There’s a great opportunity to get a free six month trial of CLEAR.
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Get a six month free trial of CLEAR
If you’re a new customer, you can get a free six month trial of CLEAR if you sign up with promotion code HOLIDAY6M:
- You must sign-up by December 31, 2020, to take advantage of this
- In addition to signing up online, you’ll need to go to the airport to finish enrollment, but that can be after December 31, and it takes just a few minutes (you can do this when you actually travel next)
- You can add family members for free to your Family Account
- CLEAR sets up accounts so that they automatically renew at the normal cost of $189, but you can log into your account and change your automatic renewal settings

What is CLEAR?
For those of you not familiar with CLEAR, the company offers expedited security at select US airports. Instead of lining up to have your ID checked in the regular line or Pre-Check line, you can go to the CLEAR line, have your biometric data taken, and then you’re escorted past the ID checker.

It doesn’t always save me time, though what I appreciate is that it makes my airport experience consistent. I’m always on my way within a few minutes. While the normal price for CLEAR is $189 per year, nobody should actually be paying that much.
Just for being a SkyMiles member (without any status) you get a reduced price of $119 per year, and the price goes down even more if you have status. Then you can use the Amex Green up to $189 CLEAR credit to knock down to free.
Personally CLEAR has saved me quite a bit of time over the years. However, it’s certainly not as useful as it used to be:
- Pre-Check lines are largely shorter than in the past, because not as many business travelers are flying, and therefore you’re not cutting as many people
- In Miami I haven’t found it to be very useful, since CLEAR isn’t available in the “D” concourse, which is what I usually fly out of
Bottom line
You can get a free six month trial of CLEAR by signing up with promotion code HOLIDAY6M. This is the best free trial I ever recall seeing from CLEAR, so hopefully some people can benefit from this. Then again, this is a time of reduced travel for most, so a six month trial isn’t as useful now as it would have been pre-pandemic.
Anyone plan to take advantage of this CLEAR free six month trial?
I believe Clearvm is a private, for-profit company. I think. And if I recall correctly, I paid the govt
80 dollars for abut 5 or more year's of preboarding. Since I don't think that's a lot of money, I took that route to bypass the stinky-foot area, and use the less-expensive govt route to see me through the airports I'm traveling through
I don't understand why this isn't incorporated directly into Pre-Check by DHS. The technology exists as Global Entry 2.0 with facial recognition is growing.
Eew. $50 per family member? Not worth $220 annually for a family of 2. I have Amex green, and I don’t think this is even worth $120.
I was thinking about CLEAR. At SEA, the pre-check lines (pre-Covid) get really long, because so few of the check points actually offer pre check (only 2 out of 5).
I kind of hate to encourage more folks to join since getting through fast with minimal others is the big advantage. I have been a Clear member since they began. I was delighted that they gave it another go after the had cancelled the service at one time. One of the problems was not enough locations. Now, there are Clear facilities in most of the airports I fly. I love it. If you value your...
I kind of hate to encourage more folks to join since getting through fast with minimal others is the big advantage. I have been a Clear member since they began. I was delighted that they gave it another go after the had cancelled the service at one time. One of the problems was not enough locations. Now, there are Clear facilities in most of the airports I fly. I love it. If you value your time and travel often this is a sure bet. I actually paid the full amount and then was refunded 100% because of my status with Delta. I'd be glad to fully pay for this service. The big thing is you don't have to wonder how long the line (and the waiting time) will be. You know you will zip right through.
I thought they would have maybe a pandemic rate or even suspend indefinitely(until things return to normal), but they gave no choice, so I cancelled. Now they want to give free 6 months for new people. How about trying to keep current customers? They wouldnt need to give 6 months free...
In most airports, even large ones, PreCheck runs very quickly thus avoiding the real need for CLEAR. Admittedly MIA is not one of those airports. One PreCheck entrance for all of D and usually E.
One of the worst "minor" things every thought of is "auto renewal" especially when they say "auto renewal for YOUR convenience". A number of web sites would have made money from me if they didn't have it (I don't mind giving some $ to something helpful). While sometimes you can easily cancel it, other times you actually have to phone (yeah a real phone call) to cancel it.
Anyhow, thanks for the info.
Does this apply to former CLEAR members who canceled/didn't renew their membership due to the pandemic?
I signed up for it, because why not, but it likely will be a long time before the pre check lines are long again so like you say it doesn’t really save much time and in some cases could add time to the process if there is no one in the precheck line.
The AMEX green card also give a $100 CLEAR credit per calendar year as well.