Can You Wear “Let’s Go Brandon” Gear On An Airplane?

Can You Wear “Let’s Go Brandon” Gear On An Airplane?


There’s an alarming trend of people trying to wear “Let’s Go Brandon” attire on planes, and then being asked to change. Then the people try to act confused, and claim that their freedoms are being violated. I wanted to address this, because it really isn’t that complicated.

Before I do so, let me note that this is the only time I’ll ever write about this topic (and I’d like to point out I’ve never written a “Let’s Go Brandon” travel story, and that trend will continue after this).

Spirit Airlines crew asks passenger to change mask

The latest incident of “Let’s Go Brandon” airplane outrage comes from Spirit Airlines flight 3317 from Cleveland to Tampa on Friday, January 28, 2022. In a video posted to social media, a man is very proud of wearing a mask with colorful, scrolling text that reads “Let’s Go Brandon FJB,” with “FJB” standing for “f*ck Joe Biden.”

Once the man is in his seat, a crew member comes by and hands him a blue surgical mask. The passenger asks why he’s being asked to put that on, and the crew member explains it’s because his mask is offensive. When he asks about that, the flight attendant responds “it can be to some people, so we’re not going to go back and forth, just go ahead and put the blue one on.”

The guy is then shocked, and says “wow, this is not America anymore.” He then continues “of course they make their own rules, it’s not America, it’s not First Amendment.”

Then a second video was posted to social media as the man deplanes, when he confronts the crew once again (in this case he’s back to wearing his old mask). He asks a flight attendant if there’s any way to speak to a supervisor. The passenger then tries to compare the mask to BLM masks being allowed.

At this point the flight attendant briefly engages him:

Flight attendant: “What does that mean?” (pointing at his mask)
Passenger: “Let’s go Brandon.”
Flight attendant: “What does that mean?”
Passenger: “It’s my name.”

At this point another flight attendant approaches, and asks the guy to stop recording, a wish he doesn’t honor. Instead he badgers her, saying “but isn’t it freedom of speech to have this mask on?”

Ironically the man was also wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” hoodie, which the crew seemed to overlook.

This really isn’t that complicated…

I think most reasonable people don’t need an explanation, but I do find peoples’ faux disbelief and outrage when they’re asked to change out of these masks to be exhausting. So let me explain this as succinctly as possible.

First of all, this isn’t a First Amendment issue. When you book an airline ticket you agree to a contract of carriage. The contract of carriage explicitly states that passengers may be required to leave the aircraft if they wear clothing that is “offensive in nature.”

I don’t understand how people claim that this is a First Amendment issue and that this isn’t America anymore. Should I be allowed to wear a mask that says I’m going to blow the plane up, without suffering any consequences? Should I be allowed to dine at an Olive Garden naked? Are people truly this stupid, or just dense?

Next, I don’t understand why people can’t just own the meaning behind the phrase? The passenger claims that he’s wearing the mask because his name is Brandon, which is a lie. Never mind the fact that he had to put “FJB” behind “Let’s Go Brandon,” because I guess subtlety isn’t his strong suit?

By the way, this guy also Tweets about his love of God, and last I checked, one of the 10 Commandments is to not lie. So rather than being focused on misrepresenting the Constitution, maybe read the Bible a bit more closely?

Let’s be honest for a moment, the phrase “Let’s Go Brandon” is quite literally designed to be offensive. That’s the whole point of it. People should be allowed to wear that in public if they’d like, but I’m sure all of us freedom-loving folks can also appreciate that private companies can set their own policies, no?

And let me absolutely clear — if someone wore a shirt that that said “F*ck Donald Trump” (or insert any other politician), they should also be asked to remove that if a business has a policy against clothing with offensive messaging.

Similarly, if there were a phrase that were used on a widespread basis that meant nothing other than “F*ck Donald Trump,” that would be offensive as well, and someone shouldn’t be allowed to wear that on a plane.

It seems that people think they’ve found a loophole here. They think that because they’re not outright telling someone to f*ck themselves, they can get away with it. And maybe that works when something is subtle, but you can’t constantly plaster it all over the place and still play the ignorance card. The “Let’s Go Brandon” thing has become a bit trite, if you ask me.

It’s not that complicated, I swear.

Bottom line

Airlines have contracts of carriage. When you book a ticket, you agree to that contract of carriage, even if you don’t read it. Most airlines prohibit people from wearing clothes that is “offensive in nature.” Wearing clothing that tells a particular person to go f*ck themselves (whether explicitly or implicitly) is… offensive in nature. This has nothing to do with freedom. This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. Why is that so hard to own?

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  1. Charles Rathmann Guest

    In this case, apart from being offensive, wearing apparel that glorifies domestic terrorism and extrajudicial killing is probably just not something to do on a commercial airliner.

  2. Alex Guest

    The irony in telling people to grow up or fall in line. Listen to the science.

    Sure. Grow up and quit worrying about other people goes both ways. You are so afraid to get the cold, maybe you shouldn't leave the house. Freedom isn't about freedom from government. Freedom is a culture. So many of you quit being allowed to get offended, you would stop crying about being offended so much. The culture of...

    The irony in telling people to grow up or fall in line. Listen to the science.

    Sure. Grow up and quit worrying about other people goes both ways. You are so afraid to get the cold, maybe you shouldn't leave the house. Freedom isn't about freedom from government. Freedom is a culture. So many of you quit being allowed to get offended, you would stop crying about being offended so much. The culture of being free shouldn't be stripped because you're a business and can set whatever rules you want. Uhm. Go tell that to the bakers. Or the business rules only apply to " your science"? Anyone else see how loaded that question is? So just like you want me to shove my Freedom up my ass, go shove yours.

    By the way. Your plain light blue shirt offends me. Now what.


  3. Neville Douglas Richards Guest

    First of all let's make this clear airlines operate under the Federal aviation commission keyword Federal when you sign on to operate under the direction of the federal government you as an individual or a company have to adopt the regulations that the federal government have and one of those regulations clearly state freedom of speech and the Constitution now the employer that is operating under the federal government might restrict its employees to say...

    First of all let's make this clear airlines operate under the Federal aviation commission keyword Federal when you sign on to operate under the direction of the federal government you as an individual or a company have to adopt the regulations that the federal government have and one of those regulations clearly state freedom of speech and the Constitution now the employer that is operating under the federal government might restrict its employees to say certain things but that employer or employees of that employer cannot turn around and say or apply restrictions to their passengers when this goes to court the airlines are going to lose. Because when you step on an airplane you are no longer under the control of the private entity you are now under the control of the federal government not the county government or the airport is or the government where the airport is based when you're on that plane as a passenger you're under the control of the federal government and your constitutional rights to free speech matter that's why the airlines are going to lose

  4. Joe Mama Guest

    To set the record strait you do have freedom of speech on social media

  5. William Ellison Guest

    These are law suits waiting to happen. It is true the airline can refuse service to anyone for no reason, but they can't claim a reason, that reason being they don't like your political statement, and then use the state to kick you off the plan by force. This is a misuse of Public Service. Now, if they came up to him and just kicked him off the plan with no reason that would be...

    These are law suits waiting to happen. It is true the airline can refuse service to anyone for no reason, but they can't claim a reason, that reason being they don't like your political statement, and then use the state to kick you off the plan by force. This is a misuse of Public Service. Now, if they came up to him and just kicked him off the plan with no reason that would be fine. This person was on private property, so they don't need a reason. They can just say we want him off the property. They get in trouble when they claim a reason. I've seen this play out in court many times folks, so take my word for it. Also companies can't make policy around offensive language or statements because it's all subjective, and then try to use the state to enforce those policies. That is where the legal trouble comes into play. Going to be a big pay day when all the dust settles.

  6. Zuazo5 Guest

    This phrase was not designed to be offensive. It was literally created by a reporter trying to diminish an actually offensive comment about Joe Biden.

  7. Randy Guest

    This is 100% a first amendment issue because it’s political. You’re free to express your political beliefs. (Not with this trash airline though).. How are you going to compare a political slogan which IS protected by the first amendment to a slogan about blowing the plane up which is terrorism? LOL? The first amendment states you have the right to freedom of expression. Expression is making your thoughts or feelings known. And theres nothing threatening...

    This is 100% a first amendment issue because it’s political. You’re free to express your political beliefs. (Not with this trash airline though).. How are you going to compare a political slogan which IS protected by the first amendment to a slogan about blowing the plane up which is terrorism? LOL? The first amendment states you have the right to freedom of expression. Expression is making your thoughts or feelings known. And theres nothing threatening or vulgar about “lets go brandon.” Although there are “personal airlines rules” which in fine print state “you cant wear anything offensive”, doesn’t mean they can make you remove whatever they personally find offensive. Who’s dictating what’s offensive? That air waitress got offended but the next one who walked down the aisle could have laughed. Either way, It’s 100% a first amendment issue and something of that nature should not be categorized with their “you cant wear anything offensive” list. It’s political!

  8. James Guest

    I fought in Combat in Iraq, 03-04 I've earned the right to express myself anyway I choose. The Individual who wears a BLM hat, shirt or mask also has that right, just as this kid had a right to wear his Let's go Brandon mask & hoodie. Live & let live, someone's hat, mask or shirt bothers you? Too bad.

    1. Gail R. Guest

      Right on, James, and on behalf of all Americans, thank you for your service! G.

    2. Antonio Guest

      You've always had the right to express yourself, and you've always had the right to adhere to the consequences of your words. Freedom of speech means you won't get arrested, doesn't mean you can say anything about my daughter without consequence.

    3. Antonio Guest

      In the end, does the 1st amendment give you the right to be a total asshole with no consequences from anybody?

  9. Kevin Guest

    I’m a heterosexual Christian male that believes in biblical values. My right. So yes, your LGBQT, rainbows are offensive to my values. But you know what? I shut my mouth, and I don’t say a word…I let people be. But I guarantee you that if I wore a pink and blue shirt that said heterosexual Christian pride on it…..some lgbqt would be “offended”. STOP! Whatever floats your boat. But stop being offended at everything you...

    I’m a heterosexual Christian male that believes in biblical values. My right. So yes, your LGBQT, rainbows are offensive to my values. But you know what? I shut my mouth, and I don’t say a word…I let people be. But I guarantee you that if I wore a pink and blue shirt that said heterosexual Christian pride on it…..some lgbqt would be “offended”. STOP! Whatever floats your boat. But stop being offended at everything you don’t agree with. Deal with it, bite your tongue. Just like we do.

  10. Robin Toewe Guest

    What happened to the pilot who said it over the intercom for all passengers to hear?

  11. Robert Guest

    Funny, the same airline has allowed people to actually wear attire that says "f*** Donald Trump!" And just because you write article supporting the airlines decision on this one incident don't mean you actually support their so called rules. Seriously, y'all need to stop being so sensitive because I mean hell even Joe Biden said let's go Brandon.

    1. FlyerDon Guest

      Do you start making things up before or after breakfast?

    2. Ian Guest

      Joe did say lets go Brandon i agree

  12. Dave Guest

    Airline absolutely has a right to restrict what people wear on their planes - not an issue, and not a 1A issue.

    But if the phrase is not overt vulgarity, claiming it is offensive is a stretch, and the man makes a good point. Most things are offensive to someone. If I find the pink p**** hats from the women's march offensive, can they be banned? If a MAGA hat offends, are they banned?...

    Airline absolutely has a right to restrict what people wear on their planes - not an issue, and not a 1A issue.

    But if the phrase is not overt vulgarity, claiming it is offensive is a stretch, and the man makes a good point. Most things are offensive to someone. If I find the pink p**** hats from the women's march offensive, can they be banned? If a MAGA hat offends, are they banned? If a BLM mask is offensive because I think other lives matter too, can they be banned? What about a pro or anti abortion statement, which is sure to offend 50% of the airplane?

    Vulgarity, nudity, sure - it's clear and an easy line. When you start messing with political statements on passengers, you're setting a standard that doesn't end.

  13. Anon Guest

    I’m not a fan of Biden or Trump (they both suck anyway)

    But in saying that I am a firm believer in freedom of expression. If someone wants to wear a T-Shirt that says “Let’s go Brandon” or “F*** Trump” then that’s perfectly fine!

    If we go down the rabbit hole of banning certain political merchandise that’s a very slippery slope! Don’t think that a ban on “Let’s to Brandon” will stop there....

    I’m not a fan of Biden or Trump (they both suck anyway)

    But in saying that I am a firm believer in freedom of expression. If someone wants to wear a T-Shirt that says “Let’s go Brandon” or “F*** Trump” then that’s perfectly fine!

    If we go down the rabbit hole of banning certain political merchandise that’s a very slippery slope! Don’t think that a ban on “Let’s to Brandon” will stop there. It would most certainly end up leading to bans on other political messaging such as BLM or LGBT.

    You either ban all political merchandise or not ban any of them. You can’t go in between. It’s too slippery.

    1. reddargon Diamond

      Slippery slope argument, classic. Works every time.

      By the way, it's a ban on a vulgar statement (which is what "Let's go Brendon" is, a coded vulgar statement) that happens to be political. If this were to somehow lead to banning of non-vulgar political statements, then sure, but... I don't see it.

    2. Bricktop Guest

      Speaking of vulgar, are you old enough to remember Tea Party members being called "Tea Baggers" and are your outrage needle moved then?

    3. Matt Guest

      That's the thing though, reddragon... If they start banning coded vulgar statements then things like BLM (Which holds a vulgar sentiment towards police officers and white people in general) should be banned as well. As a matter of fact practically every political statement these days are divisive and hold some form of vulgarity towards their opposition... So you see, there really is no such thing as a non-vulgar political statement since this nation has become...

      That's the thing though, reddragon... If they start banning coded vulgar statements then things like BLM (Which holds a vulgar sentiment towards police officers and white people in general) should be banned as well. As a matter of fact practically every political statement these days are divisive and hold some form of vulgarity towards their opposition... So you see, there really is no such thing as a non-vulgar political statement since this nation has become so polarized in its political opinions.

    4. JW Guest

      It's not about the politics behind a phrase, it's about the phrase implying an expletive.

      I love how so many people who hold the belief that government should stay out of our business, cry about their 1st amendment rights when private businesses have their own policies that they've agreed to in order to use their services.

  14. FlyerDon Guest

    There is really only one solution to this issue, bring back Trump Air. Don’t want to wear a mask? Don’t believe in Covid or vaccines? Want to bring a gun on board? Want to call your flight attendant “stewardess”? Want to smoke or vape on board? The answer to these questions and more is Trump Air. Travel with your fellow clear thinking “victims”as you ride back to the 1950’s.

    1. Nunya biz Guest

      I'd love nothing more. And based on recent studies from the FAA, it's likely you're already flying on planes with guns aboard. Most airport screening is just an attempt to ease passengers minds. It's largely ineffective.

  15. benc Guest

    Some jerk was wearing a Let’s Go Brandon hat on my red-eye from Seattle to Chicago with his two daughters right there. Separate from being polite in public, is that really the right behavior to demonstrate to children? Honestly, ridiculous.

    And, of course, his mask didn’t cover his nose.

  16. Tom Guest

    What a load of crap at EVERY level. Im sorry Ben, but I totally disagree. No one cares how you OR anyone else reads into Lets Go Brandon. I see people CONSTANTLY with the LGBT rainbow flag and/or BLM and we all know what that means. This double standard is a load of garbage. Either ban ALL OF IT OR settle yourselves down. Seriously, the PC is only when it applies to you? BS.

    1. UA-NYC Diamond

      Go start your own travel blog then where you can rail against the scourge that is people pushing for racial, marriage, and identity equality. Twat.

    2. ben Guest

      I suspect the rainbow flag means they think LGBT people should have rights and the BLM logo means they think black people have a right to be alive.

    3. Cds Guest

      LGBT doesn’t mean F*UCK JOE BIDEN much less FJB for Pete sakes.

      Get your head out of your butt. Anyone who wears a shirt saying tuck frump should be banned too or any other stupid saying

    4. Kevin Guest

      I’m a heterosexual Christian male that believes in biblical values. My right. So yes, your LGBQT, rainbows are offensive to my values. But you know what? I shut my mouth, and I don’t say a word…I let people be. But I guarantee you that if I wore a pink and blue shirt that said heterosexual Christian pride on it…..some lgbqt would be “offended”. STOP! Whatever floats your boat. But stop being offended at everything you...

      I’m a heterosexual Christian male that believes in biblical values. My right. So yes, your LGBQT, rainbows are offensive to my values. But you know what? I shut my mouth, and I don’t say a word…I let people be. But I guarantee you that if I wore a pink and blue shirt that said heterosexual Christian pride on it…..some lgbqt would be “offended”. STOP! Whatever floats your boat. But stop being offended at everything you don’t agree with. Deal with it, bite your tongue. Just like we do.

    5. reddargon Diamond

      Difference is that Let's go Brandon represents something objectively vulgar/offensive.

      LGBT and black rights are not objectively offensive. I mean, maybe you are offended by those things, but that seems more like a personal failing, and is certainly not objectively offensive.

    6. jamison Guest

      the organization BLM is objectively offensive. Have you read their goals on their webpage...I'd day the dissolution of the family unit is pretty damned offensive. Plus, the point of a euphemism is to not be offensive. Thats the entire point.

  17. Eric Guest

    If you agree with this decision by the airline you have to agree that either the airline is not involved in interstate commerce or that the civil rights act of 1964, fair housing acts, and the Americans with disabilities act are unconditional.

    I believe all 3 are constitutional and therefore this action is illegal.

    Also remember that these are specially licensed by the government so they are governmwnt actors.

    1. robert Guest

      On a plane its pretty clear that the flight crew can give you instructions, whatever they are. That is if you disagree with them or not. Maybe you can try the same thing and if arrested make those arguments yourself. See if you can relate his mask to the ada or housing and civil rights. I would love to see it.

    2. Nunya Business Guest

      Sadly political believes are not covered by the Civil Rights Act, or the other you cited. The Act needs amending for political beliefs in my opinion.

  18. Mark Guest

    I'm attorney and there are some LIMITED legal issues here. He has a right to wear a mask that does not threaten harm to others. Someone wrote if it would be okay to wear a mask that said "I have have a bomb", and the answer is NO. However, airlines receive substantial government assistance, they are normally at a government owned or leased airport. A first amendment right exists off the actual airplane and what...

    I'm attorney and there are some LIMITED legal issues here. He has a right to wear a mask that does not threaten harm to others. Someone wrote if it would be okay to wear a mask that said "I have have a bomb", and the answer is NO. However, airlines receive substantial government assistance, they are normally at a government owned or leased airport. A first amendment right exists off the actual airplane and what would be considered government space (gate waiting area, terminal, TSA checkpoint). I would agree that he should always follow the advice of cabin crew while on the airplane, and it is their airplane and his 1st Amendment rights applies to government actions, not private corporartions.

    I think what this guy is doing is venting his frustration that some offensive speech to him is allowed or encouraged on the plane (with others falsely claiming it is their 1st Amendment right) when it is not, and other speech voicing an opposite viewpoint is banned. We know what Let's go Brandon means. Likewise the readers of my post all know what "F*ck Trump or Joe Biden" means and it seems most of the time the "F*ck Trump" would be allowed when a "F*ck Joe Biden" would not on the plane. There is a double standard out there and it should not exists.

    I DO NOT support what the man wore on the airplane when he was asked to remove it and started to argue with the crew member. Don't do that. Remove the mask and comply with a reasonable request. I would also suggest that the same level of offense would apply to "BLM" masks, and if asked on the airplane by a crew member, remove it as well. If someone reading this post disagrees that the two are anyway similar, that is the issue this man was making and why we are so polarized as a nation. If you support "BLM" Got bless you, If you can't stand Joe Biden, God bless you. If a crew member asks you to comply please do as they ask. There is another time and place for a complaint to be made. Let's be more tolerant and respectful to each other and let's not try to engage on a plane. Please choose a different venue.

    1. Ralph4878 Guest

      If this person had a Trump 2024 mask on, there would not have been an issue. The expression he wore, however, isn't a political slogan - it's intentionally degrading and meant to provoke people and, at this point, most people know that. Would he have been allowed to wear a mask that said, "F#$% You" on the plane? Probably not. So no, let's not be "more tolerant" of someone who clearly doesn't have the same...

      If this person had a Trump 2024 mask on, there would not have been an issue. The expression he wore, however, isn't a political slogan - it's intentionally degrading and meant to provoke people and, at this point, most people know that. Would he have been allowed to wear a mask that said, "F#$% You" on the plane? Probably not. So no, let's not be "more tolerant" of someone who clearly doesn't have the same respect for those who disagree with him. That's not how a society works, at least ones that value equity and equality. Furthermore, to equate BLM here is ridiculous - Trump and his Bradonites are not a social justice movement. What you are advocating for here is politeness to avoid confrontation with someone who is intentionally provocative, which requires an awful lot of privilege to ignore. Many of us don't have the luxury of just waiting to engage until we get off the plane when our humanity is publicly called into question.

    2. Nunya Business Guest

      I couldn't disagree more. Check out YouTube and you'll find dozens of videos of flight attendants demanding passengers to remove their Make America Great Again. Tell me how that's offensive? I mean assuming you're not a woke individual who simply just hates Trump.

    3. Cds Guest

      BLM does not mean bleep while people. It’s a false equivalence. F trump absolutely has been requested to be removed and it should be. Leave that crap off airplane.

    4. reddargon Diamond

      @Cds Unfortunately it seems like many people are convinced that BLM *does* mean "fuck white people." That's exactly what right wing media has been pushing for years. Of course any rational person knows that's not the case, but here we are.

    5. Rob Guest

      Just for the sake of self awareness, I would point out it is only far-left radical media that is offended by Let's go Brandon, assigning a hysterical chicken little meaning to it so only people who watch radical far-left wing hate media are offended by it.

  19. Fed UP Guest

    This post just created another million Trump voters.... its petty stuff like this that upset people. I do not support Trump or his beliefs, however, this was typical over reach, couched in COVID and TSA hysteria. The cancel culture continues to beat these people up, and they go out and vote.

  20. PM1 Gold

    Thanks for covering this Ben (once is enough as you said). The comments are very entertaining as expected! :)

  21. UA Guest

    Oh goody - a moron.

    Morons should be held to account.

  22. Baron Guest

    The guy wore LGB, WHO CARES?? Honestly.

    1. Max Guest

      Exactly. Somehow LGB is criminally offensive while LGBTQP+ is encouraged by the same airlines.

      If companies want conform customers without an opinion, likewise these same companies should also abtain from voicing any political views.

    2. John Guest

      False equivalence- typical conservative bias rooted in confirmation bias and underlying discrimination

  23. Lakesider Guest

    Outside of the U.S this would be irrelevant as very few would have a clue what it meant. However, the serious issue here is the lefties closing down free speech. Guaranteed that if the individual was wearing a pro-Biden or anti-Trump slogan which is equally offensive to some, the steward would have left them alone. Next, the book you are reading will be vetted by the aircrew and burned if it's not to their liking.

    1. Alex Guest

      Ha! Recent events demonstrate that “the left” isn’t responsible for burning or banning books.

      “In a 10-0 vote, the McMinn County School Board removed the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel “Maus” from an eighth-grade language arts curriculum”

    2. Ralph4878 Guest

      False equivalence here, Lakesider - the pro-Biden camp hasn't created an expression that is "equally offensive" and mass-branded it, printed it on masks and hoodies, and sold it nationally. Nope, there are no "F%$# Trump" t-shirts out there. Meanwhile, the Right is actually doing things that Nazis did in 1930s Germany - banning and burning books; blaming Jews, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ folks for the nation's problems, and getting rich while doing so. The...

      False equivalence here, Lakesider - the pro-Biden camp hasn't created an expression that is "equally offensive" and mass-branded it, printed it on masks and hoodies, and sold it nationally. Nope, there are no "F%$# Trump" t-shirts out there. Meanwhile, the Right is actually doing things that Nazis did in 1930s Germany - banning and burning books; blaming Jews, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ folks for the nation's problems, and getting rich while doing so. The "serious issue" here isn't "lefties closing down free speech" - it's a large portion of white Americans taking a hard right towards authoritarianism, and we know how that ends (that is, until it's also banned from history class).

  24. Joe Guest

    Please stick to miles and points topics. It's a nice break from the day to day. Be thankful he wasn't triple masked with a face shield that read "Let's go Brandon".

  25. James Jones Guest

    I am surprised that you would write this article Ben. Your site is one of the ones I go to as to avoid politics. With that said, anyone who wears any political statement should be judged by the same standards. Airlines, like all private businesses have the right to cater to whom they wish, as long as they don’t discriminate based on gender, race or sexual orientation. Flying today is like waiting for a paternity...

    I am surprised that you would write this article Ben. Your site is one of the ones I go to as to avoid politics. With that said, anyone who wears any political statement should be judged by the same standards. Airlines, like all private businesses have the right to cater to whom they wish, as long as they don’t discriminate based on gender, race or sexual orientation. Flying today is like waiting for a paternity test on the Jerry Springer show. Yet, flight attendants are weary and beat up. They don’t have the time to deal with BS.

  26. Joe Guest

    I have an idea

    Fly without a mask

    There that’s solve the problem

    1. Alex Guest

      Better yet don’t fly. You can wear whatever you want driving your own car and you won’t increase the risk of getting other people sick.

    2. Kevin Guest

      Dumb comment. Your vax right? You wear a mask, to protect yourself, right? What do you have to worry about? Besides that vax and masks have shown, and been proven to not help, as this is now becoming a disease of the vax.

  27. iamhere Guest

    I want to address this as a reader of your blog. This has nothing to do my points and miles strategy. You should stick to topics that may affect people's loyalty program decisions.

    1. Jim Guest

      Yes this does

      This tells me not to fly Spirit

    2. Vic Guest

      I'm sure Spirit will be devastated.

    3. robert Guest

      That nonsense wont be allowed on any airline. Try it and film it. Doesnt all that boycott stuff get exhausting. WHo can keep up really.

    4. Alex Guest

      I have see many posts with the phrase in question made in the OMAAT comments(basically ever vaccine related post has them). Seems totally appropriate for the author to call this bad behavior out in a post and make it clear that he doesn’t support it.

  28. Jill Guest

    This is why I love this blog
    Mainly for reading the comments
    Unlike TPG who removed comments

  29. Ray Gold

    America needs to stop investing in defense and start investing into education. They are all 3rd grade level.

  30. Alex Guest

    Thank you for making this post and for calling this behavior out.

  31. Stephen Guest

    How do you like my hat and t-shirt?
    They read f### Brandon.

  32. Serge Guest

    Loud and clear. If you don’t get it, you’re the one with the problem.
    To the ones saying that BLM offends some people, sorry, the message is not offensive per se. While the “Brandon” one is.
    To the ones saying that all political messages should be banned, I do not agree. You can support someone without being disrespectful to anyone else. You could wear a MAGA hat and that would be fine. Therefore, BLM message should be fine too.

    1. Lakesider Guest

      The BLM message is clearly offensive. Why would any sane person support an organisation that wants to "defund the police" and marches through city centres intimidating and assaulting people, not to mention their corrupt leadership.

    2. UA-NYC Diamond

      Ironically the only politicians looking to defund the police are House Republicans. But I bet Tucker C didn’t tell you that.

    3. Tom Guest

      Seriously you sir are an idiot, but of course look where you are from? This is exactly the crap no one cares to read/listen to. Ben stick to miles and avoid the other garbage, otherwise you dreg up losers like this.

    4. Anonymous Guest

      This topic was baffling to someone who doesn't follow US local news. Readers are international, maybe a short summar would have been needed for background.

  33. panda Guest

    Yes, people are truly that stupid and childish. It’ll be some time before (if?) they graduate elementary school.

  34. Alan Diamond

    If it weren't for the main stream press, in this case an NBC reporter, trying to cover up a FJB chant at a nascar event, this would be a non issue. For those offended they should take it out on NBC. By itself the phrase is not vulgar.

    1. UA-NYC Guest

      Was basically at the start of this right wing slur movement. And thus easily confused. Keep pretending otherwise though.

    2. CHRIS Guest

      Yeah.....Let's Go Brandon would have become anyway right?.....moron

    3. UA-NYC Guest

      Racist bigot…your post history gives you away in a heartbeat. Go post on Parler or Truth Social with your fellow mouth breathers already.

    4. Steve Guest

      What’s Parler or truth social

    5. Tom Guest

      Get lost Yankee liberal. No one care about you, your beliefs, or your crappy city/state you waste of oxygen.

  35. West Coast Flyer Guest

    As a Canadian, my first thought when reading "let's go Brandon" is someone cheering on Brandon, Manitoba.... therefore I'm rather confused as to why you are assuming that this statement is automatically offensive.

    1. West Coast Flyer Guest

      PS it's also likely you'd hear this phrase at a local hockey game, and it even spawned a very nice song:

    2. David Diamond

      I'm going to take a wild guess: Probably because of the FJB right after that? What's your spin on what FJB means?

    3. West Coast Flyer Guest

      Sounds like the IATA code for Fort Saint John airport to me.

    4. David Diamond

      So everyone who wears this is cheering on Brandon, Manitoba together with Fort Saint John airport.

      Sounds completely plausible. /s

  36. Sel, D. Guest

    Simple: ban any political clothing on planes. Let’s Go Brandon, BLM, etc.

    Don’t forget that if FJB redneck hillbillies need to be silenced, so do radical racist BLM supporters (don’t forget about their racist anti-white and anti-Latino Christmas boycott)

    1. foo blah Guest

      You must get your misinformed propaganda from Faux News. Well done! They’ve made you into a troll. LOL!

    2. Jim Guest

      Faux news

      Sounds luxurious

    3. Ralph4878 Guest

      Please check your sources.
      BLM marches and protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful; the small handful of them that had any sort of property destruction or violence were perpetrated by agitators, not folks part of the BLM Movement. The false equivalences here are ludicrous, not to mention your assertion that BLM is anti-white. - it isn't, it's actually just asking for Black folks to be shown the same humanity as white folks. If you don't...

      Please check your sources.
      BLM marches and protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful; the small handful of them that had any sort of property destruction or violence were perpetrated by agitators, not folks part of the BLM Movement. The false equivalences here are ludicrous, not to mention your assertion that BLM is anti-white. - it isn't, it's actually just asking for Black folks to be shown the same humanity as white folks. If you don't get that, you aren't trying hard enough, but rather just believing what you want to believe.

  37. Mary S Guest

    FJB - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    BLM - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    Black Lives Matter - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    Not my President - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    KKK - Offensive to a significant percent of the population (Should be all, but that is a different topic.)

    If you think any of these are not...

    FJB - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    BLM - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    Black Lives Matter - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    Not my President - Offensive to a significant percent of the population
    KKK - Offensive to a significant percent of the population (Should be all, but that is a different topic.)

    If you think any of these are not offensive to a significant percent of the population you are clueless.

    Ban them all. Ban none. But be consistent when you say "some people find ____ offensive".

    1. UA-NYC Guest

      Sounds like the TX school district that wants to teach both sides of the Holocaust.

    2. David Diamond

      BLM and Black Lives Matter mean the exact same thing, btw.

    3. foo blah Guest

      How is “Black Lives Matter” offensive?
      You’d have to be one manipulated, entitled f*ck to think that.

    4. Ralph4878 Guest

      @foo blah - indeed, or just a white person who doesn't want to actually think hard about their privilege. Oh, wait, that's so offensive to white people! smh If half of you had paid any attention in US History class, you'd see that (parts of) the media and (parts of the American) Right are dong exactly the same thing to BLM as they did to other social justice organizations and movements in the past: the...

      @foo blah - indeed, or just a white person who doesn't want to actually think hard about their privilege. Oh, wait, that's so offensive to white people! smh If half of you had paid any attention in US History class, you'd see that (parts of) the media and (parts of the American) Right are dong exactly the same thing to BLM as they did to other social justice organizations and movements in the past: the Black Panthers, MLK, Malcolm, etc.., - just change the narrative so they appear "aggressive" or "dangerous" when in fact all they are pushing for, non-violently, is racial equity. Well, done, Mary S!

  38. D3kingg Guest

    Ben that’s a horrible argument no offense comparing let’s go Brandon to I’m going to blow a plane up or eating out naked publicly. Really ? lmfao It’s all good because Ben is the best aviation blogger in the biz.

  39. SEM Guest

    I love your blog Ben, but your personal political agenda, and that’s what it is, make no mistake, own it, accept it, has bo place here…Start a political opinion/agenda blog on the side if that is what you are interested in…

    1. UA-NYC Guest

      As always - go start The Conservative Travel Blog and take all your ilk with you. Sure it will get just gangbusters traffic.

    2. Tom Guest

      Dude seriously you need help. Your hiding behind your liberal agenda (and before you respond with libtard logic....Im not a Republican). Your just an idiot from the Northeast in a city that is a cesspool.

    3. Zalmen Guest

      That is literally the opposite of the position your defending. Your taking issue with Ben pointing out that Freedom of Speech does not apply to business transactions ( BTW that is not a political position. It’s a statement of fact. Ask a conservative Supreme Court justice and they’ll tell you your inalienable right to freedom is a negative right (no one can silence you) not a Postive right (you can’t coerce others to facilitate your...

      That is literally the opposite of the position your defending. Your taking issue with Ben pointing out that Freedom of Speech does not apply to business transactions ( BTW that is not a political position. It’s a statement of fact. Ask a conservative Supreme Court justice and they’ll tell you your inalienable right to freedom is a negative right (no one can silence you) not a Postive right (you can’t coerce others to facilitate your freedom of speech). If Ben is somehow wrong and freedom of speech does apply to businesses, how is he wrong for stating his opinion on his own blog? His business contract with you does not stipulate that he won’t speak his mind. Pick a reason but either a) this is his place of business, or b) business’s are required to enable to freedom of speech. Really, your mad that someone like Ben is staring an opinion you don’t agree with. Do yourself a favor and stop throwing a tantrum every time you hear a take you don’t agree with. Also, if your proud of your take, why not own it with your name?

    4. OPR Member

      He states he wouldn't accept it from either side, so how is that his political agenda...

    5. UA-NYC Guest

      It’s always rich when the inevitable pearl clutching right wingers tell Ben how to write his blog. He may not say it but clearly they can piss off.

    6. Jake212 Guest

      @UA-NYC do you have nothing else better to do with your time than troll an airline travel blog? Isn’t there a BLM march (ahem violent protest) you should be attending? Or perhaps there’s an open appointment at your local CVS for your 18th booster shot? Please do something, ANYTHING than continue your highly annoying Chinese propaganda driven attitude on here. Ffs.

  40. Richard Guest

    Does anyone remember that so much speech that resulted in great change was offensive to many Americans. I’m positive that many if not most Americans found MLK’s words offensive. Just imagine if he we was not allowed to effect change the way he did. People need to stop being so sensitive and myopic and engage people who offend you in a constructive conversation. And yes the offending person is capable of a constructive conversation if...

    Does anyone remember that so much speech that resulted in great change was offensive to many Americans. I’m positive that many if not most Americans found MLK’s words offensive. Just imagine if he we was not allowed to effect change the way he did. People need to stop being so sensitive and myopic and engage people who offend you in a constructive conversation. And yes the offending person is capable of a constructive conversation if you are as well. It’s the only way a society can come together and improve.

    1. Alex Guest

      So you think that what MLK Jr preached is equivalent to cursing at someone(which is what the phrase in question means). That is a pretty twisted world view.

  41. flc2040 New Member

    He needs to get some education. Recording it won't get him any sympathy. He just proved himself that he's uneducated. Go back to school. Perhaps he can afford to fly with non budget airlines some day.

  42. jotlaptop Member

    Thanks Ben, for a reasoned discussion. One wonders whether the feature that tipped this particular passenger's clothing into offensiveness was the lighted crawling text -- quite eye-catching, and clearly not a normal article of clothing, clearly intended to advertise and cause surrounding people to take notice. Indeed, people took notice -- he got his tiktok jollies owning some libs, causing a ruckus. We just want to get on a plane and have a quiet respectful...

    Thanks Ben, for a reasoned discussion. One wonders whether the feature that tipped this particular passenger's clothing into offensiveness was the lighted crawling text -- quite eye-catching, and clearly not a normal article of clothing, clearly intended to advertise and cause surrounding people to take notice. Indeed, people took notice -- he got his tiktok jollies owning some libs, causing a ruckus. We just want to get on a plane and have a quiet respectful trip in that enclosed space.

  43. Matt Guest

    So….. If I see a BLM shirt/face mask and find it offensive do you REALLY think the flight attendant would welcome my request for them to have that passenger remove the offensive item(s)? Simple question doctor

    1. UA-NYC Diamond

      No because that is respecting a segment of American population that to this day faces discrimination. Have a look in the mirror.

    2. SEM Guest

      If you had an ounce of information regarding the BLM organization itself, you would understand that you answer is just wrong…Instead you gave a knee-jerk response to a question instead of thinking about it for a moment…This is such a slippery slope, and over what, Joe Biden…Come on, he’s not worth it…

    3. CHRIS Guest

      UA-NYC is a well known idiot.....just like Biden.

    4. UA-NYC Guest

      Ok racist mouth breathing bigot. You are strait trash son.

    5. Jake212 Guest

      @UA-NYC do you have nothing else better to do with your time than troll an airline travel blog? Isn’t there a BLM march (ahem violent protest) you should be attending? Or perhaps there’s an open appointment at your local CVS for your 18th booster shot? Please do something, ANYTHING than continue your highly annoying Chinese propaganda driven attitude on here. Ffs.

    6. UA-NYC Diamond

      Chinese propaganda? How clever. Seriously, go F yourself. You apparently are the type who only shows up on this blog and comments for the political posts, probably stuck in your mom's basement & not really a traveler. Fully boosted & enjoying life - piss off anti-vaxxer.

  44. Steve Guest

    I was on UA recently. Passenger boarded with Let's Go Brandon written across this mask. No comments from the crew and the passenger received several positive comments!

  45. Richy g Guest

    To my way of thinking, were the passengers asked whether they were offended by the mask? How about if a passenger said "I'm offended by this woman carrying a Fendi bag," because they might think that passenger is showing off. I think you should be allowed to wear anything with any slogan unless the airline specifically tells you what is and is not allowed to be worn. Of course this whole conversation is ridiculous and...

    To my way of thinking, were the passengers asked whether they were offended by the mask? How about if a passenger said "I'm offended by this woman carrying a Fendi bag," because they might think that passenger is showing off. I think you should be allowed to wear anything with any slogan unless the airline specifically tells you what is and is not allowed to be worn. Of course this whole conversation is ridiculous and only complicates your life to even be part of a stupid discussion

    1. jetjock64 Guest

      @Richy g, "offensive" means offensive to the normal person, and the airline is allowed to decide "normal" in clothes, speech and demeanor. You'd lose your case a thousand times over!

  46. Barry Guest

    The flight attendant knew something very important. That this charged political expression could trigger a mid air confrontation between passengers, which could lead to violence. She did the absolute right thing to ensure that passengers and crew would arrive safely at their destination. We’ll all safer in the air for this type of smart thinking to prevent violence and I certainly hope she is working on my next flight. No matter what side people are...

    The flight attendant knew something very important. That this charged political expression could trigger a mid air confrontation between passengers, which could lead to violence. She did the absolute right thing to ensure that passengers and crew would arrive safely at their destination. We’ll all safer in the air for this type of smart thinking to prevent violence and I certainly hope she is working on my next flight. No matter what side people are on, these actions are justifiable and should apply to all people of all political persuasions to keep the temperatures down on airplanes.

    1. UA-NYC Diamond

      Of course. It’s the Trump Terrorists that tried to create an insurrection and all.

    2. SEM Guest

      Yep, those people and all the ones Maxine Waters encouraged to attack/confront Trump supporters as well…Just remember, there are NO clean hands here…

    3. UA-NYC Guest

      Amazing false equivalency between Waters and the Trump Terrorists (who you seem to support). Stay Proud, Boy.

    4. Ralph4878 Guest

      @UA-NYC - this, and every other blog, is full of false equivalences from folks on the Right. It's almost as if it's the only way they can defend their racist dogwhistles...

    5. Mike Guest

      For all the people on here who have said that everyone needs to stop being so sensitive to things is absolutely correct. This man did nothing wrong. All he was doing, was expressing his own views with a piece of face covering of his own choosing. If people didn't like it, they could have left the plane and taken another flight and if they've already taken off, then they could have simply shut their eyes for the duration of the trip.

  47. Steven E Guest

    Don’t like the rules - get off and fly another carrier - No one cares about your ridiculous beliefs - keep them to yourself

    1. Fred Guest

      Awesome advice! I'm never going to ride with this airline. I'll take my money someplace else. There are always other alternatives that don't include this kind of nonesense.

  48. Gene Guest

    Such a shame that a young man like this has a mind that is like a sewer. Bottom line kid, your candidate lost! Get over it!

    1. CHRIS Guest

      How's your 401k doing?

    2. Steve Guest

      Probably really awful
      Everyone is expensive
      Look at AA devaluation for AA EXP status went from 12k to over 18k

      That’s fine hopefully those can still fly first class

    3. Jim Guest

      Probably really awful
      Everyone is expensive
      Look at AA devaluation for AA EXP status went from 12k to over 18,000

      That’s fine hopefully those can still fly first class

    4. Jake212 Guest

      @Gene - while their candidate may have lost, at least 45 got more done. Biden has accomplished NOTHING in his Presidency, has killed more from COVID with many vaccines available and will only continue to falter when the GOP sweeps the midterms in 2022. Biden will hands down go down as the worst President in history, as will Harris as the worst VP.

  49. Bill Guest

    What has happened to us? Use to be I could disagree with your political views without calling you names and adjectives. Without belittling you and cursing you. Have we really lowered ourselves to these standards in the name of politics or party affiliations? Get a life, people!!!

  50. Josh Guest

    Hey moron, the first amendment protects you from government retribution. Private companies don't need to tolerate your garbage.

  51. David Guest

    The only difference is offensive things were said and worn in public about Trump and were tolerated. Maybe not the F word but equally offensive.

  52. Eskimo Guest

    Maybe he was referring to Johnson, Boris?

    1. Shauna Guest

      I'm sure he doesn't know what a Boris Johnson is.

  53. james Guest

    It's amazing how good you are confirming your priors

  54. Marc Guest

    Everybody screams 1st amendment until it offends them. If I sat next to his family wearing a T-shirt that said “Mary is only a virgin if you don’t count anal” He’d be the first one to throw a fit because I was offending his precious god. (Yes I have that shirt) But that’s also my first amendment right. I used to own an offensive tshirt company and every year at the street festivals some religious...

    Everybody screams 1st amendment until it offends them. If I sat next to his family wearing a T-shirt that said “Mary is only a virgin if you don’t count anal” He’d be the first one to throw a fit because I was offending his precious god. (Yes I have that shirt) But that’s also my first amendment right. I used to own an offensive tshirt company and every year at the street festivals some religious nut would try and get me banned (best selling tshirt was “I f$@k on the first date”) because their children needed to be protected. We loved to publish the stories of people getting thrown off planes for wearing our shirts because it just sold more shirts. That’s all he’s doing is finding a way to publicize his offensive message. Everyone knows what it stands for. My point is - I’m fine with him wearing his mask if he also agrees I can wearing anything offensive I choose. But since we all know the biggest hypocrites are the far right I guess all should be banned.

  55. Mark Guest

    Unfortunately airline industry is not truely private. The are subsidized by tax payers. How many airlines would be in business if they weren't bailed out by the government in 2020? Therefore the passenger has a point regarding the first amendment

    1. NYGuy24 Diamond

      No just no. That most certainly is not how the first amendment works.

    2. jetjock64 Guest

      So Mark, are you a First Amendment scholar or something? The law is settled: private companies, even if they accept government help on occasion, are NOT government themselves and CANNNOT be subjected to any First Amendment constraints.

  56. Reed Guest

    It’s not a first amendment issue at all, obviously. And I think it’s a dumb statement (although, I remember plenty of lefty people displaying “f*ck trump* messages the last few years) and people who think they are “getting away with” something make me roll my eyes.

    But I also think, doth protest too much? I’ve seen “Let’s go Brandon” shirts, hats, and masks out in public, and on AA flights recently, and it really...

    It’s not a first amendment issue at all, obviously. And I think it’s a dumb statement (although, I remember plenty of lefty people displaying “f*ck trump* messages the last few years) and people who think they are “getting away with” something make me roll my eyes.

    But I also think, doth protest too much? I’ve seen “Let’s go Brandon” shirts, hats, and masks out in public, and on AA flights recently, and it really doesn’t *have* be a disruption. I sat next to someone wearing a “lets go Brandon” mask on a plane for a whole 3 hours just a month ago, and managed not to faint with hysteria or melt into a puddle of rage. Because I’m an adult.

    Plenty of statements and phrases can be offensive to other people, and where do we want to draw the line? What if I wore a shirt or mask that says “god is dead” or “bong hits for Jesus!”. What if someone wore a red “make america Gay again” hat? How about a “pro life America” shirt? Or a pink “p**sy hat”… which were *literally* created to call attention to Trump’s “grab em by the p**sy” tape on Access Hollywood.

    Or, more seriously, what if a flight crew or passengers find it offensive for me and my same-sex husband to be wearing a pride shirt or suggestive tattoos (I don’t have any, but I have friends who do!). Or what if the people across the aisle wear a shirt saying “marriage is between a man and a woman”? Again, I’d roll my eyes and likely make known my disagreement, but I definitely wouldn’t “call the manager” and ask them to be kicked off the flight either.

    Again, it’s not about the law here. The first amendment is irrelevant in this situation, and airlines have a right to throw out whoever they feel is a disruption. I just think it’s gray area as a best practice, and by reacting this way, we’re giving the “let’s go Brandon” folks *exactly* the attention they want.

    1. gstork Guest

      Love this reply... your alternative tshirt/mask quotes had me laughing loudly.

      While I don't particularly like the whole LGB thing, I find it ridiculous that anyone would choose to wear something like this out in public, regardless of the slogan or words. If I see people wearing political slogans or even misshapen pink hats, I just roll my eyes and move on. I even find it obnoxious and frankly sad that many "label whores" seem...

      Love this reply... your alternative tshirt/mask quotes had me laughing loudly.

      While I don't particularly like the whole LGB thing, I find it ridiculous that anyone would choose to wear something like this out in public, regardless of the slogan or words. If I see people wearing political slogans or even misshapen pink hats, I just roll my eyes and move on. I even find it obnoxious and frankly sad that many "label whores" seem to think that by wearing clothes or purses with BALENCIAGA or LV or PRADA emblazoned upon them, they are fashionable.

      As I don't care what people I don't know think about me, I certainly don't need to wear my beliefs on my clothes.

      Time to move on, there are much more important things to worry about than the fragility of Dems or GOPers. It is amazing how often people seem to default to clutching their pearls at even the slightest offense these days, when in private they are horribly offensive to individuals, groups or movements that they don't agree with.

  57. Brian Guest

    If the guy doesn’t like it, he can choose not to fly Spirit; he doesn’t have the first amendment right on Spirit.

    On a separate note, I’m surprised Spirit didn’t charge people to wear their own decorated mask. Would surely be on brand…

  58. Miamiorbust Guest

    TPG2, I agree in so far as the post is limited to statement that someone should remove an article if crew deems it to be offensive. That appears to have happened in this case so obeying terms of carriage argument seems a bit misplaced. Nearly every other part of this post is a bit silly. TPG2 has a political view, which is fine but to not acknowledge that informs what he deems as clearly offensive...

    TPG2, I agree in so far as the post is limited to statement that someone should remove an article if crew deems it to be offensive. That appears to have happened in this case so obeying terms of carriage argument seems a bit misplaced. Nearly every other part of this post is a bit silly. TPG2 has a political view, which is fine but to not acknowledge that informs what he deems as clearly offensive is being disingenuous. Also think the passenger is being a clown in not responding honestly. But being a clown when flying is not the least bit newsworthy these days. So this post is all about politics. Own it.

    1. Saint82 Guest

      Apparently you didn’t read the article. He would object to the same if applied to the opposite. So this post is not about politics. Own it.

  59. Mike Guest

    And if they don't comply, the bar them from the airline. Quick and simple.

  60. Alex Guest

    Except one thing. I read Spirits policy and it says nothing about clothing of any "offensive" nature. It talks about being barefoot and other things, but nothing about offensive clothing. So, it's not in their policy and the man had every right to refuse. It's not first amendment protected because they're not the government, but they sure took a lot of government bailout money which makes them close cousins.

  61. Creditcrunch Diamond

    This news piece will draw out the obsessed for sure.

  62. Al C Guest

    First off, I would personally never wear anything like that but this seems like overreach to me. Being "offensive" as you use it is just too broad and too subjective - too easy to be abused depending on the political views of flight attendant seeing it. Certain words like F*** are clearly considered universally to be profanity in the US. But is wearing LGB really any different than him wearing a MAGA or elect Trump...

    First off, I would personally never wear anything like that but this seems like overreach to me. Being "offensive" as you use it is just too broad and too subjective - too easy to be abused depending on the political views of flight attendant seeing it. Certain words like F*** are clearly considered universally to be profanity in the US. But is wearing LGB really any different than him wearing a MAGA or elect Trump mask? What if his mask said "the election was stolen'? Would these messages really be any less "offensive"? If there was a clear policy that no political messages are permitted that would be clear cut, but shutting down anything vaguely "offensive" is a mistake in a pluralistic society.

    1. NYGuy24 Diamond

      A MAGA hat is not offensive except to liberals maybe but it's purpose is not to be offensive. Its purpose is not to attack another person. LGB is specifically designed to be offensive and is an attack on the current president. So the two are not equivalent.

  63. George Romey Guest

    Why would I give a rat's butt. It means nothing to me, particularly when I find most politicians scum bags, Biden and Trump included. Some people need to get a life.

    1. jetjock64 Guest

      @ George, I guess it takes one to know one. Without "politicians," you'd live in a world of chaos, with no rules except the law of the jungle. That's what you'd like?

  64. Raj Guest

    What if he was flying to LGB?

  65. Al Guest

    Am I wrong or do those stories ONLY happen in the USA?

    1. Aussie Guest

      Passenger is a douche.

      But seriously, anybody who is “offended” by “Let’s go Brandon” is a massive loser and needs to get a life.

  66. Jerry Guest

    Spirit crossed the line here:
    So if I wear a New York Yankees jersey in Boston, can that be deemed offensive ?
    This is a draconian interpretation of “policy”

    1. Zach Guest

      There is a distinct difference between allegiance to a sports team and an underhanded insult towards the POTUS.

      If you wore a F**** Boston jersey, you'd likely be asked to remove it as well. These arguments are not clever or even particularly well-thought-out. Anyone over the age of 15 is aware of these social expectations, so pretending one isnt just comes across as childish.

    2. reed Guest

      Since when is “insulting the POTUS” crossing a line that insulting a sports team does not?

      What if I wore a shirt that insulted the Pope? Or the President of the Mormon Church? Or Mohammed?

      I didn’t vote for Trump and think he was and is gross. But I don’t think there’s any bright line social convention that says insulting him publicly is unacceptable. Just as I don’t think insulting Biden, Clinton, Obama, or any...

      Since when is “insulting the POTUS” crossing a line that insulting a sports team does not?

      What if I wore a shirt that insulted the Pope? Or the President of the Mormon Church? Or Mohammed?

      I didn’t vote for Trump and think he was and is gross. But I don’t think there’s any bright line social convention that says insulting him publicly is unacceptable. Just as I don’t think insulting Biden, Clinton, Obama, or any other President is crossing the line either. They aren’t royalty.

  67. BookLvr Diamond

    I'm a progressive Democrat and yet I'm cool with people wearing "Let's Go Brandon" gear. You know what I like about someone with whom I clearly politically disagree wearing a mask or t-shirt with a saying on it? They are using WORDS to express their political point of view. They may be rude words, but that is okay! They are not staging an insurrection at the Capitol. Words are a great way to express political...

    I'm a progressive Democrat and yet I'm cool with people wearing "Let's Go Brandon" gear. You know what I like about someone with whom I clearly politically disagree wearing a mask or t-shirt with a saying on it? They are using WORDS to express their political point of view. They may be rude words, but that is okay! They are not staging an insurrection at the Capitol. Words are a great way to express political points of view.

    This being said, I 100% agree with your point, Lucky, that speech and clothing CAN BE and IS restricted on an airplane or a restaurant in ways that it is not on a public street. For example, if someone tried to yell and drown out the flight attendants while they were doing the safety presentation, I would absolutely think that person could and should be removed from the aircraft. If someone tried to board the aircraft without pants, I would think they would be asked to cover their genital region or leave.

    I think if airlines are going to ban offensive words on clothing, they should probably articulate what their expectations are. Is the problem that this is a political slogan or that there is an implied four letter word?

  68. GBOAC Diamond

    I read a number of comments about free speech and to the effect that progressive are snowflakes. I find it interesting that while they are complaining about this, state governments in too many states right now passing laws that ban certain books from schools and prevent teaching aspects of American history that might make some people feel uncomfortable. I'm waiting for the folks on this thread defending LGB masks to wake up and see what...

    I read a number of comments about free speech and to the effect that progressive are snowflakes. I find it interesting that while they are complaining about this, state governments in too many states right now passing laws that ban certain books from schools and prevent teaching aspects of American history that might make some people feel uncomfortable. I'm waiting for the folks on this thread defending LGB masks to wake up and see what real suppression of speech is really like.

  69. CHRIS Guest

    Acceptable masks:
    I Can't Breathe
    F*** Trump

    1. Bill Guest

      Trumpers want to be victims so bad. Pathetic.

    2. UA-NYC Guest

      Yeah so many F Trump masks on planes for the past few years. Piss off chump.

    3. Watson Diamond

      "F*** Trump" is unacceptable on a plane. The other two are fine.

      See how easy that was?

  70. Courtney Guest

    I don’t see an issue with let’s go Brandon. It is not malicious and Joe Biden has even said it himself on national television.

    Now if the hat said, “FJB” but spelt out, yeah — the curse word, censored or not, though crossing the line. A impressionable child can understand the implications in this situation.

    I do not agree with the BLM pins. A friends business was burnt to the ground during a...

    I don’t see an issue with let’s go Brandon. It is not malicious and Joe Biden has even said it himself on national television.

    Now if the hat said, “FJB” but spelt out, yeah — the curse word, censored or not, though crossing the line. A impressionable child can understand the implications in this situation.

    I do not agree with the BLM pins. A friends business was burnt to the ground during a BLM riot. I do agree that Black Lives Matter, but supporting an organization of the name, one that has been shown to support civil unrest and violence is more offensive than “Let’s go Brandon”. Lives and livelihoods have literally been destroyed by BLM, the organization.

    1. Scott Guest

      I've seen pretzels straighter than your logic. BLM isn't an organization. And they don't promote violence or civil unrest. A bit hard to believe you think the term Black Lives Matter is more 'offensive' than F Joe Biden.

    2. Richard Guest

      Hey Scott, you need to look up the BLM organization. It is huge, well funded and a problem in many countries. Ask Venezuela. The organization is vastly different then many uniformed people think the movement supports.

    3. Joe Guest

      As to me, first and foremost "Black Lives Matter" is a reference to standing up to discrimination and reinforcing equality. If I see the term, that's what I'm presuming it refers to.

      The organization did this cause a disservice, IMO, by naming themselves after the phrase. It creates an unnecessary ambiguity. Call themselves the Black Lives Alliance, or something to that effect. People associate the phrase with the group, and that gives them justification to...

      As to me, first and foremost "Black Lives Matter" is a reference to standing up to discrimination and reinforcing equality. If I see the term, that's what I'm presuming it refers to.

      The organization did this cause a disservice, IMO, by naming themselves after the phrase. It creates an unnecessary ambiguity. Call themselves the Black Lives Alliance, or something to that effect. People associate the phrase with the group, and that gives them justification to take issue with the phrase.

      But I wouldn't assume a BLM mask/hat/shirt is specifically referencing the organization. In fact, I'd wager the people who wear said attire are very rarely referencing the organization. Unless you're part of the organization, that'd be kinda weird.

      Again, it's pretty jacked up that the organization put our country into a position where a legitimate grievance to "Black Lives Matter" exists... vis-a-vis being upset with the organization itself.

      My instinct is to think opposition to BLM is racist. And to be fair, plenty of people reply to "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" or "Blue Lives Matter"... which is more clearly racist in nature (an attempt to silence Black voices)

  71. DenB Diamond

    I wouldn't know about this incident, or indeed about this issue, if I hadn't read this article. If only...

  72. Creditian Guest

    I can, but you can’t.

    BLM is okay, LGB is not okay.

    Typical progressive opinion.

    1. GBOAC Diamond

      I feel sorry that you think the two expressions are equivalent. That says a lot about you.

    2. Creditian Guest

      I have no opinion toward both BLM and LGB, that's why they are equal to me.

      You are progressive, of course, you praise BLM and condemn LGB.

      But there are many people having same feeling or no felling toward both BLM and LGB. I suggest you getting over it.

    3. NYGuy24 Diamond

      I don't like either as both are divisive but there is a big difference between BLM and LGB. One is just the name of a movement that is more than just pure politics and isn't designed to be offensive, another is an attack specifically on the current president and strictly political in nature and is supposed to be offensive.

    4. UK Guest

      Private company decides what it wants.
      No one is forcing anyone to use said private company.

  73. Alonzo Diamond

    So it was cool when people were and still wear Maga hats though right? Supporting a racist bigot. Y'all get so butt hurt over politics and it's hilarious. More important things in life then some dumb light up mask.

  74. steven kapellas Guest

    Any flight with a destination of Florida is bound to have issues. Crews should be getting hazardous duty pay for sectors involving Florida.

  75. Peter_Ohio New Member

    Preach! Great Article! I see some negativity but its Ben's Website and his freedom to write the article and his thoughts. If you don't like it don't read it.

  76. Santastico Guest

    Ohhh but when it was about the former president everything was allowed. Suck it up and face the reality.

    1. Steve Guest

      Yes, "allowed", that's the whole reason he's wore the mask.

  77. Never In Doubt Guest

    “Before I do so, let me note that this is the only time I’ll ever write about this topic”

    Promises, promises.

  78. John Guest

    Do I need to be an American to understand this, I have literally no idea what this is about or why it’s offensive? Agree with others, if it’s offensive it has no place on this blog.

    1. Peter_Ohio New Member

      So then why comment on it, if you dont understand it?

    2. Pierre Guest

      Saying you don't understand what's going on isn't a reason to not comment on something. I doubt many non-US citizens would know WTF this is about.

      I had to Google it, and I still don't understand why this would be a reason to get kicked off a plane....

    3. Steve Guest

      Most people around the world don’t understand it and don’t care

    4. Klaus Guest

      Google „let’s go Brandon“ - it probably has an article on Wikipedia, too.

      Long story short: it means „Fuck you Biden“

  79. Michelle Guest

    If “offensive” is the standard, where does it end? Can I wear a Che Guevara shirt? Fidel? Hitler? Those are surely “offensive” to a lot pf people. How about Black Lives Matter? The problem here isn’t a private company having the ability to set their own rules, it’s selecting how and against whom those rules will be enforced. BLM is plenty offensive to A LOT of people. By your logic, anyone wearing a BLM shirt...

    If “offensive” is the standard, where does it end? Can I wear a Che Guevara shirt? Fidel? Hitler? Those are surely “offensive” to a lot pf people. How about Black Lives Matter? The problem here isn’t a private company having the ability to set their own rules, it’s selecting how and against whom those rules will be enforced. BLM is plenty offensive to A LOT of people. By your logic, anyone wearing a BLM shirt or mask should be asked to remove it. But are they? I would bet dollars to donuts they aren’t. If you feel the need to defend or distinguish why BLM is not offensive, you prove my point. “offensive” is extremely subjective. Airlines should be playing morality police. It’s not their job and there is no way to enforce it uniformly. .

    1. GBOAC Diamond

      Humm Michelle. Exactly why do people find the expression Black Lives Matter offensive. Because they don't think Blacks have suffered more than their fare share or maybe because they don't think Black lives do matter. Just asking
      It's the same with folks who feel that Gay Pride month is unnecessary or offensive. You may feel uncomfortable but the problem is with you.
      The issue with Let's Go Brandon is totally different -- there...

      Humm Michelle. Exactly why do people find the expression Black Lives Matter offensive. Because they don't think Blacks have suffered more than their fare share or maybe because they don't think Black lives do matter. Just asking
      It's the same with folks who feel that Gay Pride month is unnecessary or offensive. You may feel uncomfortable but the problem is with you.
      The issue with Let's Go Brandon is totally different -- there is nothing positive about the expression other than a relief valve for some.

    2. Jim Guest

      Michelle never said anything related to Black suffering. That is what you said. BLM is different things to different people, same as FJB. Some people support it, some don’t. I feel sorry for you that you can’t see the difference. Some say BLM campaign alienates people with their negative attitude toward American society and law enforcement and with their overbearing tactics.
      The airlines should not be deciding what’s offensive (with limited exceptions to those...

      Michelle never said anything related to Black suffering. That is what you said. BLM is different things to different people, same as FJB. Some people support it, some don’t. I feel sorry for you that you can’t see the difference. Some say BLM campaign alienates people with their negative attitude toward American society and law enforcement and with their overbearing tactics.
      The airlines should not be deciding what’s offensive (with limited exceptions to those grossly offensive). The airlines should have never gotten involved in BLM (allowing BLM wording on uniforms), now they are paying the price of weighting in on politics.

    3. Aussie Guest

      Perhaps it has to do with some elements of the BLM movement using “protests” as an opportunity to loot and destroy businesses that have nothing to do with black oppression?

    4. Saint82 Guest

      If you don’t think that Black Lives Matter, I can’t imagine what you think. Apparently Black Lives Don’t Matter according to you. Appalling!

    5. Scott Guest

      Why do people keep confusing 'offensive' with 'political opinions'. A normal person would find being told to 'F off' offensive. I think that's pretty clear - no matter where you are on the political spectrum. Hence, LGB - which we all know means F JB - is deemed offensive based on past precedent. Black Lives Matter - while you may disagree with what it represents in terms of policy - is not an inherently offensive...

      Why do people keep confusing 'offensive' with 'political opinions'. A normal person would find being told to 'F off' offensive. I think that's pretty clear - no matter where you are on the political spectrum. Hence, LGB - which we all know means F JB - is deemed offensive based on past precedent. Black Lives Matter - while you may disagree with what it represents in terms of policy - is not an inherently offensive term. In fact, I think even those on the right are quick to agree it's a true term (they just disagree with how the think it's played out in protest). Hence it wouldn't be deemed 'offensive'.

    6. Watson Diamond

      Michelle, you're making what I call the "line fallacy": "I don't know where the line should be; therefore there should be no line at all." Just because you're struggling to define the line doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.

      It's all a matter of degree, and private companies can define the line where they see fit. BLM is an organization which the overwhelming majority of reasonable people do not find inherently offensive, so I'm sure Spirit...

      Michelle, you're making what I call the "line fallacy": "I don't know where the line should be; therefore there should be no line at all." Just because you're struggling to define the line doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.

      It's all a matter of degree, and private companies can define the line where they see fit. BLM is an organization which the overwhelming majority of reasonable people do not find inherently offensive, so I'm sure Spirit would be fine with it. The "left wing" (if you need to call it that) equivalent to LGB would be ACAB, and I would hope that Spirit would ban that too.

  80. Steven Guest

    Great post, Ben.

    It's time these people were called out, on many levels, but especially on the ignorant and incorrect claims of 1st Amendment protection.

    It's time that these petulant people and their refusal to wear a mask, or forcing statement clothing, be called out for whom they are; misinformed social contract-breakers. America would be far better off if they would remember that with citizenship comes responsibility, citizenship doesn't mean they may behave in any...

    Great post, Ben.

    It's time these people were called out, on many levels, but especially on the ignorant and incorrect claims of 1st Amendment protection.

    It's time that these petulant people and their refusal to wear a mask, or forcing statement clothing, be called out for whom they are; misinformed social contract-breakers. America would be far better off if they would remember that with citizenship comes responsibility, citizenship doesn't mean they may behave in any way they wish. They act like petulant teenagers.

    Thanks for speaking up.

    1. Charles Guest

      Funny how the airlines are federal contractors when it came to federal mandates, but suddenly becomes a totally "private corporation that can run their companies as they please" when it comes to basic human rights.

    2. Jake212 Guest

      @Charles - Bravo! Please say it again for the cheap seats in the back where UA-NYC sits. Aka - basic economy. Just like the basic b*tch they are.

  81. Rob Guest

    It's not fair to impose what you think the meaning is to something. Because BLM means execute police officers while they sit in their patrols cars to many people and should absolutely be banned wherever it is said or used. But these other people think it's a racially empowering, so we're gonna go with that definition apparently.

    1. Rob Guest

      The meaning of Let's go Brandon is an admonition of media gaslighting.

    2. Steve Guest

      +1 to this. I can't mark helpful because that forces you to log in and that's not safe when these people are willing to burn cities to the ground (Seattle, LA, many others).

    3. UA-NYC Guest

      Another Republican cuck who apparently gets all his news from Tucker C

    4. Rob Guest

      Stay classy. No need to speculate on my news source when I laid out my argument in words. Unless you are disputing the police officers executed in their patrol car ever happened because you didn't see it?

    5. Scott Guest

      Uh, I think that's the point - BLM isn't clearly offensive to a 'normal' person, so you can't say it's offensive. LGB literally has no other meaning other than 'FJB' - which is offensive because the 'normal' person would find it offensive to be told to f-off. That's how courts have determined what is and isn't offensive. It's not the political perspective ones has on either issue - it's the use of the F word....

      Uh, I think that's the point - BLM isn't clearly offensive to a 'normal' person, so you can't say it's offensive. LGB literally has no other meaning other than 'FJB' - which is offensive because the 'normal' person would find it offensive to be told to f-off. That's how courts have determined what is and isn't offensive. It's not the political perspective ones has on either issue - it's the use of the F word. Maybe those on the right should come up with something less juvenile to express their displeasure with the current President and it would probably pass the 'offensive' test.

    6. Rob Guest

      Uh, I think normal people find murder more offensive than telling a president to F off. And there literally is another meaning of Let's go Brandon. It's to point out how the media tried to gaslight people into thinking LGB was being chanted, despite hearing FJB chanted with their own ears.

    7. UA-NYC Diamond

      Tet me guess - Trump voter?

      Educate yourself -

  82. Kyle Guest

    Preach! Imagine it the other way around. Thanks Lucky!

  83. Luis Guest

    Congratulations on sinking OMAAT to a new low.

    1. Justin Guest

      It's sadly been that way for multiple years now. keeps lowering the bar

    2. The Real Beej Guest

      “It’s sadly been that way for multiple years now.” Yet here you are, still reading, after multiple years.

    3. Steve Guest

      Why we still have comments

  84. Andrew Guest

    There's nothing more satisfying than watching these snowflakes have their meltdown when confronted on their BS. OTOH, perhaps completely ignoring them and not giving them the satisfaction of the attention would be a better approach.

    As a side note - yesterday I was on an American domestic flight in first class and another passenger seated next to me was wearing a "Lets Go Brandon" T-Shirt; the man was in his late 50s. He wasn't asked...

    There's nothing more satisfying than watching these snowflakes have their meltdown when confronted on their BS. OTOH, perhaps completely ignoring them and not giving them the satisfaction of the attention would be a better approach.

    As a side note - yesterday I was on an American domestic flight in first class and another passenger seated next to me was wearing a "Lets Go Brandon" T-Shirt; the man was in his late 50s. He wasn't asked to remove the shirt. These man-children need to grow up.

  85. Nate nate Guest

    First amendment prevents the government from restricting speech. It has no application to businesses such as airlines, Facebook, Twitter, OMAAT. You don't need to look at the carriage contract

    1. Another Lump Guest

      Typical liberal argument for censoship.
      The fact is that government cannot just use private companies to implement their censorship. Airlines that are highly regulated, under the thumb of the admin, are doing just that. But it's also about contract law. Let's go Brandon is not offensive on it's face: there's no vulgar language, no nudity, nothing that parents would have to hide from kids. It's only offensive if you disagree politically. So the carrier...

      Typical liberal argument for censoship.
      The fact is that government cannot just use private companies to implement their censorship. Airlines that are highly regulated, under the thumb of the admin, are doing just that. But it's also about contract law. Let's go Brandon is not offensive on it's face: there's no vulgar language, no nudity, nothing that parents would have to hide from kids. It's only offensive if you disagree politically. So the carrier violated the terms of the contract if carriage.

      It's sad how modern liberals, once the open minded defenders of civil liberties are now fully bracing censorship and authoritarianism, and would prefer to shut down opposing expression than have to openly defend their views.

    2. Steven Guest

      May I suggest you show your post to whatever law school you went to? I am sure they would immediately refund your tuition.

    3. Nate nate Guest

      I'm pretty sure my top 10 law school will be proud, but for your uneducated benefit, here are two references to review:

      (1) The text of the 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

      I'm pretty sure my top 10 law school will be proud, but for your uneducated benefit, here are two references to review:

      (1) The text of the 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
      - "Congress shall..." clearly means that everything after only applies to Congress, not Spirit Airlines.

      (2) Here is another website you can read:
      - The relevant text is "The First Amendment does not prohibit private individuals, companies and employers from restricting speech. The social media platforms responsible for suspending President Trump’s accounts are privately owned and operated, and they are free to limit the content on their sites without implicating the First Amendment."

      May I suggest you show your post to your high school? I'm sure they will take away your diploma as you apparently didn't learn anything in high school civics.

    4. Jake212 Guest

      @Steven - You’re an absolute moron that just got completely shut down by Nate Nate. How embarrassing for you.

    5. Etravelstheworld Guest

      Funny how “conservatives” who supported the ‘corporations are people’ mantra are regretting their decision to give corporations all this power. Now when corporations are “woke” they aren’t people anymore? I guess just be honest and say you only want corporations to have freedoms if they agree with your viewpoints. I bet you are the guy that supports the bakery that discriminates against same sex couples. If so you agree that corporations and private companies can...

      Funny how “conservatives” who supported the ‘corporations are people’ mantra are regretting their decision to give corporations all this power. Now when corporations are “woke” they aren’t people anymore? I guess just be honest and say you only want corporations to have freedoms if they agree with your viewpoints. I bet you are the guy that supports the bakery that discriminates against same sex couples. If so you agree that corporations and private companies can make decisions you disagree with.

      The first amendment has never been about private companies. It’s always been about government infringing on your right to speech. You have never had freedom to tell your boss to go f themselves without consequence. Speech has consequences. As for social media companies, no one is forcing you to use FB, Twitter, or any other site. It’s a private business. If they felt like your hate speech was good for business they would allow it. They don’t please move on.

      Before you go talking authoritarianism, What did you think about January 6th? Or how about Election Day when trump wanted votes to stop being counted before the night was over? How is that for authoritarian? Or how about Trump telling a private business like the nfl that their players shouldn’t have certain political views.

      Personally I’m not a fan of Biden. Im not a democrat or republican. This nonsense has to stop. Just please educate yourself on what the actual 1st amendment is.

    6. Nik Guest

      So according to your argument the hitler salute should be ok too! It shouldnt be offensive since there is no nudity, no profanity, etc. People are just going to say thats their way of greeting their friends and hide behind technicalities. This is not a partisan subject to blame the liberals for not being able to defend civil liberties. Civil Liberties come with Civil Duties.

    7. Nate nate Guest

      Airlines are highly regulated, as are banks, hospitals, telecom companies, media companies, construction companies, utilities, oil companies. So by your logic, does the 1st amendment apply to all of them as well?

    8. Scott Guest

      What's sad is that conservatives have nothing of substance except to resort to juvenile statements in which they fall back on the 'what, there's nothing offensive about it' when we all know it means something that is entirely offensive to the average person. A large swatch of an entire political party thinks that this is the way to engage others in meaningful discussion on political issues? It's embarrassing. Sure liberals may have their fringe element...

      What's sad is that conservatives have nothing of substance except to resort to juvenile statements in which they fall back on the 'what, there's nothing offensive about it' when we all know it means something that is entirely offensive to the average person. A large swatch of an entire political party thinks that this is the way to engage others in meaningful discussion on political issues? It's embarrassing. Sure liberals may have their fringe element but do you see anything even remotely resembling the equivalent on the left? No you don't.

    9. Mike Saint Guest

      Completely agree with Nate. Trump is an idiot. Biden is an idiot. Both sides have their own idiots. But part of what makes America such a great country is that we have the freedom of speech. People may not like the mask, just like people might not like a MAGA hat/shirt but an Airline shouldn't be allowed to stop someone from wearing something that is not clearly offensive with language.

      That is what...

      Completely agree with Nate. Trump is an idiot. Biden is an idiot. Both sides have their own idiots. But part of what makes America such a great country is that we have the freedom of speech. People may not like the mask, just like people might not like a MAGA hat/shirt but an Airline shouldn't be allowed to stop someone from wearing something that is not clearly offensive with language.

      That is what America is about. I usually agree with you Ben but have to disagree with you here. Just like I believe anyone should be allowed to wear a BLM shirt, it's basically the same thing.

  86. pstm91 Diamond

    Allow me to be the unifying voice in this sure to be "interesting" comment section and say that Social Media is the worst.

  87. Joe Guest

    Haven't conservatives spent the last several years describing liberals as "cucks"? Because using LGB to mask their true words is pretty damn "cuck" in nature.

    Bunch of pansies.

  88. MJ Guest

    Lucky, I’m sorry, I know you need clicks and I’ll be here to support you and give them to you, but this is not news. Literally no one cares and this sounds like some TPG nonsense.

    1. OPR Member

      Clearly Spirit cared :P

  89. Matt Guest

    This will be a fun comments section. Thank you in advance.

  90. x Member

    Can't wait for the crazies to come out in the comments on this one. Grabbing my popcorn now.

    1. TiredOfTyrants Guest

      Crazies? You mean people who disagree with you? I'd actually check yourself on who's the Crazies. Airlines allowed F Trump & my guess is you cheer it on. Showing political bias is not good for any US company. Could it be because airlines grift taxpayers money by the billions? Don't choke on those kernels or your hypocrisy Karen.

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Nate nate Guest

First amendment prevents the government from restricting speech. It has no application to businesses such as airlines, Facebook, Twitter, OMAAT. You don't need to look at the carriage contract

Steven Guest

Great post, Ben. It's time these people were called out, on many levels, but especially on the ignorant and incorrect claims of 1st Amendment protection. It's time that these petulant people and their refusal to wear a mask, or forcing statement clothing, be called out for whom they are; misinformed social contract-breakers. America would be far better off if they would remember that with citizenship comes responsibility, citizenship doesn't mean they may behave in any way they wish. They act like petulant teenagers. Thanks for speaking up.

Steven E Guest

Don’t like the rules - get off and fly another carrier - No one cares about your ridiculous beliefs - keep them to yourself

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