American Airlines has made a minor but noteworthy improvement to first class on its domestic redeye flights, which I’m happy to see.
In this post:
American adds pillows & blankets on some first class flights
Going back many years, it was standard to have a pillow and blanket in first class on virtually any domestic flight. Over time, the scale of this was greatly reduced, and then the pandemic caused even more cuts.
Since the start of the pandemic, American hasn’t offered pillows and blankets in first class on any “standard” domestic flights (the exception is “premium” domestic routes, as well as flights to Hawaii).
Along those lines, there’s a positive development, as flagged by View from the Wing. American has started providing pillows and blankets on domestic transcontinental redeye flights.
As of now, these are the only flights to see the return of blankets and pillows. Admittedly these are the flights most in need of pillows and blankets, given how tough it can be to actually get comfortable on redeyes, without a flat bed.
While a random tangent, I am curious about the “flow” of these pillows and blankets through the network. Typically airlines offer pillows and blankets in both directions of travel, so there are always roughly the right number of pillows and blankets at a particular station.
In this case, pillows and blankets are being offered west to east, so how are they getting from east to west? Is the airline “catering” these on the East Coast, but only using them for the return? Or how are they being shipped to the West Coast?

I really miss consistent pillows & blankets
I’m happy to see American bringing back pillows and blankets on some flights. Maybe it’s just me, but I very much value pillows and blankets on any flights. In particular, they help with getting comfortable, whether it’s using them for lower back support, or just trying to get as cozy as possible for sleeping.
It is interesting how American has added back pillows and blankets on some flights, but hasn’t made any sort of announcement about it. It’s rare to see American investing in its inflight product, so you’d think the airline would at least highlight this…

Bottom line
American is once again offering pillows and blankets on domestic transcon flights. While a far cry from back in the day, when virtually all first class flights had them, this is the best we’ve seen in several years. I’m happy to see this change, and hope we see it eventually rolled out to more flights.
What do you make of American bringing back pillows and blankets on some flights?
During the pandemic I flew LAX/MIA redeyes often. All full. DL and UA were basically shut down. The stations had issues. MIA always had pillows and blankets while LAX only had them when we called cabin service. We had 55 business class sleeper seats on that plane. We needed the kit.
My solution... always avoid US domestic red-eyes, even with a flat bed. Same could be said JFK-LHR (yes, yes, I know the schedules well).
I only take daytime flights if at all possible. Long-haul is a different matter.
Ditto what’s written above. I can remember when blankets and pillows offered on coach. I also remember when coach was more comfortable. But maybe i was younger? Wonder if seats have shrunk or I’ve gotten larger.
Ditto - difficulty of getting comfortable in AA first class seats that don’t recline. Took red eye from LAX to Charlotte. Horrible.
American does provide bedding even in economy for international flights over 2000 miles even on narrowbodies. Flew Miami-Lima daytime flight on A321neo and there was bedding and full meals included
I fly coach, 99%. I always take a large coat or (packs tiny) one of those foil- looking heat shields. Because it gets cold and airline blankets are gross. My flight attendant daughter says they are not washed.
So the 2 LAX-DFW red eyes will also have blankets in F? I wasn’t sure if there was a time minimum to this or not?
I hope so but based on the statement, no.
It's a huge comment on things: Big News: an airline offers blankets and pillows to the very few in 1st Class on long flights. I'm so old, I can remember when they routinely did that in Coach!!
I think this addresses Ben’s observation that AA hasn’t announced this change. Pretty savvy on AA’s part…imagine the ridicule they’d get if they made this seem like a big deal. Hope this trend continues.
Delta used to offer blankets even in economy on red-eye flights until COVID on outstation routes like LAX-IND. Seems like a bigger “catering” hurdle for 180 blankets one-way to an outstation than 16 First Class pillows and blankets
I"d be more concerned if these amenities will be properly sanitized before each use. It wasn't long ago when that AA flight diverted due to lice. A sad but not surprising commentary on the caliber of trash on board airlines these days ( and I'm not referring to the pesky critters ! )
Actually quite a surprise, considering their attitude towards serving their clients. Sounds like they try to get away with as little as their clients will tolerate. Such as meal service,
It's good to see pillows/blankets on the all-nighter. But still not across the board. Plus, passengers in coach get cold. Need some basic comforts. Even long haul all-nighter Hawaii flights, business and PE get pillows/blankets, but coach does not. Unbalanced and unfair for late night trips.
Interesting question about the amentity “flow.” It would make sense if they started offering these on their latest westward transcon flights (what I’ve always called pink-eye flights) such as the ~8-9pm flights from MIA/PHL/BOS to LAX. With typical wheels up to wheels down between 5 and 6 hours, you’re not arriving on the West Coast until ~2-3am East Coast time and they’re usually very mellow flights with people sleeping for much of it. (Well, maybe...
Interesting question about the amentity “flow.” It would make sense if they started offering these on their latest westward transcon flights (what I’ve always called pink-eye flights) such as the ~8-9pm flights from MIA/PHL/BOS to LAX. With typical wheels up to wheels down between 5 and 6 hours, you’re not arriving on the West Coast until ~2-3am East Coast time and they’re usually very mellow flights with people sleeping for much of it. (Well, maybe not on your Friday night TPA-LAX from a little while back, lol). That would be the simplest way to keep your stock properly positioned, but who knows if we’ll see that. I’m disappointed to not see them offer these on mid-con red-eyes but maybe that’s next.
This logistics problem is very real if not properly thought out and managed. Back in 2010-2012, Amtrak had a directional menu on their long haul trains. It was a nightmare because too many trains headed towards Chicago served New York steaks, while trains leaving Chicago were serving IIRC Hanger steaks, among many other one-way menu items. The end result was they were having to issue the off-menu stock to trains out of Chicago to get out of the warehouse, and passengers would be disappointed when offered something not on the menu. It was such a hassle they went to the unified “National” menu sometime in 2013 and haven’t gone back.
Was always kind of sad they were provided in F considering that United has blankets in Economy on all domestic redeye flights, Hawaii flights, and EWR-LAX/SFO.
It seems like American finally decided to improve to catch up. They will never be Singapore airlines, but I'm glad to see many small positive changes recently.