resources.
The hostility saga between Argentina and the UK, with Argentina always being the aggressor or the yapping lapdog depending on the situation's gravity, is not limited to Air Services or to the Flaklands war:
In 1947, during Eva (Evita) Peron's trip to Europe, the London stop was cancelled because the King and Queen "only" invited her for Tea, whereas she had demanded a State banquet. At the time, the famous Harrods store in London had only one international branch, in Buenos Aires. Evita's revenge, when she returned, was to nationalize and confiscate the Buenos Aires Harrods on Calle Florida. It never re-opened and is still there, 75 years later, closed, decrepit and unused.
The UK has a long history of colonialism and this is a hangover from that era. Maybe the Falklanders should be repatriated to the UK and the problem is solved.
Should 35% of Argentinians be sent back to Spain, and another 45% be sent back to Italy too?
I wouldn’t mind knowing where you are from, because you don’t seem to be British, and I am wondering if you are from a country that has never expanded or had people emigrate to another part of the world, because if you don’t come from that imaginary country, do you think that all of those immigrants should be returned back to your country???
Where do you come from, that means that your country hasn’t done the same, and do you want everyone to be returned to your country, or is this a racist thing???
Pathetic politicians
Seems like the government in Falklands is to blame. They are refusing flights to Argentina, so why should Argentina accommodate them?
I am sure the UK will give them the right to use all the UK airspace they want...
How is this not about reciprocity? The Falklands assembly refuses permission for an EZE-MPN flight and complains when the Argentinians turn around and deny MPN-GRU. Is it petty? Yes. But diplomatic spats are almost always petty.
Good laughs at “This latest move is yet another attempt to isolate us from South America”
They’re literally refusing to be part of South America.
That's what happen when your propaganda effectively brainwash the settlement to remain dependent and loyal to the Empire.
No need for 2nd amendment.
Only Ameriacns should concern themselves with the 2nd Amendment. For the non-American world (everybody else) it's about as relevant as you are. OUCH!
Are you truly that imbecilic, that you think that the people of the Falklands are brainwashed, because you are imbecilic and uneducated enough to not know that there’s no British empire, and there hasn’t been for coming on for a hundred years now…………..
Or is it, that you are just a racist, who is picking on the British(when there’s empires that are subjugating people today, and they are being kept from their own lands),...
Are you truly that imbecilic, that you think that the people of the Falklands are brainwashed, because you are imbecilic and uneducated enough to not know that there’s no British empire, and there hasn’t been for coming on for a hundred years now…………..
Or is it, that you are just a racist, who is picking on the British(when there’s empires that are subjugating people today, and they are being kept from their own lands), because you think it’s low hanging fruit, and that you won’t be called out for it………….
Because you are either a septic or a commie, to have a right to use that avatar name, otherwise you are also stealing someone else’s identity………..
All the comments, yet we still criticize Russia and Ukraine?
Who’s criticising Ukraine?!
@Polar Bear
This is exactly how propaganda works.
Polar Bear 1 Eskimo 0……….
You do understand that the similarities between Ukraine and russia in as much as this war is concerned, don’t you(r?), because it’s just like the argies attacking the Falklands, because both the Falklands and Ukraine were sovereign countries before their attackers became countries……………….
@Jowan Marghak
Propaganda 2 Eskimo 0……….
Do you even understand sovereign vs territory.
This isn't even about independence or sovereignty. It's driven by geopolitics.
Totally agree with you. The Argentinian people actually don’t care, the government uses this as a political pawn. Very petty of the Argies!!
Biggest mistake the British made was not continuing to the mainland when they beat their 'invasion' :D
The Argentine claim on the islands are not that strong but does appear to have some logic. Their claim to the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia, however, is baseless, in my opinion.
Argentina is too weak militarily. They don't even have a usable force of fighter jets anymore.
Instead, they should push for Argentine economic links and travel. Eventually, they should push for medium term settlement followed by long term permanent residence by...
The Argentine claim on the islands are not that strong but does appear to have some logic. Their claim to the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia, however, is baseless, in my opinion.
Argentina is too weak militarily. They don't even have a usable force of fighter jets anymore.
Instead, they should push for Argentine economic links and travel. Eventually, they should push for medium term settlement followed by long term permanent residence by Argentine. Then take over by the ballot box.
And exactly why should a sovereign territory allow a younger territory take it over???
And where do you live, that makes you think that this couldn’t be applied to your country, because the human race started in what is now Africa, and you are basically suggesting that we all go back there, if we cannot be surreptitiously be forced to except a corrupt government from a younger territory, that has no legitimate claims on...
And exactly why should a sovereign territory allow a younger territory take it over???
And where do you live, that makes you think that this couldn’t be applied to your country, because the human race started in what is now Africa, and you are basically suggesting that we all go back there, if we cannot be surreptitiously be forced to except a corrupt government from a younger territory, that has no legitimate claims on the older indigenous peoples territory, because none of its people lived there………
Which is a return to the bad old days, when the bigger country did as they want a bugger what is right, and everyone else too, because you’re saying that russia is in the right, because they used the same tactics of flooding an area with agents to cause a reason, wether it is a stuffed ballot box(which you say they should try to do) or if it is an outright lie to give a false reason to invade………….
Ben you should put more effort into your GCmap photos
When you customize the settings/appearance on the site, they become part of the URL address so you only need to do it once if you bookmark the page
Best Newsweek cover, ever.
"The Empire Strikes Back"
Google "Newsweek Falklands cover" to enjoy.
Las Malvinas, have a little respect for someone who considers themsleves a world traveler.
The correct name is the Falkland Islands please show dome respect yourself.
Aaron, surely you know that while the correct name in Spanish is Islas Malvinas", the correct name in English is Falkland Islands. And this article is written in English.
Islas Malvinas
You seem very confused there is a Isla Malvinas but it's in Chile. Malvinas Islands (Chile) - Wikipedia
Just another place that the UK have to go, “colonize” and make a mess out of it. Incredible…
Pretty much almost every conflict in the world has had the UK finger in it…
So strong of you to stand up for the indigenous people of the Falkland islands. They are a proud, imaginary people.
Altogether now, "George-y is a wanker, george-y is a wanker, nah nah nahnah"
@George: As Wolfgang Pauli said in a different context, "That is not only not right; it is not even wrong." I can only suggest you educate yourself on the history of the Falklands.
What like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, NZ, Canada, USA, Kula Lumpar? All ex British governed and doing very well thanks to the British.
George you talk rubbish. You would be talking German or not exist right now had the British not intervened with Hitler when nobody esle either could or would. So get your facts straight.
I need to remind you of Dunkirk in 1940 The BEF was kicked out from continental Europe. The Britush army did not come back before the Soviet army had made mincemeat of the bulk of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS. And who was it that equipped UK with airplanes, tanks,ships, destroyers, food, ammunition, rawmaterials,oil, medicals etc,etc? Without USA UK would have remained sitting on the island. Just like they threw Poland to the nazis in...
I need to remind you of Dunkirk in 1940 The BEF was kicked out from continental Europe. The Britush army did not come back before the Soviet army had made mincemeat of the bulk of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS. And who was it that equipped UK with airplanes, tanks,ships, destroyers, food, ammunition, rawmaterials,oil, medicals etc,etc? Without USA UK would have remained sitting on the island. Just like they threw Poland to the nazis in 1939 when they did niot dare to attack Germany who was busy bombing Poland to the stoneage.
@George: you clearly do not have the faintest clue about the men, women, and children that populate the Falkland Islands…the Kelpers; but also incomers from many other countries, who have chosen to live and work there.
I am a very proud holder of the South Atlantic Medal (with Rosette), and have been privileged to be able to revisit the islands on three subsequent occasions: the first two – in 1985 and 2007 – whilst still...
@George: you clearly do not have the faintest clue about the men, women, and children that populate the Falkland Islands…the Kelpers; but also incomers from many other countries, who have chosen to live and work there.
I am a very proud holder of the South Atlantic Medal (with Rosette), and have been privileged to be able to revisit the islands on three subsequent occasions: the first two – in 1985 and 2007 – whilst still serving in the Royal Navy, and then just last June, when I stayed in Stanley for almost a fortnight…
Quite honestly, marching through the city with fellow South Atlantic Medal holders on 14 June, loudly cheered on by hundreds of locals – who see this as probably the most important day on their calendar, was hugely emotional. To then arrive at the Town Hall, just in time to listen to the proclamation from Her Majesty The Queen, conferring City status upon Stanley was epic; then hearing the Freedom of the Falkland Islands being conferred upon all South Atlantic Medal holders was utterly incredible!
So what else did I find during my visit? I found that industry is thriving! As well as fisheries and tourism, traditional farming continues to flourish: their beef and lamb is the best I’ve ever tasted – bar none, and locally-brewed beers and locally-distilled gins are utterly delicious! During my stay, I was delighted to see how the Falklanders have bounced back, and I deeply felt their strength of will in seeking to improve their collective lot. That is what self-determination is all about: the freedom to do exactly as THEY choose…and they choose to be Falklanders, first and foremost, and to remain firmly under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. I always had strong feelings for the Kelpers, but my most recent visit completely reinforced them, and they have – deservedly – earned my deepest, everlasting, respect.
Desire the Right
I was there in early Jan as part of an Antartica Expedition. It is an amazing place but a referendum clearly showed the folk preferred to remain as part of GB. No great shock as the residents are primarily British.
I also did a tour of some of the war sites where the helicopters were shot down. Hopefully things do not escalate again. After my trip I flew back to Buenos Aires. When asked...
I was there in early Jan as part of an Antartica Expedition. It is an amazing place but a referendum clearly showed the folk preferred to remain as part of GB. No great shock as the residents are primarily British.
I also did a tour of some of the war sites where the helicopters were shot down. Hopefully things do not escalate again. After my trip I flew back to Buenos Aires. When asked where I had been, I was careful to say Isla Malvinas (plus Antarctica etc). It it definitely still a sensitive subject.
Was in BsAs a few years ago - "Las Malvinas" are a very sensitive topic. Not uncommon to see them referred to as "Nuestras Malvinas..." (Our Malvinas)
Every convenience store in Buenos Aires still sells Argentinian flags with the caption "Las Malvinas Son Argentinas". About the same as what the Spaniards think and say of Gibraltar when asked, but the Spanish people seem to have moved on since 1713 and the Utrecht Treaty.
The Spaniards need to look at Ceuta and Mellilla !
Ben, a useful GCMap trick you can use next time, though it is not needed here as all the airport codes are explained in the article body. This will be useful for readers if there are multiple airports with unfamiliar codes.
Scroll down to the Map Controls section, and under Markers, choose the last option: disc + IATA/best + city name. This is the one I prefer, though there are other options. Then click Draw...
Ben, a useful GCMap trick you can use next time, though it is not needed here as all the airport codes are explained in the article body. This will be useful for readers if there are multiple airports with unfamiliar codes.
Scroll down to the Map Controls section, and under Markers, choose the last option: disc + IATA/best + city name. This is the one I prefer, though there are other options. Then click Draw Map. The resulting map will show the names of the cities along with the airport code, in this case PUQ (Punta Arenas), MPN (Mount Pleasant), RGL (Rio Gallegos).
Something that I feel will be very useful for your long-planned Canadian Arctic adventure, where every airport code begins with Y!
Or just Google "airport XXX" !
There is an “air bridge” service from RAF Brize Norton to the island which is available and perhaps worthy of a trip review but alas no business class and a long flight stopping at the Ascension Island for re fuel.
Can the general public buy a seat on this service?
Yes full details can be found here;
Yes but it's very expensive and goes from Brize Norton a military airbase about 30km west of Oxford.As a bonus however you can get an Ascension Island passport stamp to add to the Falkland Islands one.I think that it refuels at Ascension and everyone has to get off.
I recently was told that this is unique in being a commercial flight operated by an air force. Is that right?
Mostly service personnel on the route but they do allow civilians to travel, I think a similar arrangement is in place for flights to Diego Garcia ( another British Overseas Territory)
I thought that civilian travel on the RAF flight to the Falklands is permitted but tourist travel to Diego Garcia is forbidden.
My understanding the U.K. has to offer travel for the displaced indigenous population who want to visit but as the U.K. lease the Archipelago to the US any visitors need to be cleared by them.
It may be unique today, but it’s nothing new to the RAF, because they ran the Britain to Sweden flights from 1940ish which used the wooden wonder(Mosie’s) and the passengers had to travel in the bomb bay, and wear an oxygen mask at all times………….
And the famous physicist Niels Bohr escaped to Britain on board one of these flights, and he nearly died when they were attacked by the nazis, and he nearly died from his misuse of his oxygen mask……….
They no longer stop at Acesion Island. They now stop in Cape Verde. It is possible for civilans to book these tickets, but the flights are long, very cold, and cost over $2500 one way usually.
The Cape Verde stop was always intended to be temporary while the runway on Ascension was updated, that work was completed a few months ago so I assume flights will once again resume via Ascension.
Flights, operated by AirTanker, are still routing via Cabo Verde. The cost, last May, was £1560 (FIG rate – perhaps more for this that do not qualify for this).
Whilst seating is single class, it seems that VIPs are seated in for’d part of the cabin, which offers a bit more space – but no alcohol is served, and there are no Duty Free sales. @Jackson is completely wrong, though: the flights are not “very cold”, given that AirTanker fly Voyager A330 MRTT aircraft.
I feel pretty sure they don't have private rooms for first class passengers so we'll never see a review here! :)
But they do have individual air nozzles!
I'm pretty sure Ben doesn't fly coach.