On Friday we asked blog readers to help caption a delta.com targeted landing page that was very gay-friendly, in the way that the adult reading materials section at Circus of Books on Santa Monica Boulevard is “very gay-friendly.”
As a reminder, the image you guys captioned is below.

I have to say, you guys were really handy at this.
So much so, in fact, that rather than choosing one winner, we’ve chosen two winners, each of whom will receive a $100 Delta gift card to spend on airfare, merchandise, in-flight purchases, or Krug-and-tugs from your handsome ethnically diverse seatmate.
Winner #1
Fredd for the caption, “Cruising altitude is the greatest, isn’t it?”
Winner #2
wxguy for the caption, “We love your fly, and it shows!”
(For those of you scratching your heads, wxguy’s entry is a play on Delta’s 80s/90s ad campaign, which is forever burned into my memory… and which predates Ben by several years.)
Honorable mention goes to: Jack, Josh, AJ, freedawg and bubu for their various takes on “extra inches,” and Charles and John Barcus for their take on the “fully upright and locked position” gag.
Congratulations, Fredd and wxguy!
@ Mike,
The name of who writes each article is prominnately posted. You can look and after 3 seconds of your precious time when you realize it is not written by Ben - stop reading and move on. Problem solved.
@ James
Lost of other blogs out there for you to read if this one disgusts you.
Keep up the GREAT work Nick, Tiffany and Ben!
Good grief. I thought it was a funny little contest. And for what it's worth, I appreciate the different perspective Nick, Travis, and Tiffany bring. I always wonder if the people who write nasty comments are this mean to people's faces or if it's something they save for the anonymous world of the internet.
Missed the orig post. Not sure the funniest won, but as with most all giveaways I've seen on boardingarea, it's highly subjective as to who wins.
Wow. Way to take a lighthearted and funny post the wrong way. Good job, commenters. You folks did it again.
What a disgusting post. I know you're gay but you don't need to shove it down our throats constantly. Why don't you do what straight people do and just not talk about it?
At least nobody suggested a caption like: "There ain't nothing wrong with the back of the Airbus".
So the caption contest is "who can think of the best gay stereotype with a travel related pun worked into it?" Wow, what a great idea!
@Ben can you please come up with a feature/setting to turn off displaying all posts but your own? If I wanted to read posts by a bunch of interns I'd read The Points Guy.
To me, the picture and caption were very gay, but I thiink perhaps too much is being read into it.