An Alaska Airlines passenger was kicked off a recent flight from Portland to Las Vegas, and I’m not sure what exactly to make of this story…
In this post:
Why a passenger got kicked off an Alaska Airlines flight
An Alaska Airlines passenger named Kandace is “livid” and is calling on flight attendants to be fired after a recent incident she had on a flight from Portland to Las Vegas. According to the passenger’s version of events:
- Kandace and her three colleagues had enjoyed some drinks at the airport bar; Kandace claims that she had one and a half mimosas prior to boarding the plane
- Once on the plane, Kandace went to the lavatory prior to departure; even though she claims to be a pretty frequent flyer, she said she didn’t know how airplane bathrooms work, so she asked the flight attendant for help
- The flight attendant explained that she should go in there and then lock the door, and the light would come on automatically, but when she went into the bathroom, she claims the light didn’t come on, so she asked the flight attendant for help
- She was also on the phone in the lavatory talking to her colleagues, as two of them were booked on a different flight; she claims to have stayed in the bathroom for around 10 minutes
- When she exited the bathroom, the flight attendant repeatedly asked her if she was okay
- Kandace claims she told the flight attendant “I mean I did have a drink at the bar, but who doesn’t? There are literally bars at the airport. I had a mimosa… well, one and a half, I didn’t even finish the second one because I had to get to the gate”
- Once she returned to her seat, Kandace was approached by an Alaska Airlines employee, who was at first confused, and assuming she had approached the wrong person, since Kandace seemed normal; however, after checking with the flight attendant, she confirmed that Kandace was the one who should be removed from the plane
- Kandace assumed this was a joke, and claims to have asked her four times if she’s kidding, but she was informed that the decision had already been made
- After being removed from the plane, the flight attendant allegedly accused her of “slurring her words” and whispering “I’m drink, shhh,” which Kandace denies
Kandace’s original flight was at 5:30PM, and she was rebooked on a flight departing at 10PM, so she had to wait at the airport for over four hours.
You can watch the TikTok video for yourself here, though note that it contains some bad language.

My take on this Alaska Airlines incident
Admittedly we only have one side of the story here, though based on what we do know, I have a few thoughts.
First of all, I’m not sure how much later the video at the airport was recorded, but she seems okay to me, and doesn’t seem drunk.
Second of all, I can’t help but wonder if this was maybe just a big misunderstanding. The traveler’s behavior was no doubt a bit unusual, as she spent 10 minutes in the lavatory, didn’t know how the lavatory worked, and (innocently) admitted to the flight attendant that she had been drinking.
I can understand how the flight attendant would logically link this behavior to someone who may have been drinking a lot before a flight. Ultimately flight attendants can have people removed from a flight if they find behavior to be strange, and there’s no judge and jury, but rather flight attendants are supposed to use their best judgment.
Do flight attendants sometimes take this to the extreme, go on power trips, and/or do a poor job deescalating situations? Absolutely. But I’m not necessarily sure this is one of those situations.

Bottom line
An Alaska Airlines passenger was kicked off a flight from Portland to Las Vegas, after the flight attendant reportedly thought she was drunk. This came after the traveler didn’t know how to use the lavatory, then spent 10 minutes in the lavatory during boarding (largely on the phone), and then admitted to the flight attendant she had some drinks at the airport bar.
I’m not sure what exactly to make of this situation, though I get the sense that this might just be a case of a misunderstanding where no one necessarily did something wrong. Maybe the traveler wasn’t actually drunk, but rather just exhibited strange behavior that could reasonably be interpreted as having had too much to drink. Meanwhile flight attendants have to make quick decisions on the ground regarding whether someone may have had too much to drink, and I can see how the behavior exhibited could arouse suspicion.
What do you make of this Alaska Airlines incident?
Maybe they should have done a breathalyzer test , and prove she was
So you write about travel and you don't think the lady was drunk or see a problem with not being able to open a door on a plane? What if they had to evacuate? Ridiculous, just like the clickbait title. Change it to "Woman who underestimated her liquor intake was removed from flight". If the title was that though, no one would read it because this happens every day. If you are running out of...
So you write about travel and you don't think the lady was drunk or see a problem with not being able to open a door on a plane? What if they had to evacuate? Ridiculous, just like the clickbait title. Change it to "Woman who underestimated her liquor intake was removed from flight". If the title was that though, no one would read it because this happens every day. If you are running out of stuff to write about, write about how all the rules in planes came about. They are written in blood.
14 CFR 91.17:
b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
If it’s true the passenger whispered to the flight attendant “I’m drunk,” and they’re already exhibiting behavior that sounds like it would...
14 CFR 91.17:
b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft.
If it’s true the passenger whispered to the flight attendant “I’m drunk,” and they’re already exhibiting behavior that sounds like it would back that statement up…the crew has no choice. It’s against the law to transport that passenger. For you to say a flight attendant can have someone removed at any time…that’s a bit of a misnomer. It’s ALWAYS done in conjunction and cooperation with not only the captain, but also the local complaint resolution officer (LCCR). It can even be elevated to the corporate level if the situation requires. Already drunk people when they board a plane are a recipe for disaster…whether or not they announce it themselves or if it’s just obvious. We’ve all seen it. Seriously doubt this flight attendant was on a “power trip.”
Hard to say about this one, but I love Alaska Airlines because they don't put up with any crap.
Quite frankly a lot of these flight attendants are on power trips it just happened to my family while we have autism kids when we've done nothing wrong they are very rude especially the flight attendants that go from Hawaii to Alaska thank God for the younger flight attendants that try so hard to help calm these situations when they're rude they have way too much power they need to reduce the federal law just...
Quite frankly a lot of these flight attendants are on power trips it just happened to my family while we have autism kids when we've done nothing wrong they are very rude especially the flight attendants that go from Hawaii to Alaska thank God for the younger flight attendants that try so hard to help calm these situations when they're rude they have way too much power they need to reduce the federal law just install cameras on the plane this way when there's an issue in the police come on they can arrest the woman for making a false report because this happens all the f****** time let's hope they fire the flight attendant because this s*** happens all the time
More than likely the passenger alcoholic drink hit her somewhat, but not enough to know she had to use the restroom. Why would anyone drink alcohol when flying, is inconsiderate, and provoking problems. Then again, if this woman was a middle aged white first class passenger, she would’ve been treated differently even if she had a few drinks.
What ever happened to the day that you could bring your own bottle (5th or pint).
We never had an issue. You put a bar in an airport and expect nobody is going to partake in some liquid courage.
It's like an hour and half flight,she wasn't belligerent,or causing trouble. No need for her to be kicked off the flight!!
How do you not know how the bathroom works? Esp for a frequent flyer!?! But if shes on the phone talking for 10 mins b4 take off, i would think that was the issue. They may have assumed she was talking to herself too. But who goes into the bathroom b4 take off & spends that much time? Other passengers may need to go too
Frequent traveler but doesn’t know how to use the bathroom and spent ten minutes yakking on her phone? The captain has the final say to bump someone off the plane.
There is a law that you can be taken off the flight if you appear to be intoxicated.... If you've traveled before you know that that button has lit up behind the toilet is a flush buttand when you lock the door the lights are supposed to come on and sometimes they're faulty but you cannot stay in the bathroom 10 minutes during boarding loudly talking on the phone.... Passengers have gotten to a point...
There is a law that you can be taken off the flight if you appear to be intoxicated.... If you've traveled before you know that that button has lit up behind the toilet is a flush buttand when you lock the door the lights are supposed to come on and sometimes they're faulty but you cannot stay in the bathroom 10 minutes during boarding loudly talking on the phone.... Passengers have gotten to a point where they think they have more rights than the rest of passengers on the airplane and flight attendants can be on power trips, that I will not deny.... As a crew member if I take you off the airplane I have federal laws that backup my decision.... I ride it up and it goes to the company and it goes to the FAA....
These days, airline attendents with the pilot have to make quick safety decisions because of increasing bad behavior on planes. Yeah, if it quacks and acts like a duck, they have to assume its a drunken "duck". Get'm off that flight before the flight takes off.
One thing that I don't see after wading thru all of the comments is the actual policy on intoxicated passengers. The fact is that the FAA prohibits airlines from boarding anyone who even appears to be intoxicated.
The airlines usually have questions of the passenger before making the call to deplane that individual, but if they even appear to be under the influence, they have to be removed, regardless.
Agree just someone else that wants their compensation. The video is only her summary of the story after the event and not what happened. She also took things out of context. The flight attendant asking if she is okay was not about being drunk but rather about the amount of time she spent in the bathroom. By the way apparently she has not taken long flights as she could not hold it that long... This...
Agree just someone else that wants their compensation. The video is only her summary of the story after the event and not what happened. She also took things out of context. The flight attendant asking if she is okay was not about being drunk but rather about the amount of time she spent in the bathroom. By the way apparently she has not taken long flights as she could not hold it that long... This said, what's interesting is it rarely happens in Europe, Mid East, or Asia. Mostly US these incidents happen.
I love Alaska Airlines. I would like to hear their side of the story
Yea, we're getting one side from a possibly drunk person who can't recall any or all the actual facts and is playing the victim.
This is the possible or more likely scenario also: Slurring words passenger is so drunk she cannot figure out where the bathroom is ON A PLANE or how the door works. Then sits inside for 10 minutes (for all the FA knows, she is in there throwing up) - all BEFORE...
Yea, we're getting one side from a possibly drunk person who can't recall any or all the actual facts and is playing the victim.
This is the possible or more likely scenario also: Slurring words passenger is so drunk she cannot figure out where the bathroom is ON A PLANE or how the door works. Then sits inside for 10 minutes (for all the FA knows, she is in there throwing up) - all BEFORE the plane takes off. Or the FA can hear her taking s*** loudly on the phone as a drunk person ... Who needs to use a bathroom for 10 minutes as boarding is still going on??
She even admits she had so little time before arriving and boarding she could not slam down 2 drinks so basically, she should have been at the gate instead of trying to slam down 2 drinks.
My verdict? Drunk ass clown got the boot because from her loud phone call, she is a loud belligerent drunk and will just cause a diversion. Get sober AT THE AIRPORT. Let the other 200 people get where they are going.
Not going to wade through the insufferable comments to see if anyone has pointed out that it would be the captain's decision to eject the pax, not a power-tripping FA. Cap has sole authority for such decisions once pax are on the plane (even at gate). Can FA and gate agent influence the captain's decision? Sure. Do we have any way of knowing what happened here? Nope.
I think alot of unruly people do so for the notoriety, it's all about content for their web sites.....thinking they'll get away with it
I think that she spent way too much time in the bathroom before takeoff. Also, who spends time on the phone while in the bathroom? Amateur hour. Personally, I think she was racially profiled & the FA’s thought she might be an issue during the flight.
NEVER tell a flight crew member you had a drink.
Nothing good can come from it.
That's odd ... I get served drinks on the airplane by flight attendants. Soooooo,how am I supposed to tell them that I didn't have a drink???
I think that airlines personel are getting out of hand.
I usually don't get into writing online comments but I saw Candace's video. She was coherent, poised and very measured in her delivery. She was in control of herself and made sense. Obviously she didn't wait for hours after the event to make and post the video. Those are my views. I wasn't there, but you can't be drunk and be such be such a good actor at the same time. It seems the Flight...
I usually don't get into writing online comments but I saw Candace's video. She was coherent, poised and very measured in her delivery. She was in control of herself and made sense. Obviously she didn't wait for hours after the event to make and post the video. Those are my views. I wasn't there, but you can't be drunk and be such be such a good actor at the same time. It seems the Flight attendant simply overeacted. Unfortunately we live in an age when people do not readily admit their mistake and this can be costly.
Some alcoholics can be pretty skilled at masking their state of intoxication when the situation calls for it.
Sounds like all airlines and airports should start prohibiting alcohol because having some drink whilst still staying sober is considered as ‘masking state of intoxication’ according to some individuals.
I am a living legend of that statement. Question is, how would you know? Never mind, I'll just assume you have experience.
Alcoholics sound fine an hour later and can't remember or pretend they can't remember.
Interesting that Alaska Air is trying to get customers through the gate in 5 minutes
or less, and apparently trying to improve the customer experience! Maybe Alaska Airlines should invest in customer sensitivity training for their flight first.
I think the the flight attendent was totally wrong on this one! After all - its not like Kandace was going to be driving a vehicle on the highway. And she certainly seemed calm, coherent...
Interesting that Alaska Air is trying to get customers through the gate in 5 minutes
or less, and apparently trying to improve the customer experience! Maybe Alaska Airlines should invest in customer sensitivity training for their flight first.
I think the the flight attendent was totally wrong on this one! After all - its not like Kandace was going to be driving a vehicle on the highway. And she certainly seemed calm, coherent and not intoxicated to me as she recorded the Tik-Tok video right after she had just been forced to leave the aircraft. I would have been upset.
As for asking the flight attendent for help with the lavatoy - the light did not come on!!! I have seen this occur as well, and I don't feel like you should be labeled as intoxicated because you asked the crew for assistance.
It would be interesting to know if the flight was oversold - and someone else took her seat, or did they fly with one more empty seat?
Any time a person resorts to defending their behavior with an explanation of the amount of alcohol consumed, is putting a target on their own back!
All Tik Tok people should be banned from flights IMO. So long Karen or whatever your name is.
Just another whiner that wants her 15 minutes of fame.
I have stopped flying because airlines, flight attendants and security have become nothing but bullies. There is NO customer service. I would fly about once a month for years. I haven't been on a plane now since 2008.
I'm not sure how you can have a perspective on what flight attendant and security people have become when you haven't flown for 15 years.
If you haven’t flown for 15 years, why are you reading a frequent flier blog?
Ben is pretty level headed and I like to hear from a neutral party when an incident arises. If you've ever been on the other end of a flight attendant on a power trip or extremely snarky, it's helpful to hear of others that had similar experiences. If you don't like the topic he wrote about, then skip it.
10 minutes in the bathroom before pushback? And on the phone? I would kick her off too.
My thoughts exactly. Most people do anything within their power to minimize the time they spend in an aircraft lavatory (Emirates First Class showers, a different case). I would have thought that if she finds it as disgusting as she said, she'd be in and out - definitely not use it to make calls...
Being in the toilet for 10 mins prior to push back and being on the phone is definitely something that...
My thoughts exactly. Most people do anything within their power to minimize the time they spend in an aircraft lavatory (Emirates First Class showers, a different case). I would have thought that if she finds it as disgusting as she said, she'd be in and out - definitely not use it to make calls...
Being in the toilet for 10 mins prior to push back and being on the phone is definitely something that I would consider suspect. I don't want to speculate on this particular person (she didn't seem drunk at all to me); my interpretation of the situation was that the crew assumed she went to the bathroom to consume some pre-Vegas recreational drugs, and weren't terribly excited to take off with that risk on board.
Lesson for all of us I guess.
I am Kandace Hunter, the individual this story was written about & THERE IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE DETAILS IN THIS STORY..MY WORDS TO THAT PARTICULAR FLIGHT ATTENDANT INCLUDED. Plus, the writer conveniently left out very important details about what the FA reported, which was the sole reason I was removed from the plane !!! SHE LIED ON ME & THAT’S A FACT !!! I SPOKE WITH 1 manager & a supervisor who BOTH agreed I was...
I am Kandace Hunter, the individual this story was written about & THERE IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE DETAILS IN THIS STORY..MY WORDS TO THAT PARTICULAR FLIGHT ATTENDANT INCLUDED. Plus, the writer conveniently left out very important details about what the FA reported, which was the sole reason I was removed from the plane !!! SHE LIED ON ME & THAT’S A FACT !!! I SPOKE WITH 1 manager & a supervisor who BOTH agreed I was fine. The Tiktok video was recorded about 10 minutes after I was removed, because I was speaking to the gate agent, the lady who removed me, and a manager, IMMEDIATELY after !!! I did a second part video on Tiktok trying to explain a bit more, but the longest time allotted only 3 minutes, so obviously it may be a bit scrambled. Also, please STOP stating that I didn’t know how to work the lavatory, THE LIGHT DID NOT TURN ON, AS SHE STATED IT WOULD UPON LOCKING THE DOOR !!! I am NOT a liar nor am I an idiot.
As for the commenters, say whatever you’d don’t wear my shoes & more than likely you were NOT on that plane on April 3rd. I say these words with the most positive/ calm attitude…just trying to speak up for myself. Thank you.
Thank you for cooperating with the airline's process. The use of bad language when seeking sympathy or support is questionable. Your tiktok was otherwise low key for the circumstance. You have learned the limits of the airline process which is a valuable data point. Maybe not worth a 5-hour delay. It sounds like they thought you might be too impaired. Alcohol changes the drinker's perception as well as how they are perceived by others. I...
Thank you for cooperating with the airline's process. The use of bad language when seeking sympathy or support is questionable. Your tiktok was otherwise low key for the circumstance. You have learned the limits of the airline process which is a valuable data point. Maybe not worth a 5-hour delay. It sounds like they thought you might be too impaired. Alcohol changes the drinker's perception as well as how they are perceived by others. I hope that it isn't causing other issues in your life.
If you can't figure out how to turn on the bathroom light despite being a "frequent traveler", then either you were wasted, or you are in fact an idiot. You may want to stick with Frontier or Spirit.
My thoughts on the issue as a pilot myself I don't think there is a fine Line between a person being drunk and misunderstanding drunk people can be very disruptive and usually smell of alcohol, and should not be allowed to fly because disruptive behavior on the ground you can get a handled on it with the quickness however once the aircraft has taken off now everyone has to pay the price for a disruptive...
My thoughts on the issue as a pilot myself I don't think there is a fine Line between a person being drunk and misunderstanding drunk people can be very disruptive and usually smell of alcohol, and should not be allowed to fly because disruptive behavior on the ground you can get a handled on it with the quickness however once the aircraft has taken off now everyone has to pay the price for a disruptive passenger, in being inconveniences by the aircraft having to return to the airport to get the problem removed which could have been taken care of on the ground with all that said I also think flight attendant have a more stressful job than in the sixty and seventy before aircraft turnd in to the greyhound bus of the sky , passenger can be rude and flight attendant can also not generate the best customer service , along with keeping passenger safe and doing what they have been trained to do with full aircraft and the occasional which is now more common than not the rude none compliant passenger and hell bent on making just the boarding process as complicated as possible it's difficult to blame a flight attendant from blowing a gastest
Thank you for protecting your flights. Crew members flying standby and seated next to me have shared many stories. Certain routes have more interesting passengers than others. The cabin doesn't need yo be a human zoo.
My feeling is most of the reasoning was a smoke screen and the reason she got kicked off was that she spent too much time in the bathroom. When she says 10 minutes and she had to get a Flight attendant to tell her how the bathroom door worked, I don't believe the time estimate. Maybe she was told she had 5 minutes but her telephone call took more time, delaying the departure. Unfortunately the...
My feeling is most of the reasoning was a smoke screen and the reason she got kicked off was that she spent too much time in the bathroom. When she says 10 minutes and she had to get a Flight attendant to tell her how the bathroom door worked, I don't believe the time estimate. Maybe she was told she had 5 minutes but her telephone call took more time, delaying the departure. Unfortunately the flight attendant power trip scenario is also possible. She did make it to her destination, even though late. Airlines should have video cameras onboard that run continuously so figuring out who is to be blamed would be easier but I'm sure that the union would be against that.
The thing to me is that she spent 10 minutes in the toilet talking on her phone before taxi. That could delay the departure and seems inconsiderate.
She can't figure out how to use a bathroom??? And she wonders why the flight attendant threw her off the plane,. Is she for real? Where does she live. in India????
much rather have her kicked off then to have to duct tape her to the seat mid-flight. If you are in a public setting you should be on your best behavior.
Yeah but Americans in general are extremely moralistic and intolerant of unusual, non conforming behaviour or social “undesirables”. Any hint of drunkenness will get you kicked off a flight because people disapprove of your personal choices. I mean you had prohibition for goodness sake.
I actually want to hear some thoughts on southwest ceo who has made headlines three times since December… the failure of 2022 and today and 5 million paycheck… and his background is IT or supposedly.
Airline attendants have forgotten about customer service altogether. Now it’s only a power trip for them. I was on a flight pre pandemic and was in business class the flight attendant informed me I would not be receiving lunch because I was to fat. I was 10 lbs overweight. She even refused me water. The airline sent me a message saying that the flight attendant did this for my health. I haven’t flown that airline since.
You are describing a TV sketch scenario. Funny but mean spirited.
Anyone who spends 10 minutes in the lav should be booted from the flight. Even mid flight.
That's not very nice. I have stomach issues where once in a while I'll spend up to 10 min. in the restroom. Should I be kicked off?
Strange behavior. Who sits in a tiny airplane lav for 10 minutes making a phone call? Sounds like she deserved to be booted.
This reminds me of the "two beers, officer" statement drivers make when pulled over. If she admitted to mimosa-and-a-half, how many did she REALLY have?
Authoritarian flight crew on a power trip again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
I didn't know I had a fed-up threshold for the alcohol he-said she-said stories. Turns out I do. This was one too many. I agree wholeheartedly with my fellow reader advising Ben whose blog this is, altho' I suspect Ben already knows whose it is. I'm just a reader who'd like to stop seeing so many storiea about conflicts between passengers on US domestic flights and flight attendants on US domestic flights.
Ben, leave Gary to be the TMZ of travel blogs.
You are better than this.
TMZ or tabloid Gary tends to cover passenger doing stupid things.
OMAAT probably cover this because Jennifer Coolidge's character from White Lotus comes to mind.
Ben, you run a classy blog. Maintain that reputation. Stay focused on the hobby. Leave the tabloid articles to Gary.
Ben, continue to write about what you wish to write about. I for one like the variety of stories. If people don't want to read about rude passengers they have the ability not to click on that story.
This is a bit embarrassing, but I meant to agree with "Ben" (not Lee) :) Keep up the good work, Lucky!
While I and most other readers are here for miles/points updates, I don't mind the occasional magazine story. However, Ben I really wish you would only post stories like these where you have both sides of the incident. No point in posting a story like this where it's from one side because all it does is speculate, and frankly there is no point to that/nothing accomplished by it.
Someone else will publish one side before Ben and if he gets the whole story, the news is probably 3 months too late then people will come up here and complain why’s he posting old incident because instant gratification trumps patience and truth.. delivery speed has been the key for years and I don’t think he work for Wikipedia
It’s a flight to Vegas, I’m going to assume she had a lot more that 1.5 drinks and was probably being obnoxious. I am sure that flight it ripe with knuckleheads that start the party early.
Spending 10 minutes in the lav talking on the phone is also a big sign.
Quite possibly (likely?) a misunderstanding. Still, the pax made her own bed when she sought help to work the lav door, proceeded to hang out in there for ten minutes, was talking on the phone while in there, and when the FA asked if she was ok, her response was to bring up that she'd been drinking. Why immediately volunteer that you've had an alcoholic beverage if someone asks if you are ok...unless you are...
Quite possibly (likely?) a misunderstanding. Still, the pax made her own bed when she sought help to work the lav door, proceeded to hang out in there for ten minutes, was talking on the phone while in there, and when the FA asked if she was ok, her response was to bring up that she'd been drinking. Why immediately volunteer that you've had an alcoholic beverage if someone asks if you are ok...unless you are really feeling that drink.
Ultimately, this looks like the result of an utter lack of situational awareness on the part of the pax. You've gotta know that boarding is a tense time for the gate and flight crew, and if you give even the slight appearance of being trouble, you're liable to get the boot. Better to get rid of potential trouble on the ground vs. possibly being stuck with it at 30k feet is the rationale. Hitting the lav during boarding in itself is something out of the norm. Add in all this other stuff and it's understandable why an FA may have doubts about going up in the air with such a pax.
Everywhere else in the world, the crews are trained to deescalate any potential conflict. Why is it that we constantly hear these stories of US cabin crews who not only escalate, but outright create conflicts out of nothing? One would assume this constitutes an extra work for them and they'd try to avoid it unless really necessary.
Yes Samo I agree