In recent years there has been a trend whereby more ridesharing drivers have put signs in their cars about tipping, not eating & drinking, etc. However, I’ve never quite seen a sign like this…
In this post:
The sign in my dad’s Uber yesterday
My dad is pretty low tech, and doesn’t know how to use ridesharing apps. In situations where he needs a ride, someone in our family orders an Uber or Lyft for him (and of course informs the driver). My dad doesn’t take these often, but yesterday we had to order one for him… and then I got the below picture from the ride.

As you can see, the driver had a sign hanging off the back of the front passenger’s seat that reads:
If you choose to wear a mask, out of respect I will wear one also. Just know as a customer in my vehicle, as long as this is still America, You have a choice!
My dad talked to the driver about the sign, and he said that he gets both a lot of positive and negative comments about it, which I guess shouldn’t be too surprising.
In the driver’s defense…
Uber’s policy is for all riders and drivers to wear face masks. I don’t think I really need to say how I feel about the sign, though in the driver’s defense, he at least deserves credit for agreeing to wear a mask if passengers do.
In Florida I’ve had quite a few ridesharing drivers that simply don’t wear a mask, because masks aren’t exactly common in Florida nowadays. So in that sense the driver is at least being considerate, while making his preferences known.
That being said:
- The driver has a very limited view of what encompasses “freedom of choice”
- It just seems odd to put a sign like this in your car, which will instantly annoy a significant percentage of passengers
- I’m not sure the answer, but I would imagine that this sign violates Uber’s policy, no? Or if the guy has had it for a while, maybe it doesn’t?
- Has anyone else seen a sign like this in a rideshare vehicle?
Bottom line
While I’ve seen plenty of ridesharing drivers put signs in their cars, the one my dad saw yesterday was a new one for me. The driver called his car the “freedom of choice vehicle,” and offered to wear a mask if the passenger does too, because this is America!
Has anyone been in a rideshare with a sign like that before?
Hey OMAAT Friends,
Just a heads-up that I am closing comments until the deluge of traffic from who-knows-where dies down. We can go back to our normal civilized disagreements at that time :)
You are free to wear a mask unless you are around Florida Gov Desantos, he belittled HS students for wearing mask.
Why is masking made so subjective or political? If it's science based then yeah you are very likely screwed anyways if this driver had not been wearing a mask while in his enclosed vehicle (assuming A/C is on in FL) and your ride is more than 10 mins and only have a single layer cloth/surgical mask on. If you got something better, maybe protected for 1/2-1 hr.
That'd be a zero-star rating from me.
I think it's great that this driver is letting thier passengers know that he is comfortable with whatever decision they choose and he will respect it. That's how we should all be. He doesn't agree with requiring a mask but will respectfully wear one for his customer's. That's awesome. We should all be more respectful. Someone else made a reference to the let's go Brandon meaning eff the president and mentioned it's not something that...
I think it's great that this driver is letting thier passengers know that he is comfortable with whatever decision they choose and he will respect it. That's how we should all be. He doesn't agree with requiring a mask but will respectfully wear one for his customer's. That's awesome. We should all be more respectful. Someone else made a reference to the let's go Brandon meaning eff the president and mentioned it's not something that should ever be said to or about the president out of respect for the office. 100% agree.
Not sure what LGB has to do with wearing masks. It's been decided by states, Biden has nothing to do with it. I would refuse the ride, I'll wait for someone who can think for themselves.
"Let's go Brandon" may have begun its run as a euphemism for F Joe Biden but it was quickly co-opted by the white supremacist faction of the alt-right as a rallying cry and/or clandestine signal to other like minded extremists. Your dad's driver may very well have been a neo-Nazi, a Proud Boy, Groyper, or member of another white power cult.
Just got back from Florida (Tampa area). Masks are very uncommon there. Took six Ubers. Five were 100% maskless (driver had no mask so I didn't wear one either) and the last one had a mask around his chin so I just removed mine there too.
Exactly as other have stated. Willfully negligent is not a choice. Not to mention all that freedom and patretism flys right out his rear at the last line. So enlightened this guy.
Um hello? The article doesn't even address the most significant part of the sign. Ludicrous.
Perfect statement minus the let's go Brandon. For everyone that says it's Ubers rules to wear a mask understand that the power is in the people. Stop giving away all your power to corporations whose only motivation is their bottom line.
Keep watching the middle class disenigrate while billionaires pad their pockets and play us like puppets.
And finally, the first ride share platform, or airline for that matter,that drops all of this bs crapola will blow away the market through desired competition like Charmin cleans up that bear family's butts...maybe we should propose this on "Shark Tank. "
As a former Lyft driver, this is very much against company policy. I would have happily taken this picture, sent it off to corporate, let them know the driver's name, let them know that he's in violation of their company standards, and he would have been banned. Been banned. Drivers are being banned for much less than this.
And I would have refused to get in the vehicle / cancel the ride, and Lyft or Uber would have supported me.
I would ride that Uber with no issues. I hate the dang masks. And yes I have seen other vehicles with signs that say its your choice.
I suppose that this guy's defiance of Uber's terms & conditions could possibly get him removed from operating on their platform.
I think the best way to make a point would be to install a video of Biden press conferences on a loop...that oughta end the rides early enough,..followed by the George Carlin monologue on "Germs." That oughta entertain you " f****""g P******s."
If you ever have to have surgery be sure to insist nobody wears a mask in the operating room. Im not sure you process information properly.
I’m surprised he has not been reported and kicked off Uber if for no other reason than having political preferences posted.
I am a ride share driver. The policy's of all drivers is to wear a mask to protect us from catching the pollens and colds from other people. After every ride, the vehicle is sanitized.
I don’t say anything if they don’t wear a mask. I wanted to put a sign in my car but afraid I’d get reported and kicked off the app.
Lol whole bunch of butt hurt people in the comment section. Brb grabbing popcorn to watch this clown show.
When you STILL don't understand the limits of freedom. Just like when you claim a company is abusing your first amendment. Please get educated people, you are so easily manipulated.
people have been working much longer days with their masks on *all* the time. as a driver you can unmask between passengers, take a break during the day if you need more unmasked time,...
freedom of choice is all around you. customers are free to pass on rides like this.
I would not ride in his freedumb vehicle and would insist UBER terminate him as a driver for violating terms with them!
With rising gas prices and the unnecessary non scientific mandates I suspect someday soon you will learn to get in the few available resources and learn to sit down, hang on and shut up....
There was a shocking amount of stupid and uninformed things in that reply.
How old are you sir ? Lol
There is only one solution to this…bring back Yellow Cab Taxis!
As a Uber Driver in a college town I would love to have this sign , cause most of the kids get into my car without a mask and the other half always ask if they really need to wear one as they’ve been vaccinated as I have . They are a pain to drive with when your wearing glasses and simply gets hot . If I rode in a Uber or Lyft with this...
As a Uber Driver in a college town I would love to have this sign , cause most of the kids get into my car without a mask and the other half always ask if they really need to wear one as they’ve been vaccinated as I have . They are a pain to drive with when your wearing glasses and simply gets hot . If I rode in a Uber or Lyft with this sign I wouldn’t one star ⭐️ him I would ask if I could remove mine and take a Picture this way he couldn’t report me for not wear one.
Also, real studies of mask wearing, shows that carbon dioxide is retained & rebreathed which slows reaction time compared to those breathing normally as intended...such a tragedy the fear mongering on this non science bs..viruses were never screened..
No it doesn't. Real science doesn't show any of that.
Or did you just forget that drs and nurses wore mask's for 18 hr shifts all week long to protect themselves from dangers like that. And that was going on long before covid. Go ahead show me one dr who suffered from hypoxia as a result of hundreds of years of sound science. I'll wait.
Mind linking those studies?
Masks slow the spread of viruses, that's why you saw republican and democrat governor's put up mask mandates to relieve the hospitals. There was never a federal mask mandate. Look what a drastic fall in flu there was during 2020. You're the one exhibiting fear.
He does not have a choice, it us Ubers rules, he is a contractor working for Uber. THEY HAVE THE FREEDOM. He has the freedom not to work for them. It's assholes like him that make it harder for other drivers. I hear it all the time " well the other driver". Hope he gets booted.
I was fine with the driver not being a prick and respecting passengers if they decide to wear one or not wear one. Thats all perfectly fine. But then "let's go brandon" nonsense at the end would've killed it for me. I dont get involved in political b.s, so keep your political views to yourself. You're there for one purpose and one purpose only, and that's to be my transportation. Also that's one of the lamest slogans ever.
I wear my mask until someone gets in the car and then I use my communication skills to figure out if I can let it slide. Libs usually always have a mask. Reps usually don't. I play too my audience not my preference because my 5 stars means more than my opinion.
Good for you, get those priorities straight.
Wow! I live in socal and was unaware how many people still have their head up their a**. Oh and about let's go Brandon.. #notmypresident ring a bell??
That phrase was born when a crowd at a Nascar race was chanting "F**k Joe Biden" and the reporter tried to cover it up by saying that the crowd was instead chanting "Let's go Brandon".
That said, and though I absolutely agree with the original phrase and, therefore, the cover up phrase as well, there's a time and place for everything. That was NOT the time and place to use that phrase. The whole rest...
That phrase was born when a crowd at a Nascar race was chanting "F**k Joe Biden" and the reporter tried to cover it up by saying that the crowd was instead chanting "Let's go Brandon".
That said, and though I absolutely agree with the original phrase and, therefore, the cover up phrase as well, there's a time and place for everything. That was NOT the time and place to use that phrase. The whole rest of the sign was good up to that point. I would personally just tell my passengers that masks are optional in THIS car - if I were an Uber driver. "Uber's rules say you have to..." you SEE the Uber execs anywhere looking at us? Right...neither do I!
As a ride share driver, _ou are supposed to obey the laws in your state and country as well as the policies in place by whom you operate your services under. No mask,no ride.
How old are you again?
The driver should drive in Texas then that way women that need or want an abortion can have their freedom of choice too. In Florida I suppose teachers can "say gay" as well in his vehicle due to their freedom of choice. Always love how people care about their freedom of choice ONLY when it affects them.
Where does gay come in this conversation ?
In reference to a bill potentially passing in Florida.
Yeah if my car pulled up with that sign in their car I'd immediately cancel the ride and wait for another onem if the driver doesnt like it then I'd report them for failing to adhere to term's of service. People, stop using "lets go brandon" like youre edgy and just makes you look like sheep and extremely dumb
Shall we just blatantly say what it means then like you fucktards did for 4 years?... asking for a friend
I feel the driver was 100% correct and went straight to the point.
He put it right out there under your nose about "the subject/law/policy" of wearing a mask with in "his" car.
It's pretty simple and really doesn't mean you agree or disagree. He simply states it right there. Plain and simple... subject over.
The people that want to argue about the subject are the ones that are never satisfied with...
I feel the driver was 100% correct and went straight to the point.
He put it right out there under your nose about "the subject/law/policy" of wearing a mask with in "his" car.
It's pretty simple and really doesn't mean you agree or disagree. He simply states it right there. Plain and simple... subject over.
The people that want to argue about the subject are the ones that are never satisfied with any thing in their lives anyway and they will argue about ANYTHING.
Kodos to the driver! Ride on! You ROCK!
Assuming he had been donning 1 to begin with, then yes.
As an Uber driver, I wouldn't post a sign like this. While I do agree with the sentiment, in this business, you have to be able to read your customer by actions or through conversation and act accordingly and respectfully. I wouldn't give a rider a one star rating simply because I disagree with their politics and I would certainly hope the rider reciprocate. It's a ride from point A to point B. If you...
As an Uber driver, I wouldn't post a sign like this. While I do agree with the sentiment, in this business, you have to be able to read your customer by actions or through conversation and act accordingly and respectfully. I wouldn't give a rider a one star rating simply because I disagree with their politics and I would certainly hope the rider reciprocate. It's a ride from point A to point B. If you want the service to continue to be available, let's drop the pettiness.
No matter what your personal views are..its a clear VIOLATION OF PLATFORM RULES.Rules that are always about safety. Unfortunately it's drivers like these who..however we'll intentioned they think they are? They are very unprofessional and make it very hard for the good drivers to follow the rules. In all likelihood he should be desertified to drive..that would be everyone.
"Its a violation of platform rules" - cool. Do you SEE any of the execs anywhere looking and watching to make sure they're wearing a mask.
I agree with not making a political statement. If I were an Uber driver, mine would simply say "In THIS car, masks are OPTIONAL!"
I didn't understand what the "big deal" was untill I read the comments , and then I decided the signe guy is probably a better person . Based on the noise of the people who lost it over a very mild opinion all things considered :/
He's a loser like the orange pile of shat tRump. I would cancel my ride before I would give him a dime. tRump deserves all the criticism he gets, he's a criminal. He's ALWAYS been a criminal. And he's dumber than a rock. Paint China flags on our fighter jets. What a dope.
I'd have requested a different driver. If it kept happening, I'd try a different service. Trumpers have to eat too, but I don't have to feed them.
And finally, the first ride share platform, or airline for that matter,that drops all of this bs crapola will blow away the market through desired competition like Charmin cleans up that bear family's butts...maybe we should propose this on "Shark Tank. "
With this types of signs they get themselves off the platform because they’ll be rated poorly
You say something about grandparents being proud of disrespecting a sitting president, reading what you are saying did you respected Trump while he was president? I'm not gonna make an assumption I'm gonna just ask you. If your answer is no then you have no leg to stand on in your statement. I am proud to say I supported Trump not cause I fully agreed with everything he did but because under his administration my...
You say something about grandparents being proud of disrespecting a sitting president, reading what you are saying did you respected Trump while he was president? I'm not gonna make an assumption I'm gonna just ask you. If your answer is no then you have no leg to stand on in your statement. I am proud to say I supported Trump not cause I fully agreed with everything he did but because under his administration my life was better than his predecessor and deffintly better this babbling idiot we have pretending to lead this country now.
Respect is earned and trump sure as hell didnt show respect to others. Biden sucks but referring to him as a babbling idiot is rich considering trump couldnt keep together a coherent thought without rambling on nonsensically.
Not by me. Id rate him 5 stars. This is the most logical, intelligent response and philosophy regarding mask wearing I've ever seen. It is respectful and considerate of the passengers choice acknowledging it
and promising to cooperate. What could be more appropriate and considerate?
Clown Uber Driver. I would have canceled the ride. You are at work sir. Leave your politics at the trailer.
The KGB (you heard of them) did a study that once a brainwashing has occurred it cannot be replaced no matter how many facts are presented to the contrary... Congratulations on your leaving science at the door ab..........
Funny and ironic comment. You, Sir, are special.
What A astonishing self own and you can't even trouble yourself to type his whole name.
Your nickname explains the comment 9 grade education
If that driver took an Uber and it had a sign about freedom of choice but at the end said F**ck Trump, he would probably flip his pointed hat lid. As far as I can see he ruined with "Let's go brandon"
Very hateful, immature and small minded.
That comment is prohibited by political statements allowed
Your dad should have put his mask on but take his pants off.
I’m glad these mental giants exist. Without them, what the heck, just maybe we’d all be more credible as adults? But then again who’d buy all those seditious Confederate State’s Chinese made banners, flags and cheap ball caps?
Oh well. Floriduh.
Let’s go Uber driver
If I saw that #letsgobrandon trash I would cancel the ride and get out. I'll be damned if I'll put a red cent into a MAGA idiot's pocket.
I totally agree that comment is such a snowflake, disgusting disrespectful, way to refer to our elected President. The far right have been dividing the country and are falling into Putin’s hands to divide all of us in democratic countries. Trump was a Putin wannabe. He loves autocrats that exploit money from the hard working populations just like the Oligarchs. He’s a thief and grifter who lies snd cheats on his wife and his taxes....
I totally agree that comment is such a snowflake, disgusting disrespectful, way to refer to our elected President. The far right have been dividing the country and are falling into Putin’s hands to divide all of us in democratic countries. Trump was a Putin wannabe. He loves autocrats that exploit money from the hard working populations just like the Oligarchs. He’s a thief and grifter who lies snd cheats on his wife and his taxes. Most people don’t even know, or even care what “Let’s Go Brandon” even means, except for the small percentage of far right who aren’t patriotic, but insurrectionists. They don’t honor police but beat them with American flags. It’s disguised as a “passive aggressive” slogan that totally infuriates most Republicans and Democrats. Trump wants his son or daughter to succeed him so that the con-man can continues to grift money like he’s always done breaking the rule of law. If you’re really a patriotic American you don’t mock or denigrate people including the President who won by more than enough popular votes. Joe Biden has had his hands full with crap Trump screwed up and left him. Btw..I’m not a Democrat but an independent who will never vote for a Republican unless he or she is honest, high integrity person, like: John McCain Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, or Adam Kinzinger. The rest are scum cowards and grifters just like: the orange con-man, Mat Gates, Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert and Ted Cruz. ALL DISGUSTING people who don’t deserve to be called REPUBLICAN’S!
Ah, I love how you spent 90% of your post alternating between telling people to respect the president and disrespecting the president. And, for the coup de grace, you just screamed your hypocrisy by referring to the president by a disrespectful slur.
It's ok, you can go home now. The adults can take it from here.
Yea, I'm still trying to work that post out myself. That was comedy levels of all over the place.
To be clear trump is a American hating clown and a generally discusting human being. So I won't muddy the waters and suggest there's nothing but contempt in my opinion of him.
But that how I know I still have princables worth fighting for, that's a sanity check on myself, and what honerable men should think.
Whoa there! TDS much? You sound like someone who has watched way too much Rachel Maddow. Definitely not independent at all.
Yea! I agree you can't write, much less say that you hate our president, Imagine if people started using We hate the president as a excuse to be rude or what if people started saying obscene things like F*** the president Imagine the chaos..... just imagine
California here. I wear mask by choice- it has curbed my gum chewing habit (and subsequent jaw pain) and I'm very self-conscious about the obvious need for serious dental work. As a massage therapist, I work in a small room and feel I should have been wearing a mask in close proximity to people all along. I give people choice, as I don't give a crap if my clients wear them (since our governor has...
California here. I wear mask by choice- it has curbed my gum chewing habit (and subsequent jaw pain) and I'm very self-conscious about the obvious need for serious dental work. As a massage therapist, I work in a small room and feel I should have been wearing a mask in close proximity to people all along. I give people choice, as I don't give a crap if my clients wear them (since our governor has done what many leaders have done: "do as I say, not as I do". This is America, so choose and don't judge others for making their own choice as well. I don't think it's inappropriate, considering he wants to be respectful to his passengers if they do choose.
I heard a lot of Biden supporters saying f trump and a lot of these comments are as bad or worse then that sign... I'm glad we have freedom that let him make that choice and also allow you people to be nasty to him about his veiws.
Soo while you may be right that f trump is bad, trump's camp has said a lot worse over the years. And besides, let's go Brandon is quite literally a callsign for others to know who you are. You may have freedom of speech, but you certainly don't have freedom from consequences. Just ask that guy who said let's go Brandon to bidens face.
I would have got out of the car. Freedom of choice you know. And pressed for a refund and explained the disgusting sign to Uber.
Wait it’s annoying that the driver accommodates his riders choice? Lmaoooo WHAT!? So when masks drop for good in rideshare you’re still going to be mad because Covid is not going anywhere and he’s not forced to wear one while you’re pouting in the back seat? You’re in for a ride!! Lmaoooo
LMAO you don't know what freedom from consequences are. Contracts are contracts and Uber can can you for violation of their contract just for that.
That sounds like a Trump fanatic to me.
It is your choice to be disrespectful and ignorant.
Respect our president...
Did you respect Trump when he was president?
Nope cuz trump wasn't respectable
Did trump respect obama with his bs birther stunts, minorities, foreigners, poor people, democrats (even though he used to be one), the disabled, the countless people he didnt pay over the years, the country that he pathologically lies to on a daily basis......?
No one with morals, scruples, common sense, self-respect or duty to country respected Trump. Ever.
Trump-lovers are a cult of gullible, anti-democracy, pro-authoritarian, un-American rage-a-holics. And evidently some of them drive for Uber.
I agree, a Choice. I disagree with dragging politics into it. I would refuse to ride not because of wether I am Republican or Democrat or Independent but refuse because it just doesnt have to be hateful.
It's very selfish of that driver to cause discomfort to any of the riders. They have accepted and invited into their car. They should be reported and advised to remove that sign while driving on the app.
skews his hail to the ‘freedom’s’ that he so declares - thriving for the attention is different than a constructive opinion - good news he has no sign about tipping
I am glad to see the people in the comments saying something about the lets go brandon part but dont show acknowledgment of this man's creativity and respect for his passengers. We should all stand together not blast one another yet I see stuff like this all the time. Its sick people. Talk about not being able to think and act on your own
I understand the mask choice but the "Lats go Brandon is too far. The meaning of it being F*ck Biden, not something a business should push.
I wear a mask on EVERY Uber trip (6+ yrs, ~12,000 trips) I do, in accordance with Uber policy. I am triple vaxxed.
I know there are a lot of unvaxxed people getting in my car every week.
My problem with this story/photo is the "let's go Brandon" b.s. If I EVER get in an Uber car and see that??????....automatic ONE STAR RATING PLUS complaint(s) directly to Uber. Just drive the car....and leave your warped political ideas OUT of it.
You've been wearing masks in ubers for 6 years?
It shows doesn't it lol
That Uber driver is a disgrace and violates Uber policy and also interjects his whacko Trump supporter code in the Lets Go Brandon. As one an see the quality of Uber drivers is closer to prisoner work release program level. In a private job role he gives up any perceived citizen freedoms and needs to abide by employer requirements. His choice to leave and find another job, and one I. Which he may have to work unlike his lazy Uber current ride share driver job.
This perspective is fine but Let's Go Brandon is stupid. Mask mandates are state level, not federal. The feds advise; governors choose.
actually, in ubers and on aircraft it's a federal mandate still.
I am an Uber/Lyft driver partner. That is how we independent contractors have been designated by the two companies from the beginning.
When you, as an independent contractor driver, go online to work the platform, you are to abide by the policies because you are now in a contract with the companies. You are in partnership with the companies.
Riders must also abide the policies of the companies in order to receive a ride...
I am an Uber/Lyft driver partner. That is how we independent contractors have been designated by the two companies from the beginning.
When you, as an independent contractor driver, go online to work the platform, you are to abide by the policies because you are now in a contract with the companies. You are in partnership with the companies.
Riders must also abide the policies of the companies in order to receive a ride on the platform. The masks are still to be properly worn even if you are vaccinated to whatever degree. This is a mandatory requirement for the ride.
If a rider refuses to properly wear a mask, then the driver can refuse the ride and report on the rider without consequence. In turn, if the driver does not properly wear a mask before or during the ride, then the rider can cancel the ride and report the driver without consequence. It is all a matter of safety and respect for one another.
All riders must report any driver which does not properly adhere to the mandatory mask policy for driving with these companies. These drivers must be immediately and permanently deactivated. They are only there to cause disruption in the daily process.
There will be those drivers and riders which make a deal with each other to not wear the masks and therefore not report on one another.
In the real world, the riders remain anonymous after reporting on a driver about violating the mask policy and the drivers will never again be matched with riders which are reported as violating the mask policy.
Riders do not have to report this immediately after the ride. They always have the opportunity to go in and give their rating and make a comment at any time.
As an alternative, riders can also call in to or message the companies at any time and state their complaint concerning the drivers' violation of the mandatory mask policy.
So, does the driver put on his seat belt? Because its his choice to do so as well, I am not sure how the officer that fines him is going to react to his"its my choice, my freedom". Just saying.
Completely irrelevant. It's the law to wear a seat belt. Masks are a choice
Masks are not a choice in an Uber - they are company policy and every driver agrees to abide by the policy.
That's a law, not a provider/contractor relationship. Really bad comparison. And in NH, I had Uber drivers who chose not to.
I think it's funny the amount of hurt people have over this sign. I don't think expressing disapproval of Biden is treasonous just as I think expressing disapproval of Trump is treasonous. While the driver is bound by the code of conduct of the company he is driving for simply saying that he prefers not to wear a mask is hardly worth getting upset about, it makes yourself into the exact parody that you accuse...
I think it's funny the amount of hurt people have over this sign. I don't think expressing disapproval of Biden is treasonous just as I think expressing disapproval of Trump is treasonous. While the driver is bound by the code of conduct of the company he is driving for simply saying that he prefers not to wear a mask is hardly worth getting upset about, it makes yourself into the exact parody that you accuse him of being when you cry out that how dare he express his views. He has offered to wear a mask if you insist or if you are wearing one, to me that is respectful even if his political slogan is not. Before anyone tries to dismiss me as a Trump supporter I will say that I never once voted for Trump nor have I displayed any of his tacky campaign apparel. My orientation is liberal though I feel that democrats have forgotten what exactly that means. Not to say that Republicans know what this means either. Liberal means tolerance, it means individual freedom, it means free market. You're free to report this man, to decline his ride, to give him one star, that is your right, however, you miss out of the rich exchange of ideas that can happen and you silence your critic. So you're free to do what you wish, and others are free to see you a parody of what beliefs you profess to represent.
You seem hurt over the fact that people are expressing an opinion.
Fake sign to get a rise. One photo sent to Uber and this guy would be gone. B
It’s almost like you dont understand independent contractoring. When any company tells you how each step of the job, it is no longer independent contracting. It is employment using the employees equipment.
If you work for any company that requires a mask or you be vaccinated with any shots including COVID. You must follow their company rules. If you don't like said rules go work for a company that does not. Don't cry and throw child like temper tantrums make a scene and look like a complete jack as*. Don't yell your freedom is being taken away. Not once has anyone's freedom been taken away. You have...
If you work for any company that requires a mask or you be vaccinated with any shots including COVID. You must follow their company rules. If you don't like said rules go work for a company that does not. Don't cry and throw child like temper tantrums make a scene and look like a complete jack as*. Don't yell your freedom is being taken away. Not once has anyone's freedom been taken away. You have a choice to wear a mask at a store that requires one or simply go where one does not or order your food and groceries on line. You also have a choice to work for any company who does not require a mask or vaccination. When the seat belt law became mandatory I remember protest from truck drivers who through temper tantrums and was going to stop deliveries I seen people throwing complete meltdowns. They and everyone still have a choice to wear one or not but their is consequences if you don't and guess what seat belts saves lives. So DONT SAY MY FREEDOM IS BEING TAKEN AWAY.....No this not a third world country like North Korea where you will be killed if you don't follow the rules and laws very simple. So stop your whining grow up and learn to except their are rules and laws follow them if not pay the price like a idiot. And for any idiot displaying there BRANDON signs.....shows your in that category of low IQ and you are still in the undeveloped mentality of a child and should not be allowed to make decisions for yourself or others. Basically you have not developed pass 4 year old.
Not agreeing with anyone or anything, but just to clarify, he doesn't work for Uber, he works for himself. Also try not to let opinions trigger you too much, not good for your health, and try to refrain from hurling insults wheny trying to make an argument, just doesn't look good.
The "let's go Brandon" driver is walking garbage. He should be banned from driving for the app.
Amen!! Unnacceptable.
The driver is a childish uninformed duche bag. Let me guess he thinks it's a "face diaper". Grow up and show respect.
And it's attitudes like this that will encourage more signs like this. Pot, meet kettle.
Calling people names over 3 words is a lot more childish than posting said 3 words.
If your dad is "pretty low tech" how did you get the pic of the sign?
I can respect that he's willing to wear a mask if the passenger is wearing one. It's better than being totally antimask and I actually think it's pretty respectful. The whole "Let's go Brandon" part is stupid, though.
Agreed. I respect the message but the last line is totally unnecessary. I don't care if is says "f*ck Biden", "f*ck Trump", or anything else related to politics. His job is to drive people from one point to another. Keep the politics to yourself and get me to where I'm going in a safe manner.
I don't care to know a driver's political stance and I wouldn't offer mine, even if asked. It creates an...
Agreed. I respect the message but the last line is totally unnecessary. I don't care if is says "f*ck Biden", "f*ck Trump", or anything else related to politics. His job is to drive people from one point to another. Keep the politics to yourself and get me to where I'm going in a safe manner.
I don't care to know a driver's political stance and I wouldn't offer mine, even if asked. It creates an uncomfortable, and potentially hostile, environment that could put the driver's or passenger's life in danger. Too many crazy people out there these days.
I tried driving without a mask....until I picked up a doctor at Cleveland Clinic. She reported me and later that day I began to receive "bad" emails from Uber about this. I don't need ANY problems with Uber - 6+ yrs, 12k trips....I support myself with this now full time. It works pretty well. I just wear a mask, according to Uber's rules/regs.
His grandparents would surely be Proud of the way he disrespects a sitting President, and it's all been based on lies and so called alternative facts that have been rebuffed.
I personally think to myself that Democrats could have came up with someone else but it would surely be the same lies different person.
Republicans and Democrats both used to have moral and ethical platforms they ran on.
Now the Republicans platform...
His grandparents would surely be Proud of the way he disrespects a sitting President, and it's all been based on lies and so called alternative facts that have been rebuffed.
I personally think to myself that Democrats could have came up with someone else but it would surely be the same lies different person.
Republicans and Democrats both used to have moral and ethical platforms they ran on.
Now the Republicans platform is Hate, and The Democrats platform is outing the Hateful Politicians across the room.
You can't blame them, Republicans have been making some real bad choices and blatant lies.
Reinstate The Fairness Doctrine!
Dude the Dems skewered trump while he was pres.
You really not see the hypocrisy in your words?
Dude....Frumpy was a freaking criminal....twice-impeached. He lied constantly and still does. He was in no way suited for the "job" of potus. He's also mentally ill. Just ask ANY mental health professional. He tried to overthrow our government, fer Chrisakes!!!
Its not too late for you to quit the cult. You can do it!!
@David it is interesting that you're saying that free thinking is effectively great. However if someone disagrees with you on their opinion then you commit assault. Which is in fact a crime. So therefore you admit that you very well might be a criminal. Since well people disagree with you. You sound more like Putin than anyone else since well he disagrees with Ukraine's decision and therefore decided to illegally invade. Maybe you should try...
@David it is interesting that you're saying that free thinking is effectively great. However if someone disagrees with you on their opinion then you commit assault. Which is in fact a crime. So therefore you admit that you very well might be a criminal. Since well people disagree with you. You sound more like Putin than anyone else since well he disagrees with Ukraine's decision and therefore decided to illegally invade. Maybe you should try not assaulting people and walking away. As well as it's a crime to be threaten to assault someone.
I am a Rideshare driver. I don’t have a sign, but, if a customer isn’t wearing one when they approach my car, I will ask them if they can get 1. I did that with one guy who didn’t want to wear one. He went back in his house to get one and I gave him a ride. Later in the day I received a text from the rideshare company that said a customer reported me for not wearing a mask. That was a false claim. I am pretty sure it was this guy that falsely reported me.
I had the same thing happen.
This is why I had an in car camera. Video/audio don't lie. Saved my butt several times. Some people are petty and sick.
I'm an Uber driver in Staten Island,so I only see passengers but regarding the sign this guy displays not only He has no right to deside for himself or others He olso blatantly disobeys UBER RULES. He sign the agreement with the companyabkut not giving rides to minors.Does He have a right to deside as long as this is America ??? No wonder this country is in so much trouble. Nonwithstanding wether all this we going through is justified.
With regards Milos
At this point I would have exercised MY freedom and cancelled the ride...I would NOT have said "LETS GO UBER DRIVER"...I actually WOULD have said "GO FU** YOURSELF and keep sucking on the orange sausage"...#TUCK FRUMP!!!
What's wrong don't like it when someone expresses their opinion of the sitting president?
I'd like to take you back to trump's time in office when all your fart sniffing fudge packer mates were calling him every name under the sun.
You literally proved a huge talking point and complain about the left.
They cry and scream when people use their same tactics against them.
Gimme some more ammo lol
"sucking on sausage" as a derogatory term is homophobic.
Agree with the driver.
As a ride share driver some of the most difficult experiences I have had have come over people refusing to wear a mask when one of the rideshare companies I will not say wasn't forcing people must wear a mask very heavily. But this one of my opinion is asking to not get tipped by over 60% of the people and probably deactivated AKA fired.
Good for him. A resounding relief from a government that forces one point to the point of failed experimentation.
Freedom to choose! These are not Ubers cars, they belong to the drivers. Respect first and final.
This is the BEST thing I’ve seen on the internet in FOREVER!! Freedom of Choice car. Awesome!!
This does violate Uber’s policy. Before starting your gig you must read and acknowledge Uber’s guidelines about wearing a mask. So does the rider. If you believe your freedom is being infringed upon buy following policies and guidelines get your own gig and your followers. I shudder to think you don’t sanitize your car either. Stop being political!!!! Your sign says it all.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment!
I am a full-time Uber/Lyft partner driver. Get your own gig and your own clientele, if you do not want to follow the Uber or Lyft mask policy.
You are an independent contractor driver in partnership with companies which provide you riders. If you want to be independent of the mandatory mask policy, then go all the way independent and stay off the platforms.
Also, drivers...
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment!
I am a full-time Uber/Lyft partner driver. Get your own gig and your own clientele, if you do not want to follow the Uber or Lyft mask policy.
You are an independent contractor driver in partnership with companies which provide you riders. If you want to be independent of the mandatory mask policy, then go all the way independent and stay off the platforms.
Also, drivers and riders will be permanently deactivated from the apps for not probably wearing their masks during the ride.
Food for thought.
Nice touch, that whole let's go Brandon thing. We all know what that really means. I would report this guy's ass in a second, and he would have some explaining to do to Uber.
This is just plain immature.
Making people wear a medical device that has near zero, and so near zero it is ineffective or immeasurable to partake in life is immature and totalitarian.
The seemingly fair and civil statement is just a camouflage for his political offensive statement at the end, his right to free speech, but would he respect the pasangers right to free speech if one was to wear a t-shirt with " F Trump " on it, or would he show what a hypocrite he is.
You assumption that the driver is a hypocrite with zero knowledge of their character, aside from a sign posted on the internet is disappointing.
If as Uber claims the driver is an independent contractor and self employed it actually violates contract law if they require a uniform, mask, or anything as they are not the driver's boss.
Good for the driver. For all your liberal knuckleheads out there isn’t it interesting how Covid has not been heard of since the Russia / Ukraine issue started? Not one peep about this so called Pandemic. If you want wear a mask and hide the rest of your life then by all means it’s your right. Don’t force others to do the same. People have been getting sick for all of time and will continue...
Good for the driver. For all your liberal knuckleheads out there isn’t it interesting how Covid has not been heard of since the Russia / Ukraine issue started? Not one peep about this so called Pandemic. If you want wear a mask and hide the rest of your life then by all means it’s your right. Don’t force others to do the same. People have been getting sick for all of time and will continue to get sick. It’s how the world works. Open your eyes and get over your entitlement to tell others what they must wear and not wear.
What are you on about? You are swinging at strawman lol
You're literally telling people not to wear a mask. How ironic..
I'm a Floridian, I don't wear a mask. That said. This sign would be fine minus the #lgb line at the bottom. It didnt have to be political, he took it there.
His car, his livelihood, his paycheck, his personal opinion, his right. He is an OWNER OPERATOR people there is a huge difference from being employed by Uber directly. Do you all think he cares about his rating or how many stars you would give him? Lol He obviously doesn't care because the sign is posted!! What the hell is wrong with our country?? If someone isn't happy they can grab another uber it's that simple....
His car, his livelihood, his paycheck, his personal opinion, his right. He is an OWNER OPERATOR people there is a huge difference from being employed by Uber directly. Do you all think he cares about his rating or how many stars you would give him? Lol He obviously doesn't care because the sign is posted!! What the hell is wrong with our country?? If someone isn't happy they can grab another uber it's that simple. The sign can be about squeaky bathtub rubber duckies and now a days someone is bound to be offended by it. I believe it's the "Let's Go Brandon" part of the sign that has people offended. I'm sure most of these people laughed at or agreed with a sign that made fun of Trump, Bush, or some other person they don't like and they were perfectly fine with it. It's like the saying goes "When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you." I never thought I'd see the day when sticks and stones and words would hurt us. Ask yourself, would you agree with it if it were about someone you despise? I bet you all would be glorifying and praising the driver for having the courage to stand up for what he or she believes in as long as it agrees with your way of thinking. Leave people alone and live your life the way you see fit, and stop being offended by what people post or think. I don't get offended by your stupidity stop being offended by mine.
Just because somebody is a private contractor it doesn’t mean they don’t have to follow the rules the company they are contracted with has placed. The root word for contractor is contract. A contract is a set of rules the contractor had to agree to or find another business to contact with.
As long as this is America, there are corporations that rule.
Uber and Lyft are corporations and they give the driver business and the customer service. They don't HAVE to, and can refuse service if you break their rules. Why not offer your own service if you are such a rebel and think a company doesn't have the right to mandate a mask so long as you represent them and eat off them?
Yeah like you are totally wrong. A corporation I don't work for can't dictate policy to me. I am surprised the uber drivers don't use the IRS declaration for a ruling that they are employees and by law should be paid at least the minimum wage. But people in society nowadays thinks the law is what I want it to be when using it properly would benefit them more.
There is no choice with Uber. If a passenger reports him, he will be deactivated from the platform. This is Uber's policy that is stated on the app before you go online to drive and before any passenger can request a ride.
USER'S policy explicitly requires both drivers and passengers to wear masks on all rides. I drive and people act like I've got two heads when I tell them "No madk, no ride.".
I'm afraid the mask mandate lifted so there is nothing anybody can say about masks, if they aren't lawfully required. Then the job can't "require" them. And if anybody gets offended by this you're just stupid. Why waste your life complaining about somebody who at least offered to comply. It's pathetic.
I expect that this driver's rating may take some damage from all the 1 star ratings incoming. Nothing says "I'm a douchebag" quite like LGB! Seems bad for business, and this commenter is a driver with 5k+ rides.
Yeah like you are totally wrong. A corporation I don't work for can't dictate policy to me. I am surprised the uber drivers don't use the IRS declaration for a ruling that they are employees and by law should be paid at least the minimum wage. But people in society nowadays thinks the law is what I want it to be when using it properly would benefit them more.
I'm a Lyft driver and I must say it used to say in Florida we had to wear them. We don't have to anymore but Im not sure about other places.
Just the "Let's Go Btandon" which is very well known to mean "F Joe Biden" is enough for him to be fired. I'm surprised that Uber is ok with this. It's not even mentioned in your article. F the President of the United States. This is America? Doesn't sound very Patriotic to me. I would never ride in the same vehicle with anyone, let alone pay for it, who has such disrespect, and disdain for the President of the United States.
He should be taken off the Uber platform. It is ubers guidelines for both parties to wear a mask.
They don't work for uber. They pay uber for the service. At least that is what Uber says. Think about it.
He will definitely get a one star after my ride is over. Covid19 was real. I've been to so many funerals. My question to him does he knows anyone who die from covid? Some people in America just plain SELFISH.
I am sure he will miss your ride, coupled with your sanctimonious attitude. Get a job buy a car and drive yourself around. I am sure Patriots are requesting this driver and tiping far better than you.
I don't understand your concern...he said he would wear a mask if you wear a mask? You are apart of the cancel culture, my friend!
Oh people... There are people dying in another country because a man that is in power wants more power. And you all are crying about a man saying it's your choice rather than his. Shame on all of you who gives a crap if he said #brandon or let's follow the actual policy #uber... Get your freaking priorities in order people. Such a wasted time and energy post.
I myself is a Uber driver. The sign that's posted in this individuals car is definitely a violation of Uber policy for mask. Regardless, we as rideshare participants, we have to and must follow the policy guidelines. This individual might want to take the sign down before he loses his account with Uber.
The seemingly fair and civil statement is just a camouflage for his political offensive statement at the end, his right to free speech, but would he respect the pasangers right to free speech if one was to wear a t-shirt with " F Trump " on it, or would he show what a hypocrite he is.
While doing Uber i always put my mask on but if a rider doesn’t have a mask or dies not want to wear it I wouldn’t force it. I usually keep my political opinions to myself . As long as you are not a rabid fascist i try to see the good in everyone.
As having A private Car Service. I say this sign is Fake. I know for a fact UBER would close this guys account. The policy is to protect passengers and your self from Covid.
I would not take the ride and would report it. It's not because of the sign or the choice it's because of the political message involved. I think it is an unwritten rule that you would follow along. If the driver wears a mask I will if not I won't. In general. It does not have to be stated. If the sign did not contain the political reference then it may be different.
So you're mad because you're assuming he voted for trump... At least you're honest. No reason to use that as the deciding factor of reporting someone. Either do it across the board, or don't do it.
It’s complete crap drivers still have to wear masks people haven’t been wearing them locally at the grocery for a year. I have been a driver for 6 years and if they always wanna claim I’m not an employee but then make me follow masking guidance that even the cdc say as a conveyance no longer is needed. Sotu address no masks. I didn’t drive for over a year waiting for a vaccine and now...
It’s complete crap drivers still have to wear masks people haven’t been wearing them locally at the grocery for a year. I have been a driver for 6 years and if they always wanna claim I’m not an employee but then make me follow masking guidance that even the cdc say as a conveyance no longer is needed. Sotu address no masks. I didn’t drive for over a year waiting for a vaccine and now they want to pay less. When I started doing Uber they took like 28.5 percent now it like 45 to 50. The let’s go Brandon thing makes sense half the country voted for trump we all gotta exists here so get on with it. I wouldn’t personally put political crap in my car but whatever. How did they drive since that’s what really matters was it safe.
I wouldnt have used the let's go Brandon but I dont disagree that there should be a freedom of choice in the land of the free, well the land where we use to have free will and freedom of choice. It just kills me when people choose to wear a mask and then get mad at those who choose not too. Both people made a choice one is no better than the other.
It's a little to late, people have died, people do what ever they think is right and are entitled to their own personal opinion, but their are rules to follow in this country, and if you have the slightest respect for yourself then respect others, what I do know is "Freedom of Speach" we do have as Americans "freedom of choice", not so much! Their are consequences
As a foreigner perhaps someone can explain to me how taking the knee or damaging your flag is almost seditious… and yet telling the President to F-OFF is totally ok?
I’ve popped my asbestos underpants on in readiness for Patriots replies…
Because the flag is a representative ideal that every American should strive for. There are numerous flaws and issues but the flag represents the ideal.
One of those ideals is basic freedom. Freedom that non-Americans won’t understand. The most basic freedom is freedom of speech.
If you want to include flag burning as a freedom of expression, fine. I just don’t understand why you would stay in a country in which you clearly don’t...
Because the flag is a representative ideal that every American should strive for. There are numerous flaws and issues but the flag represents the ideal.
One of those ideals is basic freedom. Freedom that non-Americans won’t understand. The most basic freedom is freedom of speech.
If you want to include flag burning as a freedom of expression, fine. I just don’t understand why you would stay in a country in which you clearly don’t align with the ideals. Staying in a country because the politicians don’t align with your vision of the ideal? That’s perfectly normal. Politicians can be voted out. Ideals shouldn’t change.
The same flag that people adorn on their underwear?
And we have the choice to leave you anything less then 5 stars.
Wow so many comments
This why I clicked this post
Only for the comments
I endorse Trump. If only he would kept his resolved and built that wall all around the United States (sparing Puerto Rico and Hawaii) so that all of the looneys could have been contained in one confined area. Cue the comments!
As a full-time Uber driver for the last 7 years in TX, the sign absolutely violates Uber's mask policy. It's a wonder the driver hasn't been reported and deactivated (i.e. fired) by Uber. The sign also undermines the safety of drivers and passengers. I caught COVID-19 in August 2020, before the vaccines, and it was the worse experience of my adult life. I appreciate the driver's candor and frankness, but his sign makes it more...
As a full-time Uber driver for the last 7 years in TX, the sign absolutely violates Uber's mask policy. It's a wonder the driver hasn't been reported and deactivated (i.e. fired) by Uber. The sign also undermines the safety of drivers and passengers. I caught COVID-19 in August 2020, before the vaccines, and it was the worse experience of my adult life. I appreciate the driver's candor and frankness, but his sign makes it more difficult for other drivers as it makes passengers think they don't have to comply with Uber's mandate which is based on CDC recommendation. Finally, one, if a driver is not willing to comply with Uber's mandate, one should find another line of work. And, two, I'm quite sure the politically motivated "#Let'sGoBrandon" hashtag is also in violation of Uber policy.
As a former medic and surgical tech trained by the US Army before medicine became a political nightmare of non-scientific hypochondriac compliant control, it is refreshing to see that someone is trying to accommodate the unappreciative brainwashed morons...
And as a physician guided by science and truth, I can tell you the facts contradict you. The US is 5% of the population but has 16% of the deaths. Don't let your love of Trump cloud your mind to the scientific truth. Numbers of dead people aren't open to your feelings about them. By the way I've seen a buddy log on to Uber as a driver - you MUST abide by their rules...
And as a physician guided by science and truth, I can tell you the facts contradict you. The US is 5% of the population but has 16% of the deaths. Don't let your love of Trump cloud your mind to the scientific truth. Numbers of dead people aren't open to your feelings about them. By the way I've seen a buddy log on to Uber as a driver - you MUST abide by their rules to drive. (1) Mask up (2) No politics. This idiotic childish pick-a-fight "I Love Trump" sign would have this person banned off Uber's platform in 60 seconds. Keep your repugnant "fuck Biden" opinions to yourself- we all know how triggered you were by the "fuck Trump" shirts. The incorrect views here on masks, independent contracting, and your perceived "loss of freedom to be an asshole" are what have kept the US mired in this disease far too long. By the way, a gram-positive or negative stain only works on bacteria, NOT viruses. You're a complete fake. This same uninformed ignorant "I did my own research" stupidity makes people swallow antibiotics to kill something that is completely unaffected by them. Jackasses the lot of you.
The driver has the freedom to also not drive for Uber if he doesn't like their rules. That said, I don't think it's the most unreasonable sign in the world until he gets to making it political. It's just completely unprofessional and wouldn't be welcome in nearly any workplace. Of course, if you work for a construction company that doubles as a fight club I'm guessing childish unprofessional behavior is something that you think is...
The driver has the freedom to also not drive for Uber if he doesn't like their rules. That said, I don't think it's the most unreasonable sign in the world until he gets to making it political. It's just completely unprofessional and wouldn't be welcome in nearly any workplace. Of course, if you work for a construction company that doubles as a fight club I'm guessing childish unprofessional behavior is something that you think is normal.
In any event, I'm really only replying to this because @David is sullying my good David name with this idiotic post.
Totally disgusted, we all know by now what the phrase let's go Brandon means and as a veteran it pisses me off when anyone disrespects the office of the president. Regardless of party affiliation
I love it, and for you all you that dont and think it's so "revolting" and that I have no brain to think on my own, I have to tell you that I have to PHD and have been a professor for over 40 years:)!
Lmao, judging by your grammar, you're definitely lying about having a PHD. You're obviously a brainless Trumpie. I mean, did you mean two PhDs, instead of "to Phd?"
As a fellow Uber driver, he knows that Uber requires him to wear a mask. Riders are still required to wear them also but I have given up fighting with them about it . As farcas the sign is disrespectful and political....not good for tips!
yes! telling someone they've the freedom to choose. so so so disrespectful!!
He made the choice to stand on his principles. money should never get in the way of that.
I disagree. If I saw that sign in a ride sharing vehicle, I would actually tip the driver MORE for recognizing that I still have rights and refusing to trample on them.
LOL at the commenters on here all salty about something they don't like. In case someone hasn't told you today, you are not special or better than anyone else because of your opinions. This driver has made it clear (in his own vehicle) that it's important to let people make their own health decisions, which he then will respect with them. You bunch of absolute babies lolllll.
The fact that you have to be told you can make your own decisions in order to make them is sad, i do what i want everyday , when i want. You should try it
If the sign had stopped at the end of the first sentence, it all would have been a non-issue. But the rest of the sign is offensive to a lot of people, especially the hashtag at the bottom.
I am a driver that is winding down and retiring from THE job. I have written a book on people in my Car. Have 2 more that I will finish. Last author in the world to write about driving people in my car before the pandemic. The first Book is titled: "Stories from the drivers Seat: 1,000 rides in 100 days." I have my own thoughts about this subject. To learn more of what I...
I am a driver that is winding down and retiring from THE job. I have written a book on people in my Car. Have 2 more that I will finish. Last author in the world to write about driving people in my car before the pandemic. The first Book is titled: "Stories from the drivers Seat: 1,000 rides in 100 days." I have my own thoughts about this subject. To learn more of what I think, read my books or watch the associated Tiktok channel: SFTDSbooks for now. This channel has dashcam footage. I know how society really is. My books document this.
All Uber drivers and passengers are required to wear a mask to protect the driver and the clients from passing Covid or any other variants. It pains me to see this type of propaganda displayed under the Uber company. I am a driver in California and UBER takes pride in keeping their drivers and clients safe as much as possible. Before we can go online we have to confirm that we read the mask policy....
All Uber drivers and passengers are required to wear a mask to protect the driver and the clients from passing Covid or any other variants. It pains me to see this type of propaganda displayed under the Uber company. I am a driver in California and UBER takes pride in keeping their drivers and clients safe as much as possible. Before we can go online we have to confirm that we read the mask policy. We are reminded every time we clock in. I dont know why this specific driver chooses to not follow the guidelines but many passengers choose to drive and even tip us for having standards that protect their health and get them home safely to their loved ones. Also no one knows who is carrying the virus and being in close proximity with various strangers from many regions ultimately protects you the client from any harm. Uber is a great form of transportation and they use their platform to provide the best customer service to their clients.
You’re not driver , you’re an Uber employee, this company is ran by bunch of thugs , they have the politician in their pocket that’s why it goes totally unregulated while ripping off riders and enslave their drivers, that’s why the so called gig tech has no respect and people use them out of necessity because they made sure people have no other choice
Actually, Uber is a terrible company that engages in blatant price gouging when demand is "higher than normal", sometimes more than tripling the standard fare (this happens daily in the Kansas City area). They (the company) take advantage of people's misfortune & desperation in order to make "easy" money. My daughter had to miss a day of work because her fare, which was usually around $15 one way, jumped to almost $50 one way that...
Actually, Uber is a terrible company that engages in blatant price gouging when demand is "higher than normal", sometimes more than tripling the standard fare (this happens daily in the Kansas City area). They (the company) take advantage of people's misfortune & desperation in order to make "easy" money. My daughter had to miss a day of work because her fare, which was usually around $15 one way, jumped to almost $50 one way that day. The circumstances (pickup/dropoff locations, day if the week, time of day, etc) of both prices were exactly the same; only the price was different. That was more than she had in her Uber budget for the rest of the week. There was no way she could blow it all on 1 trip.
Uber also has a ridiculous cancellation policy. If I cancel a ride, I am hit with a cancellation fee up to the original amount of the ride (this is true even if the driver asks me to cancel it) but nothing happens if the driver cancels & leaves me stranded.
Did you ever think, that gas prices had something to do with the price of the ride going up? Of course not, entitled people like you only think about yourselves.
So if I pull out a blunt, out of respect, he’ll smoke one also? If I whack him upside the head, out of respect he’ll do the same? What utter nonsense.
As a Uber driver myself. If this message is truth which I doubt ? Because one the passengers file complaints with Uber... driver account will be suspended right away.
Been there done that. The last day I drove people was that day a couple of weeks ago. I do not plan on taking people in my car ever again.
These people are easily the most offended, immature man-child “adults” in the country. In the most ironic way possible they are the very “snowflakes” they supposedly fight against. Imagine STILL being this hurt their daddy lost a free and Democratic election. But hurr durr let’s go Brandon….the simpletons will never understand that most people didn’t vote for Biden…they voted AGAINST their cult leader.
All your comments are juvenile!! I drive full time for Uber/Lyft and only 3 to 4 percent of my passengers where a mask. You do know that masks don’t work, right?? Per the CDC. Look it up! I wouldn’t make money if I rejected 95+ percent of my rides.
I don't have a problem with his decision that's between him, Uber and his passengers. I do however take exception to disrespecting a sitting president. Regardless of party affiliation
Thank you! Finally, a voice of reason!
I had a similar sign in an Uber last summer. Except the driver did not wear a mask. Period.
As a Uber driver myself. If this message is truth which I doubt ? Because one the passengers file complaints with Uber... driver account will be suspended right away.
Hahaha.. So many freedom fighters here.. I am pretty sure everyone who has commented has said F Trump.. So how is him saying F Biden any different??
I am a person who believes in freedom.. I believe you can be a happy Democrat/liberal and Happy Republican/Right wing.. But you can't be a happy one if you truly hate the other side.. An eagle needs both wings to fly so all you hypocritical people need...
Hahaha.. So many freedom fighters here.. I am pretty sure everyone who has commented has said F Trump.. So how is him saying F Biden any different??
I am a person who believes in freedom.. I believe you can be a happy Democrat/liberal and Happy Republican/Right wing.. But you can't be a happy one if you truly hate the other side.. An eagle needs both wings to fly so all you hypocritical people need to look in the mirror just like this Author..
To the Author: so you abide by all rules and laws especially in public?? You never break any rules?? This guy was nice enough to be like
I don't believe in mask and prefer not to wear one but if you would feel better if I did I will so we are all comfortable during this ride
Let's Go Brandon
I am sure if it said F TRUMP everyone on here especially the Patriots who said this guy is a traitor would be cheering this sign on..
Hypocrites from both sides are what's Ruining my country I fought for.. I did 2 tours for this freedom to feel how I want not how you think I should or tell me who's fairytale I have to believe because they do.. You guys should try it sometime instead of calling anyone without your view sheep's..
@Brian R
Take your environmental green cult views elsewhere.
This person right here represents exactly why the covid situation It's not over there are just too many people out there still spreading this virus we will never get past it as long as people like this keep doing this
I don’t think it will significantly annoy a majority although it will definitely annoy some. I personally like the sign. Wouldn’t bother me a bit!
Covid isn't the flu. The flu and covid are 2 different types of virus. Your willful ignorance is showing. And your beloved trump loves Russia. If you aren't going to educate yourself, please don't let other people know. I'm embarrassed for you.
As a ride share driver, this is in fact against Uber policy. Once he is reported, he will be banned from the app. Because of this mentality, is the reason why Florida is bad with covid. Your " your right to choose " stops when it endangers other people. The complete and willful ignorance of people saddens me.
If you get a chance, go ahead and "culture" that glorified snot rag by continuing the Petrie dish environment by submitting it to a lab like the cue tip you shoved up your nose, you know moist and warm...and get back to us with the cultured results of the cultured gram positive and negative bacteria, I'll wait...
It's not really just Uber's policy. It's CDC and federal transportation guidelines, requirements. All public transportation (Planes, Busses, taxi, ride share... )
The mandate expires around March 18, 2022
I mainly click on this for the comments
Way to go Ben OMAT!
"America was founded on my freedom to say whatever I want and I express this by not saying the thing I want to say. Also, I believe its a personal freedom issue whether i wear a mask while working for a company that stipulates I wear one since I'm a stupid, awkward, coward." -warmachine
The driver doesn't want to be told what to do by Uber or the government yet will still respect his neighbor by obliging if they wear one. Seems like a respectable guy to me. If knowing someone's political stance annoys you then you might be the problem. I have no problem listening to anyone's opinion as long as you are respectful.
So I'm guessing he probably only wears a seatbelt , obeys traffic laws, and not drink and drive depending on the passenger?
Then the driver doesn't need to work for Uber! Ur comment makes no sense! So if I want to drink and drive while working Uber I should be allowed to do that too, I mean it's my freedoms and all
Not to mention that you almost guarantee that the same people who are upset at a non-profane euphemism had no issue being profane toward the previous president. Hypocrites.
Any questions on who the authoritarians are? There are two people in a car. If they agree, no one wears a mask. If the customer requests him to do so he will. How could anyone but a control freak that wants to dictate to others how to life have a problem with this? Never mind that if you go and get the vaccine whether or not your driver wears a mask poses to little risk...
Any questions on who the authoritarians are? There are two people in a car. If they agree, no one wears a mask. If the customer requests him to do so he will. How could anyone but a control freak that wants to dictate to others how to life have a problem with this? Never mind that if you go and get the vaccine whether or not your driver wears a mask poses to little risk to you. Any question why people are sick of the mask nuts who apparently can’t fathom not living in fear and/or all-consuming worry?
I am an Uber driver and I wear a mask. It isn't because of fear or all-consuming worry. It is because I'm not willing to spread a deadly disease that has killed millions. Someone's rights end when they affect another person. It's sad how people don't know how rights work.
You should like get a medal after a parade for being such a good boy.
So when the mandates expire in like a week magically you won't be spreading it anymore?
I drive on the side for both Uber and Lyft Regardless of his personal beliefs, when he turns his app on and agrees to the terms of service for drivers, one of those is that he will wear a mask with EVERY PAX. He's not. Therefore, he should be deactivated. Its the same with riders. They agree to wear a mask every time they are in a vehicle. If they don't, they get a warning....
I drive on the side for both Uber and Lyft Regardless of his personal beliefs, when he turns his app on and agrees to the terms of service for drivers, one of those is that he will wear a mask with EVERY PAX. He's not. Therefore, he should be deactivated. Its the same with riders. They agree to wear a mask every time they are in a vehicle. If they don't, they get a warning. More than once or twice and they lose access to their account. It's simple. As for the rest, ride share drivers should NEVER be pushing their personal agendas or political beliefs on their riders. Save that for the klan meeting
There are many problems with the sign, but let’s address the obvious. Why can’t people just write “F**k Biden” if that’s what they intend? Seems rather juvenile and cowardly, when in essence they mean the same. As an American, living overseas, I’m out of touch with U.S. politics and trends so genuinely curious about this strange trend.
Try talking with someone that says it if your curious instead of calling them cowardly and juvenile.
Its really sad over here people are upset putins buddy didn't get reelected
Because the adults in the room don't like to be as crude as you kids do. We can say something that sounds a bit nicer and still gets the point across without being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. But we understand how the last two generations have no concept that idea.
@ Here's your clue - you're not actually serious, are you? That is literally the stupidest comment I have read on OMAAT. Are you really suggesting that the past generations were more civilized, with their endorsement of racism, prejudice, xenophobia, LGBTQ and outdated views of women? Let's Go "Here's your clue!"
Mad because people have something fun in their life that you aren’t apart of? Cry more
As both a driver and sometimes a rider I think this was just fine. Sometimes riders don’t wear it and try to come up with an excuse really fast I don’t see a problem with their choice I will wear mine. But I have also had Covid twice and I am fully vaccinated. In my opinion I have a greater risk of catching Covid from one of my kids since they are kids and we’ll...
As both a driver and sometimes a rider I think this was just fine. Sometimes riders don’t wear it and try to come up with an excuse really fast I don’t see a problem with their choice I will wear mine. But I have also had Covid twice and I am fully vaccinated. In my opinion I have a greater risk of catching Covid from one of my kids since they are kids and we’ll just say they get sick a lot more often because they’re at school and just trying to grow and play. I do thank God that they have not once got Covid 3 kids no Covid not even while taking care of me with Covid. As a rider sometimes I forget and think I’ll have time to put on my makeup since I’m not driving but I try not to uncover just work around the mask. To each their own. Everyone is going to have something to say anyway so do what you think is best for you without giving crap to everyone else. It’s a reflection of who you really are.
As a UBER driver I don’t wear a mask when I am alone. If a passenger asks if they can take off their mask. It’s always yes.. when some of you talk about policy you must remember that if a driver gives you a choice he is respecting your right.. If you give a driver a low rating remember that he can also give you a low rating so it’s really best for everyone to...
As a UBER driver I don’t wear a mask when I am alone. If a passenger asks if they can take off their mask. It’s always yes.. when some of you talk about policy you must remember that if a driver gives you a choice he is respecting your right.. If you give a driver a low rating remember that he can also give you a low rating so it’s really best for everyone to just keep the 5 stars going on both sides…. I have 20,000 rides and a 4.97 rating on UBER and a 5.0 on LYFT.. A driver isn’t affected by a low rating as much as a passenger would be because by sheer volume it’s easier for him …If People are ready to give a low driver rating for expressing their opinion that is petty. The driver should not have that sign for sure but in the other hand many drivers sit through listening to things they don’t want to hear and still give 5 stars.. If a driver or passenger gives each other a 3 or lower they will never be connected again. In 20,000 rides I have given less than 50 low ratings…It’s how we make money and it’s how you get to where your going.. in the end ratings don’t matter and neither do masks so wear one if you want and if the driver lets you take yours off he is just trying to let you know he respects your rights. Whatever your judgement is it ends when you shut your door and always remember the number one reason drivers give low ratings for is when you slam the door.
Yea. Who needs Uber rules ? Ignore the speed limits and seatbelts too. They are just rules.
Wow... What are you going to do in like a few days when most if not all mask restrictions are lifted?? Gasp! The horror!
Some people love their controlling and condescending perch over masks (almost all cloth which have been shown to have negligible/questionable efficacy) and will have a hard time not trying to rule everyone else's life after this little token of moral superiority for you is laughed at by everyone ready to have a life.
I'm fully vaccinated and I also wear masks where I have to but I love this guy's sign!
My retirement hobby is driving Uber twice a week. I want my riders wearing masks. The Uber app won't let me log on until I check a box agreeing to Uber covid policy and that I am wearing a mask. Didn't realize being an American grants the freedom to lie. Evidently that driver does.
Man good for you brotha! It is nice to see that you are still also being curious about wearing a mask if your passengers are wearing one. Oh and just to let everyone know that doesn't already....we are not employees of uber we are sole proprietors or llc business owners who are contracted out to Uber for services rendered.
Running a hothouse on wheels? Can't see (the road) sometimes? In danger of an asthma attack anytime? Lunatic ultra right-wing views on life generally? A shrine to Trump on the dashboard?
Nah, made up the last one, but the rest seem right on the mark!
Hope you never turn up for my ride should I ever find myself in Bumfuk, South Carolina.
For a non-US person, you got it pegged. Exactly. Stories like this make me wish I, too, were a non-US person....
You forgot a big one: In America people with incredibly low IQs and low EQs have too much freedom.
America used to forcibly sterilize idiots.
He's not breaking any laws, you uneducated moron. There's no laws requiring masks. Only recommendations.
Yet another person 5hat only thinks of their rights. It's this mentality that has given the good old USA the highest death total during the pandemic. Sorry but this driver should be deactivated
You should be deactivated. Get educated.
Plus 1
How do? What is your argument?
As an Alaskan who uses Uber all the time I couldn’t disagree more. I thought us Alaskans were smarter than that. We believe in freedom of speech thought etc.
You are a real piece of sh….Brian R and are everything that is wrong with America. You’re cancel culture rhetoric is disgusting! By the way what law is he breaking?
Yeah there called his rights.. Stay in Alaska no one needs you here... Let me guess you make every decision in your life based on how it effects society and the environment?? Oh you don't?? THEN WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE FOR CARING ABOUT THEMSELVES??
As a happily non-US person I had to resort to Wikipedia to source the meaning of #LetsGoBrandon.
At essence, it seems it sharply sorts out total morons from the rest of the populance, right?
Actually it's hilarious.. Do you even know how it started?? I bet you are one of the millions of people who said F Trump to join bandwagon..
Lastly don't lie, you wish to lived in this amazing country.. The news only shows the bad.. I live a great life with my freedom and no fear of actual troops setting foot on my land.. To bad most countries can't say that..
I bet your...
Actually it's hilarious.. Do you even know how it started?? I bet you are one of the millions of people who said F Trump to join bandwagon..
Lastly don't lie, you wish to lived in this amazing country.. The news only shows the bad.. I live a great life with my freedom and no fear of actual troops setting foot on my land.. To bad most countries can't say that..
I bet your country has and can be invaded at any time.. lots of people act like there better then Americans until there shit hole country is crying for help and America has to step in to save there sorry asses..
I prefer to mask in such a small space and masks are still required. I'm an Uber driver and this is clearly a violation.. especially the unnecessary Let's Go Brandon. It's very unprofessional of poor taste and not a view shared by all drivers. Let's go Dumpster!
When you fail junior high school social studies and don't realize freedom in the usa does not mean do whatever the heck you want and understand the difference, well you end up driving Uber for a living.
Sooo, being an Uber driver means you're a dropout..? That's funny, I have a business degree, am a Phi Theta Kappa member, and I'm a business owner making $36-$50 an hour. What's my job? I'm a full time Uber driver. How much do you make?
8 hours?? Please get out of here.. I have done the studies.. To make that much on Uber your driving a shit ton.. Second if you don't have electric with today's gas prices that definitely taking out of that amount but I am sure with your business degree you know how profits work.. So I don't care if you make 1000 that day how much time and money did you spend to get it.. Break...
8 hours?? Please get out of here.. I have done the studies.. To make that much on Uber your driving a shit ton.. Second if you don't have electric with today's gas prices that definitely taking out of that amount but I am sure with your business degree you know how profits work.. So I don't care if you make 1000 that day how much time and money did you spend to get it.. Break that shit down and let's see how much you make.. Now if your gonna sit here and tell me your making 5-6 k a month driving Uber I call Bullshit.. That with only working 40 hours a week.. also minus from your profit and taxes and still tell me that's your total.. I promise you at these rates with gas and the total amount of traffic in a Big city to even have this much work is also factored in.. You can sale that shit somewhere else..
50 an hour is crap money. That is only 100k a year. And you have expenses to cover as well. If you really have a degree you should be able to double that with a salary position. Seriously.....
Lol, BOB. I make more money driving part time for Uber than I did working 16 years working 55 hours a week for the state! I was a public assistant fraud investigator and my job was to find clients who committed fraud and created the claims to make them pay back the county/state/federal aid given to them. Many of my cases were forwarded to the District Attorneys office where they became felons for theft of...
Lol, BOB. I make more money driving part time for Uber than I did working 16 years working 55 hours a week for the state! I was a public assistant fraud investigator and my job was to find clients who committed fraud and created the claims to make them pay back the county/state/federal aid given to them. Many of my cases were forwarded to the District Attorneys office where they became felons for theft of government money! I am NOT a drop out, I have a college education and I love what I do and make great money!! Plus I get to spend more time with my family and friends than I ever did before. I also figure I am preventing DUI’s and possible car accidents with deaths every night I drive! I’m saving lives, what do you do BOB????
Want to call you an idiot Bob; but first would like for you to bridge the gap between "fail Jr High social studies" to a career in driving for UBER. Please enlighten me about your logic. Reminds me of the line that George Carlin once said in one of his performances "There's no doubt about it, Beer definitely leads to heroine"
Some of those Uber drivers are probably making more than you Bob!
First everyone needs to remember regardless of a platform a driver drives for it’s still their vehicle!! Second Uber and Lyft take way more than 25% for their drivers and half of passengers do not tip. If your so easily offended by a sign I strongly suggest living in a bubble ! And for those that want to play the report game …. I bet I could catch anyone of you not following rules at...
First everyone needs to remember regardless of a platform a driver drives for it’s still their vehicle!! Second Uber and Lyft take way more than 25% for their drivers and half of passengers do not tip. If your so easily offended by a sign I strongly suggest living in a bubble ! And for those that want to play the report game …. I bet I could catch anyone of you not following rules at your job that could result in loss of income for your family! And if I recall the constitution still protects freedom of speech so for all of you have your panties in a bunch perhaps live elsewhere like Afghanistan!
Freedom of choice. Ride cancelled!
There ya go, Now your getting it….. very good
You must not live in Texas. Freedom of choice is hard to come by there...
Uber isn’t his company. He’s not free to use their platform to make money while violating their policies. There is no court in the country that would uphold that as his “right.” He’s free to set up his own company/app and then do as he pleases. Got to love the comments by people like Mrs Parker who obviously have never read the Constitution. I suggest doing a little homework.
Why Trump supporter still tried to be civilized but at the end showed his true feeling? Nobody cares about his loyalty and support to someone who defended world mass murderer and dictator Putin. It's offensive to many people. You should definitely report it.
It's a slow news day here at OMAAT. And we all just did Lucky a huge favour by clicking his clickbait...proof that libs and cons are more alike in their gullibility than they care to admit. Now let that sink in. My two cents.
Clickbait is the essence of mankind, tho. Think about it. Unless we should all be in pods like in the Matrix
Everything free inherently has clickybait built in so enjoy. Unless you believe you can have all your cake and eat it and be the center of attention.
Oh yeah….. it’s a flu. Tell that to the >1M dead Americans.
Stop calling yourself a “real American”, Karen!
I was fine with it until the last line. For that he needs to be deactivated. You can have whatever beliefs you want but to put that is extremely unprofessional. You are representing Uber and in a way other drivers and that is unacceptable. Plus Uber specifically tells its drivers not to talk politics with passengers which is ultimately what that is doing.
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? U dont have to agree with message. Defiant L on twitter had multiple example of people complaining about Brandon yet when Trump was president they tweeted F$&# Trump.
no. its unprofessional and tacky. end of discussion. there is no "free speech' in business? wtf are you talking about? professionalism or be relegated to side lines for those that play the game will win. Its....embarrassing. you work at a restaurant or hotel or anywhere you speak and interact with customers of all shapes and sizes and think you can say what you want? no. never. pay the price. stay poor. report report report. u...
no. its unprofessional and tacky. end of discussion. there is no "free speech' in business? wtf are you talking about? professionalism or be relegated to side lines for those that play the game will win. Its....embarrassing. you work at a restaurant or hotel or anywhere you speak and interact with customers of all shapes and sizes and think you can say what you want? no. never. pay the price. stay poor. report report report. u keep ur opinions to your self and mouth $hut and impeccable service bc that is your job and contract with uber. no one cares what you think. no need for signs. masks if anything case by case basis and soon its a moot issue bc its over/ending. rules are rules. free speech? go do ur free speech in closed doors with ma and pa. we the people paying for expensive uber rides expect more.
"In the driver's defense"? Seriously, moron? That means "F... Joe Biden".
the driver can’t write lets go Brandon but you can call Ben -who was simply and objectively reporting a story and expressing his thoughts -moron? Who’s the moron here?
That’s the democratic and liberal etiquette. You’re only free to think and speak as long as you 100% agree with them. And you're probably even an Ivy leaguer, God (can i say that word without offending anyone?) save us
Freedom of speech doesn’t give you a free pass to say whatever you want without consequences. If his job gets wind of it, and decides to fire him over it, freedom of speech doesn’t apply. Freedom of speech ONLY protects you from prosecution by state, local, and federal government. Not your employers firing you for your decision to break the rules.
Right on lasdiner! These fools will finally get the message when the Demos get whitewashed in the upcoming midterms. Then and only then will they understand that the average Joe is tired of all this cancel culture crap!
I would get out of that car and report him.
I hope you reported this to Uber. And gave the driver 1 star.
Angry people some of you are, much more than the driver, who is actually quite reasonable and simply stopped believing in theatre
Lets go Brandon IS freedom of speech. Might violate uber policy, true, and might induce a one star. I don’t think he cares, and for that, hats off to him, even if i personally might dissent
This is as desperate as people who have so much to say that they put bumper stickers on their car.
Just. Plain. Tacky.
Mrs., get your husband a beer. You set women back a good decade.
She’s not showcasing her womanhood in order to be treated with white gloves, as if she was an endangered species. And you telling her to get a husband and a beer are the one who seems to want women back three decades.
Or a pro-abortion one is the only comment a woman is allowed to post, without being accused of being retrograde?
Gosh, was reading all the comments here... starting to worry about my trip to the US next month. I'm used to wearing a mask (also because here in Italy we still have a mask mandate indoors), but I'm starting to wonder if I'll get funny looks and bad comments about it.
Giovanna come to the US noone will give you the looks. But tell your fellow Italians -whom are among the most beloved people here in America- that is time to be less hypochondriac and to get back to normality
Safe trip from your compatiot
No one will give you looks. I was in FL a few weeks ago. I wore a mask until I got my test to return home, no comments whatsoever. In fact, most of my trip until this point was in less high-end places (including a Target in the middle of nowhere). Then I stopped wearing my mask, again without any issues. I highly doubt you'll run into idiots, even if you go to more rural or casual places.
I live in the US and I continue to wear a mask when I go out (an N95-grade mask, 100% of the time if I'll be indoors with others). Other people should respect your preference, period, and I'd be surprised if you were hassled at all.
I've traveled 21 weeks during the pandemic (mostly for work) to areas all around the US (from Detroit, rural Missouri, LA, Miami, etc.) and I am under active medical...
I live in the US and I continue to wear a mask when I go out (an N95-grade mask, 100% of the time if I'll be indoors with others). Other people should respect your preference, period, and I'd be surprised if you were hassled at all.
I've traveled 21 weeks during the pandemic (mostly for work) to areas all around the US (from Detroit, rural Missouri, LA, Miami, etc.) and I am under active medical treatment due to a liver issue so I've continued to wear a quality mask wherever I got, and I choose not to dine in restaurants at this time (I just bring food back to my room). I can also confirm that I have not contracted COVID by simply continuing to wear my mask and act in a safer way (confirmed with regular antibody testing required by the treatment from my medical care team), so masks do work.
I've only gotten looks in really rural areas, while I only got a comment way early on in the pandemic (like May 2020) from someone who believed COVID wasn't real at all.
I guess I can’t be too offended. I’ve seen things friends have said that was much worse against the opposition. Sad times we live in.
Poor Brandon Brown. Pushed to the center of this.
As for Let's Go Brandon being vile... c'mon man... yes it means effff Joe Biden. But how many people just come right out and say F$%$ Trump! ?
dumb argument.
One last thought, but for a lot of us (since this is a global forum), we should be thankful that we have the ability to speak our minds whether we agree with them or not unlike those in North Korea, Russia, China, or even Thailand or Saudi Arabia; you can arrested just by having a bad haircut in North Korea!
When we go outside even just for a walk, we should humble ourselves and appreciate...
One last thought, but for a lot of us (since this is a global forum), we should be thankful that we have the ability to speak our minds whether we agree with them or not unlike those in North Korea, Russia, China, or even Thailand or Saudi Arabia; you can arrested just by having a bad haircut in North Korea!
When we go outside even just for a walk, we should humble ourselves and appreciate that we're just going about our daily lives without running from terror. A lot of people are not able to do so especially right now.
Just something to keep in mind.
I am not an American. Can someone enlighten me on who is Brandon and where are the they talking about going to
In a recent Stock Car race that was shown live on TV, the crowd was saying "F#*^ Biden". The announcer misunderstood what was being said, but said on the air that the crowd was encouraging one of the lead drivers with the first name of Brandon. That's where the F Biden quote is mistaken for Let's go Brandon. Totally spontaneous event that has lead to something that become international. Kind of like the situation when...
In a recent Stock Car race that was shown live on TV, the crowd was saying "F#*^ Biden". The announcer misunderstood what was being said, but said on the air that the crowd was encouraging one of the lead drivers with the first name of Brandon. That's where the F Biden quote is mistaken for Let's go Brandon. Totally spontaneous event that has lead to something that become international. Kind of like the situation when Marco Rubio got thirsty on air and grabbed a glass of water or when a fly flew on Mike Pence's head. That was funny, but not so funny when it comes too close to a way far left politician. Not a total explanation to your question AM, but welcome to America.
Slight correction. The mainstream media reporter heard EXACTLY what the crowd was saying but tried in vain to ignore/deflect.
He is a race car driver in the second tier series of NASCAR. Last year after winning a race, while he was being interviewed on tv, the crowd behind heard was clearly chanting “F%#! Joe Biden!” For whatever reason the interviewer said “You can hear the crowd…Let’s Go Brandon!” and the phrase was born.
This sign bothers me 0%. People need to stop getting offended by everything. Feel free to review the driver and rate the driver as you see fit. Freedom is a wonderful thing...when you actually allow people to do things you don't like.
I am kind of bothered by getting in the car with an Uber driver who has a sign in the back seat saying F Joe Biden. I can't remember ever getting into one that ever said the say thing about Trump
Wow, your Dad sounds like an ignorant Trump supporter!
Uber and Lyft still have mask policies.
I am a driver of both…
I feel sorry for you!
Bless your heart
You pull this from your arse? What leads you to that conclusion?
I am a Trump supporter and I’m not ignorant at all -like countless others- thats what Patti got wrong.
We’re just a basket of deplorables who miss not being on a WWIII brink and actually having most domestic issues taken care of and maybe even fixed. Who knows, Ben’s dad could agree
He had me up to the let's go Brandon garbage. That tell me he has the mentality of an 8 year old and I no longer trust his driving.
Get off that car, then-you’re free too
Yeah and deal with explaining to Uber why I got out so I get a refund? Find me a single example of an Uber/Lyft driver posting a sign with negative things about Trump and I might be able to get on board. Either way, given how anything below five stars is considered a negative review for those platforms, I would imagine that person would be booted off for 1 star reviews.
Some peeps politicize everything, often at their own detriment. They fall prey to propaganda and utter BS, too lazy to verify anything. If they cannot explain it themselves they'll believe most anything. Religion works the same way.
Saying F the president is not treason. Its actually freedom of speech. Should this person have put this sign in his car... No but I support his right to say that. Free speech is absolute not treason.
However, This probably violates uber policy as it should. Funny, how people react different to a few years ago... Everyone loves free speech until they say something you do not agree with.
Yet last year (Q3 2021) I received a warning from Lyft that a driver reported me for not wearing a mask and I would be suspended if I received another warning. The worst part was I WAS wearing a mask and the driver cancelled my pickup from 1/4 mile away so he wouldn’t have even known, and it was clearly a way to cover his own self and cancel without repercussion. I complained to Lyft...
Yet last year (Q3 2021) I received a warning from Lyft that a driver reported me for not wearing a mask and I would be suspended if I received another warning. The worst part was I WAS wearing a mask and the driver cancelled my pickup from 1/4 mile away so he wouldn’t have even known, and it was clearly a way to cover his own self and cancel without repercussion. I complained to Lyft and they removed the warning - but I was not happy that drivers could lie and suspend passengers. Back to taxis for me! Also much cheaper these days.
Wow, the exact ting happened top me with a Lyft ride that cancelled before arrival, but had still reported me for a mask violation....and I always wear a mask.
that is his car, uber and lyft doesn’t have a car. so fuck uber & lyft policy. tell them to pay driver more money. tell your dad to get a car.
I didn't even know/notice 'Let’s go Brandon' part until I read some comments here.
I had to google its meaning - and it is so funny.
God bless America
Yes teenage boys and morons around the world are laughing.
Why would anybody be “annoyed” by this sign? He’s accomodating to everyone’s preferences.
If some looney is “annoyed” that he doesn’t wear a mask with other non mask wearing passengers, that says more about that snowflake than the driver.
The fact that you use snowflake as an insult says more about you than the people you are trying to insult.
And yes you Aaron are a snowflake by the very definition!
or Trumpski
Oh, we call you guys much worse than that, which is why you get so upset about it.
He's a bigot, and a godawful businessman, and a tax cheat, and a sex maniac, and probably functionally illiterate. But you guys are the ones who looked at this fool and said "He should run our country for four years! That way, he'll make me just like him!!!"
Yeah. He has a massively flawed character. But you know what you left out? He did a far better job at carrying out the responsibilities of the offense than the guy we have bumbling around now; but at least that guy doesn’t send mean tweets. Let that comfort you the next you get gas.
The rheotoric in the USA is @ such a fantastical level that amicable, logical (informed), calm discourse is nearly impossible. In consideration of this, it's a very passive---yet clear--- msg the driver is sending...& the driver is willing to oblige & wear a mask if "you" (i.e. customer) so "chose". That's a pretty tame way of conveying a position in the current environment. What's Uber's policy for bumper-stickers, etc?
It's mostly randos on the internet with all the hot takes. Except for the Karenest of Karens, most of the real world people are pretty chill.
Same rule in my uber and I have a let's go Brandon bumper sticker next to my trump 24 sticker
#fcuktrump would be my bumper sticker of choice.
But you're violating Uber's very public policy that its drivers and passengers must be masked during all trips.
If you want the freedom to go without a mask, get another job, Patti. While you're on this one, you need to follow your employer's rules.
While I wish Uber and Lyft would be treated as "employers" of their drivers under the law, they have done everything they can to avoid that.
That said, just like we as users of those apps as riders have to comply with their masking rules, so do their "independent contractor" driver users of the app.
I don't wear one when driving... let the cancel me for it and they're getting sued for medical discrimination. I have an exemption; I'm exempt from your retarded ass nazi loving policies. Get your own car then fucking bum. Execute Joe Biden for treason! He armed enemies of the United States!
This driver will wear a mask if you want. What business is it of yours if another rider doesn’t and doesn’t care if the driver doesn’t wear one. Mind your own business. As for me and many others, we got the vaccine and we are done with the fear. If you want to cower still, fine but don’t try to force me to join you. This is not March 2020 where ubiquitous mask use was,...
This driver will wear a mask if you want. What business is it of yours if another rider doesn’t and doesn’t care if the driver doesn’t wear one. Mind your own business. As for me and many others, we got the vaccine and we are done with the fear. If you want to cower still, fine but don’t try to force me to join you. This is not March 2020 where ubiquitous mask use was, though not yet the norm, reasonable given where we were then. You authoritarians are the most self-absorbed people around. Wear your mask and stop thinking you have any authority to tell others what to do.
Oh no! Patti's still at it, ravin'and rantin' like a madwoman. Sad.
I'd actually not be opposed (at this particular stage in the pandemic) to the sign, if not for the "Let's go Brandon".
And yes, technically he is violating T&C. It should (again: at this point and IMO) be consensual decision, but it's not. Maybe they can build that feature into the app soon (I.E: if either one chooses that they want to wear a mask, both have to).
Just two-set the record straight your right Uber no longer cares what do you wear a mask or not because when they started enforcing that rule they found out too many drivers were saying let's go LETS GO UBER I'm walking away. Tell you that that's absolutely correct because you're reading a post from a former 6-year Uber driver
Masks became politicized in the US unlike in any other country when Fauci's email was published that said in the early days of the pandemic that cloth and non-surgical paper masks did little to nothing to reduce the spread of covid-19 and yet nationwide mask guidelines were published and maintained that included allowing exactly those types of masks.
It should be no surprise that some people choose to speak out on masks even if...
Masks became politicized in the US unlike in any other country when Fauci's email was published that said in the early days of the pandemic that cloth and non-surgical paper masks did little to nothing to reduce the spread of covid-19 and yet nationwide mask guidelines were published and maintained that included allowing exactly those types of masks.
It should be no surprise that some people choose to speak out on masks even if it might not be wise for them to do so, esp. where their employment/job situation is involved.
The CDC has provided updated mask guidance which does not even recommend masks indoors for most parts of the country based on current covid metrics.
Given Biden’s horrendous approval ratings, the sign won’t annoy too many people!
Several OMAAT readers have their panties in a twist, though. But I'm sure they avoid Florida altogether so no one really loses.
Probably in as much of a twist if either of you saw a sign saying fcuktrump, I imagine.
Thinking Biden is a horrible President does not necessarily equate to liking Trump. Actually the opposite for many (both bad - for different reasons).
Uber and Lyft absolutely do not care anymore. The MOST you can expect is that they'll message back saying "we'll no longer pair you with this driver" or "we will not penalize you for refusing a ride with a driver who refused to wear facial covering", but they still expect you to ASK the driver to do so.
This has nothing to do with "freedom of choice" or respect. This is just an anti-masker wants to know when he can get away without wearing his mask. Ubers policy is that all riders/drivers need a mask. As a driver, if he gets reported for not having his mask then he could have his account suspended. His stupid sign simply translates to "hey, wink wink. We don't HAVE to wear our masks. Just take urs off first and I'll take off mine."
He wants to feel important, and since he only drives for Uber instead of the Big Powerful Career he was no doubt "cheated" out of by other people, this is his only mechanism for making himself heard. He's all-important within his own car, even when he's transporting senior citizens around suburban Tampa for six bucks an hour.
Actually, independently contracted Uber/Lyft drivers are business owners and make good money. I drive about 30 hours a week and regularly make $1200-1500/wk or more. I'll do the math for you, that's $40-50/hr. How much do you make an hour? LOL
C'mon, Tami. You have to know that salaries on a page like this are $200k+. When we're in your Uber, we're still getting paid double your highest rates while we sit back scrolling OMAAT & Flyertalk on our phones. We are also getting healthcare and unlimited paid vacation time. Now there's a LOL.
Typical liberals looking down their nose at anyone who doesn’t comply with their worldview. This specimen makes it worse by a massive amount of projecting his biases on the mythical Uber driver he has created. Now who is trying to feel important? Yes, we all remember the lesson growing up, that someone making fun of you is just trying to tear you down to feel better about themselves.
What is the point of wearing the mask option if the previous rider infected the car already ? The idea of mask is to mitigate all the way. Slap stick mask wearing ain’t gonna work. By the time I board the Uber n see the sign it’s too late. Who pays for the cancellation fee n waste of everyone’s time. Loose use of freedom with little regard to everyone’s health. Seems more like “freedom to...
What is the point of wearing the mask option if the previous rider infected the car already ? The idea of mask is to mitigate all the way. Slap stick mask wearing ain’t gonna work. By the time I board the Uber n see the sign it’s too late. Who pays for the cancellation fee n waste of everyone’s time. Loose use of freedom with little regard to everyone’s health. Seems more like “freedom to be reckless” or “freedom to care” choice and this driver choose the former to appease some clientele and personal convenience
Maybe you’ve missed the news. There’s a vaccine you can get. But once you there’s little risk to you. You can then stop demanding that others live in the same fear/paranoia/consuming worry that you do.
This jerk can have his sign and I and others can refuse the ride.
Slow day?
Uber drivers in US are CONTRACTORS, not employees.
Get yourself educated!!!
Funny people always argue between contractors or employees for Uber drivers.
You're not their lawyers, stop acting like one.
In this context, contractors or employees doesn't matter, either are still obligated to follow company policies.
If he had removed the "as long as this is still America" and LGB part it would be quite reasonable approach and something as a customer I'd be OK with, albeit given its against Uber's rules I would doubt Uber is OK with it and they're his employer so he should follow the rules. The political part is unnecessary and inflammatory and quite likely to end up getting him reported and removed from the app.
Uber will fight you to their death to say that they're not his "employer."
LOL fair point, employer -> company for which he/she is a contractor :)
Uber is not his employer. As drivers we are business owners and independent contractors driving our own, personal vehicles. As such it should be our decision. You try driving your own car for 8 hours wearing a mask, with heat blasting in your face and see how you feel about it then.
I mostly like the sign. It’s how I would think about handling it if I was an Uber driver. I would skip the Let’s Go Brandon and the freedom stuff to simply say you have the choice, and I will wear one if you do. I am sure it goes against Uber’s policy but so be it.
Is it ok for women to go topless in the car? Or for someone to pee freely in the backseat? Because Freedom of Choice right?
Regarding the pee statement: That person's freedom to pee ends at the tip of his penis and the contact of the point of the car's upholstery.
I used to say fuck Donald Trump all of the time. I danced in clubs to the song "fuck Donald Trump". Do I feel bad? Nope. Let's go Brandon is no different. Let folks have their opinion. None of us are going to like everything, that's what makes humans so unique. Don't like the mans sign? Complain to Uber, get out and walk or call another Uber lol.
There's a song that contains the reprise, 'fuck Donald Trump'? That one dances to? Thank god I'm from the 60s.
I don't know why Lets go Brandon trigger so many people. No matter who is the president, there are people that will hate the president. Fs were given to many many presidents for a long time. This was recently more pronounced when Trump was president. Freedom to tell F the president, is a fundamental human right,
Also want to add that people were fine with saying "F--k Trump" and publicly give death threats to Trump for four years but "Let's Go Brandon" is bad when it doesn't explicitly swear. I'm a democrat and am not a huge fan of Trump but I find this a terrible double standard and I find it amazing how the left is just so brazen about this and it makes me ashamed to say that I'm a democrat smh.
No one put "F*** Trump" on bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats, face masks, sweatshirts, or in their cabs for the masses. I don't recall people saying "F*** Trump" publicly or posting death threats to him - privately, sure, but not publicly, and certainly not to the extent that you see Democrats, Secretaries of State, poll workers, or journalists getting death threats now, all the time (there's another article every week!).
@Ralph I’m pretty sure Kathy Griffin and Snoop Dogg were very public in their efforts. And as far as your weekly articles go, that could simply be a reflection of what the media are considering newsworthy. Come to middle ground it’s nice here.
@Sel, D. I'm very much in the middle. And if you are using Kathy Griffin and Snoop as your response to this, thinking either one of them was serious, you are most definitely not in the middle. Furthermore, just because FoxNews doesn't cover the weekly death threats to Dems doesn't mean they aren't happening and that they aren't deplorable.
No one's putting "F*** Biden" on paraphernalia either. The left is just mad they didn't have a cheeky G-rated code word for "F*** Trump." They have been, however, absolutely successful at painting the red MAGA hat as a neo-nazi, white supremacist, racist slogan, so there's that.
@Jan - except it isn't g-rated...everyone knows it means "F*** Biden." And if you don't think that Trump's #1 symbol - the MAGA hat - doesn't represent his and the Far Right's agenda...yeah, so there's that.
you definitely have lived under a rock since 2016 or so!
I'm sorry, but in my opinion just because someone important people didn't say it publicly or because there were no t-shirts or bumper stickers makes no difference. The PEOPLE fundamental right to say F the president. There were many F Trump from important people and general public, t shirts and bumper sticker btw. The ability of the people to have bumper stickers or tshirt with F the president indicates the strength of the democracy. I'm...
I'm sorry, but in my opinion just because someone important people didn't say it publicly or because there were no t-shirts or bumper stickers makes no difference. The PEOPLE fundamental right to say F the president. There were many F Trump from important people and general public, t shirts and bumper sticker btw. The ability of the people to have bumper stickers or tshirt with F the president indicates the strength of the democracy. I'm sure there are people in Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, etc.. that wants to say F the president, but they can't. F the president is a form of protest, a fundamental human right.
I agree and that is why I stopped supporting the Democratic Party after 40+ years. Too many hypocrites!
I don't want to mix politics with business, period. It just adds to the needless polarization that's poisoning American civilization.
I'm an uber driver too. There's freedom of choice in my car. In my car I wear a mask. As a passenger, you have the God given right to also wear a mask or get out and wait for another car.
or i can use one of my many cars and not pay someone that drives around in a pos
get a real job chump
Anthony??? Get a real job??? What do you consider a real job???? Do you say that pilots, taxi drivers, bus drivers, limo drivers, train conductors and shuttle drivers don’t have a real job??? I mean they all provide a method of transportation for individuals who prefer not to drive themselves. Some of our passengers don’t own vehicles, some are college students, business men coming home from a long trip, some are military men who are...
Anthony??? Get a real job??? What do you consider a real job???? Do you say that pilots, taxi drivers, bus drivers, limo drivers, train conductors and shuttle drivers don’t have a real job??? I mean they all provide a method of transportation for individuals who prefer not to drive themselves. Some of our passengers don’t own vehicles, some are college students, business men coming home from a long trip, some are military men who are coming home from overseas, or have injuries and they can’t drive, have PTSD from driving in convoys who were bombed. So please tell me why picking people up, driving them safely to their destinations isn’t a real job??? Those drivers ur talking about, Uber and Lyft drivers are currently helping the Ukrainian’s to get to Poland and other destinations safely! Are you brave enough to do that??
Just when it seemed America could not become more stupid, or irrelevant. People who cling to identity politics and absurd notions of freedom clearly don't have a single thing to worry about.
If it didn't have the hashtag I actually think this is a pretty reasonable sign. There is no reason to make it so overtly political. If the driver is willing to not wear his mask and not make passengers wear there, great, and at least he acknowledges he will wear one if requested.
I think we are likely to see a roll-back of the travel masking policy this month, or at least an announcement...
If it didn't have the hashtag I actually think this is a pretty reasonable sign. There is no reason to make it so overtly political. If the driver is willing to not wear his mask and not make passengers wear there, great, and at least he acknowledges he will wear one if requested.
I think we are likely to see a roll-back of the travel masking policy this month, or at least an announcement of when it will end. The reality is if you want to wear a mask and are worried about catching the virus from others around you, you should be wearing an N95 mask and not really caring whether others around you are masked or not.
Seems like a sure way to get a lot of 1 star reviews
“… instantly annoy a significant percentage of passengers”
That’s exactly the intent. Petulant, immature, idiotic
The LTB portion of the sign, sure, I understand that. He's making his political opinoins public and that may "annoy" approx 39% of the population.
However, with respect to the actual substance of the sign, it's clear this driver is unbelievably considerate. "I don't agree with making people mask, nor do I really want to, however, I'll do so out of respect to you if you wear one yourself." It's beyond reasonable, and it's really...
The LTB portion of the sign, sure, I understand that. He's making his political opinoins public and that may "annoy" approx 39% of the population.
However, with respect to the actual substance of the sign, it's clear this driver is unbelievably considerate. "I don't agree with making people mask, nor do I really want to, however, I'll do so out of respect to you if you wear one yourself." It's beyond reasonable, and it's really unfortanate that reasonableness these days is considered "Petulant, immature, and idiotic.
Thats a nice and easy one star. Freedom of choice and all that.
Someone should remind the driver too.
"Just know as a customer on Uber's platform (riders+drivers), regardless if this is still America, you don't have a choice!"
I beg all rideshare drivers, please don't turn into cab drivers.
I thought we evolved pass that stage already.
Driver has to freedom to not work for Uber. Private companies can set their own rules as long as they are not illegal. Strange how so many defend that freedom for a bakery that won’t bake cakes for gays but suddenly forget that when they don’t like the outcome for them.
Don’t like it? Drive a taxi. Work at a Santos or Rubio owned restaurant. Start your own business.
Interestingly, the driver doesn't work for Uber. They are contractors. Still Uber can somehow set rules. Strange situation
What is so strange? I have been a consultant for years, with agreed contracts. I am expected to abide by the company policies or contract is null. The driver is another deplorable.
Uber drivers ARE business owners, contracted by Uber. A little education goes a long way.
The whole Let's Go Brandon thing is getting very tired. I am not a fan Joe Biden necessarily but it isn't that funny anymore.
Aside from that, I do believe that this is the correct way to handle masks for an Uber. If you're not wearing one, I'm not wearing one. If you prefer to wear one, I will respect that and put one on. It really blows my mind that masks are still required...
The whole Let's Go Brandon thing is getting very tired. I am not a fan Joe Biden necessarily but it isn't that funny anymore.
Aside from that, I do believe that this is the correct way to handle masks for an Uber. If you're not wearing one, I'm not wearing one. If you prefer to wear one, I will respect that and put one on. It really blows my mind that masks are still required in airports, Ubers, etc. while virtually everywhere in the country, you can go to packed bars, stadiums, etc. with no masks. The whole mask thing is pretty obsolete at this point and it's time to move on and leave it up to individuals.
Just like things stop being cool when your parents start doing them, LGB stopped being funny when the president himself said it and joked about it.
The most disgusting part is the last line: “Let’s go Brandon”
That’s code for a vile, obscene comment … essentially “eff the President of the United States”.
No American, regardless of their political stance, should say that, post it in their car, or force others to read it. It’s a revolting, treasonous statement.
Deserved or not, the same folks getting mad at LGB loved saying "F*ck Trump,"
Either way, they're not treasonous at all. It's the USA, not Thailand
Totally agree its un-American and frankly classless to say LGB but at the same time so was saying F Trump the last four years.
Please spare us from yet another false equivalency. Sure many of us said F Trump privately or in small groups. But I never heard of a airline pilot saying F Trump over the PA or candidates running for office say F Trump in their ads, or hang banners with F Trump at sporting events.
@GBOAC many celebrities called for much worse for Trump and faced little public backlash, if any. Don’t forget Snoop Dogg who had an album cover featuring a deceased Trump, called for the shooting of police in a January song and was somehow able to perform in the Super Bowl. There is evil on both sides - that’s why I suggest you join the moderates. It’s nice over here.
Typical leftie logic. “It’s ok if I say bad word in small group but you can’t say bad word in big group.”
Who makes the arbitrary rules as to what is acceptable? You?
LOL at this entire post. "Treasonous" HA!
You are joking, right? Yeah, let's go Brandon. And yeah, f this president. This is freedom of speech. It also, obviously, entails dealing with the consequences of our free choices. But this is not treasonous, not vile, not obscene and not revolting - just remember for a second what were people saying about the former president: for example, Robert the Niro said it rather explicitly.
Some people say that when you curse, it's a sign of a small vocabulary. That leads that thought to lack of intelligence. Synonymous with that, dumb. Any objections so far?
However, I see it differently. When you don't know the person, there is nothing you can judge other than what they choose to say. When you know the person you can take them at their actions/ history/ overall behavior.
Since I don't know SR. I...
Some people say that when you curse, it's a sign of a small vocabulary. That leads that thought to lack of intelligence. Synonymous with that, dumb. Any objections so far?
However, I see it differently. When you don't know the person, there is nothing you can judge other than what they choose to say. When you know the person you can take them at their actions/ history/ overall behavior.
Since I don't know SR. I can only judge based on the written word. SR has unequivocally shown how leftist they are. With that being said, I am sure they stand with Deniro and all others who were only treasonous to one president. After all he wasn't a legitimate president, right?
Make no mistake, I am a Democrat. I want the best for our country. I didn't say F Trump. I don't say LGB. I laugh at the Biden stickers on my gas pumps. I yelled at my TV in front of my older kids for trump to "just shut up".
In conclusion, it is code for their comment. What would you rather them do, use the code or say "F()k Joe Biden"?
Serious question...I haven't taken an uber in a long time but what happens if you (the customer) open the door, read the sign, and then decide that you want to take a different uber bc you don't feel comfortable or something like that? Does uber still charge you for cancelling? I know at one point the company charged you for cancelling but is that still the case in 2022? To be clear, I'm not suggesting...
Serious question...I haven't taken an uber in a long time but what happens if you (the customer) open the door, read the sign, and then decide that you want to take a different uber bc you don't feel comfortable or something like that? Does uber still charge you for cancelling? I know at one point the company charged you for cancelling but is that still the case in 2022? To be clear, I'm not suggesting his sign is "right or wrong," I'm just curious about ubers policy.
If you cancel the ride and contact Uber with your reason, they will generally waive your cancellation fee.
It's taken a lot of fights and several rapes to get to this point, but the company now takes the rider's physical safety VERY seriously. If you say you feel unsafe with a driver, or the driver is explicitly disobeying Uber's terms of service, they will apologize and waive your fees for backing out of the ride.
It's ironic that here in the west, folks are protesting for freedom from mandates when it 's meant to protect the public from getting sick and killed, while folks in Ukraine are literally getting killed fighting for their own freedom and are being detained and beaten in Russia for speaking out. Hell, some westerners are on their way to Ukraine right now, if not there already to help fight for freedom.
There was a good...
It's ironic that here in the west, folks are protesting for freedom from mandates when it 's meant to protect the public from getting sick and killed, while folks in Ukraine are literally getting killed fighting for their own freedom and are being detained and beaten in Russia for speaking out. Hell, some westerners are on their way to Ukraine right now, if not there already to help fight for freedom.
There was a good quote today: What we take for granted, others are praying for.
P.s. what's there to achieve with the hashtag?! It just makes you look juvenile in my opinion.
Who really has the “freedom of choice” here? Maybe the driver’s freedom is compromised if he doesn’t want to wear a mask. Or maybe the passenger’s freedom is compromised if he does? Is Uber like an airline? Or is it someone’s personal vehicle. Honestly IDK.
When the driver is transporting Uber's customers for money, he is acting as their contracted worker. Their rules apply as long as his vehicle is transacting business with them and earning him money.
A worker's "freedom" can be curtailed whilst on the clock. If Daddy Dipsh*t here doesn't want to follow the rules of the company that pays him, he's free to go back to yelling at clouds and waiting for his next government check to arrive.
If the passenger doesn’t care then why do you can since it’s mutual to the only two people impacted by it?
Ah the classic “freedom patriot.” This poor driver thinks he’s such a rebel but he fails to realize that riders have to agree to Uber/Lyft’s terms and conditions before starting a ride, and so do the drivers. This includes wearing a mask. The whole let’s go Brandon thing is so juvenile and appeals to a crowd that is unable to think on their own. The moment you have to resort to that phrase, you lose any credibility
I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates that phrase because of how utterly childish it is. Like, if someone doesn't like the president, fine. They can have their opinion. But this grade school name calling chanting crap is just so cringe.
I mean you almost want to have empathy for different perspectives until they end the whole page with 'BTW check out my combative political opinions!'
I appreciate the fact that the driver gives you a choice for wearing a mask or not but rules are rules. Just because you don't like a certain rule doesn't mean it optional. Oh and I hate the Go Brandon crap. Be a real man and just write F Joe B. It not a conspiracy, we all know what it means.
No comment on "Let's Go Brandon" alone. Why do I need to pay someone to ride in a car that has that sign?
Because you chose to pay for a ride
But Lisa didn’t choose to pay for the editorial.
Exactly... get off, cancel payment and tell the driver to go fu** himself...DONE...
I'm curious how the driver has (or how you concluded he/she has) a limited view of what encompasses "freedom of choice"?
I had the same question
Well if your employer requires you to wear it, you don't really have much "freedom of choice" to not wear one do you?
That doesn't answer the question.
Furthermore, Uber doesn't even consider themselves an employer, as far as the drivers go.
Well @Charles too bad I can't explain it to you better if you don't understand how it answers your question.
However, I guess you should just enjoy your "freedom of choice", you deserve it.
You are free to find another employer if they make you wear a mask. Also the science shows masks do nothing so why is this even a story unless Lucky needs more clicks this month. You are free to get out of this guys uber and get another one. He is free to say LGB, you are free to tell him to F-off. So does every taxi driver have to agree with you politically these...
You are free to find another employer if they make you wear a mask. Also the science shows masks do nothing so why is this even a story unless Lucky needs more clicks this month. You are free to get out of this guys uber and get another one. He is free to say LGB, you are free to tell him to F-off. So does every taxi driver have to agree with you politically these days? What a joke if you dont like it then dont give him a tip and leave him a 1 star review which again you are free to do!
Lucky's point is that the guy is breaking Uber's rules, and being a nutjob about it. He is being paid to provide transportation whilst also wearing a mask. It is a company policy. He can either follow the rules and get paid, or be reported, removed from the app, and sent back to the unemployment line with all the other loons who think the rules don't apply to them.
Why report him? If someone wants him to wear a mask he will? I doubt the customer who doesn’t want to wear a mask will report him. So who does abs is sticking their nose in stuff that doesn’t concern them?