Look, I’d like to think that I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but this sure makes you wonder…
In this post:
Pilots report object in sky “jogging back and forth”
VASAviation is an awesome YouTube channel that shares interesting air traffic control audio. The channel has just uploaded a video based on a conversation that an airline pilot was having with air traffic control while on approach to Dallas Fort-Worth Airport (DFW). The pilot even directly wrote to VASAviation to share the experience, explaining the following, in part:
Last night I was operating a flight into DFW and we were cruising at 34,000 feet when I noticed two lights in formation. The lights would be super bright and then die out quickly and go away. The lights were quite a bit above us on the horizon. My first thought was satellites, but they kept getting super right and go away over and over. They kept staying in the same 1-2 o’clock position on us for about 250 miles. And would be moving in formation, sometimes really fast on the horizon. It was super odd because they were high and fast and kept with us for a long time.
You can listen to the air traffic control audio for yourself below, where the pilot describes objects that are “kinda jogging back and forth, left and right, for the past like half hour.”
Here’s where this gets even more interesting. Aviation YouTuber Noel Philips shared a picture that his wife, Rachel, took, while flying as a passenger that same evening, showing some strange objects in the sky (I’m sharing the picture with permission, so thanks to Noel for allowing that).
Before anyone calls me out for sensationalizing things, let me emphasize that when I use the term UFOs, I mean that literally — these are unidentified flying objects. That doesn’t mean there are Star Trek-style alien commanders onboard, and that they’re invading earth (or maybe they are, I dunno!).
What could explain these strange objects?
Let me acknowledge that people often mistake Starlink satellites for some sort of strange UFOs, when that’s obviously not the case. But as far as I know, Starlink satellites don’t generally “jog” back and forth in that way.
VASAviation has a ton of experienced commercial pilots who are viewers, and I can’t help but take note of the sheer number of pilots who are commenting that they’ve seen similar things, when they’re very familiar with what Starlink satellites and other common satellites look like.
As I said at the beginning of the post, I don’t want to be a conspiracy theorist. Personally I sort of think that I do believe in intelligent life on other planets, though it’s not something I’m terribly confident in. I also don’t rule out the whole aliens in spacecraft things (sort of).
I’m all for learning from people who are smarter than me, as I’d love for there to be some logical and simple explanation. So, does anyone want to take a crack at what these objects are that are just zigzagging back and forth in the sky?
Bottom line
While someone reporting seeing something strange in the sky is hardly a new phenomenon, it’s interesting that a pilot reported seeing weird objects in the sky, and separately, someone got a picture of them. I don’t know what to make of this, but like I said, I’d love if someone could provide some insights.
Anyone have a theory as to what these strange lights in the sky are?
I have no doubt that there's intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, it's just extraordinarily unlikely that any of them have ever, or will ever, visit us here on Earth.
I’ve seen these lights from the flight deck on flights from DFW going out west in recent months. Have several videos of the moving back and forth getting brighter and dimmer. It’s pretty wild
I've been seeing these lights on my flights since 2021. I've seen them while flying over Africa, Asia and Europe, so it's definitely something in outer space.
They are exactly as described here. They move in a different fashion, not linearly like satellites and sometimes appear very bright in the sky and then fade away while moving.
Many other pilots that I know have also seen these lights. No one has absolutely any idea what this is.
Ben why are you surprised? This is not a conspiracy, there are facts.
There have been many reports of US Navy aircraft sitings of ET ships around them.
Check Nick Pope, he was responsible for investigating UFO phenomena for the British Ministry of Defense in the 1990's.
Check President Eisenhowers visit with them.
If one wishes to know things, indeed they can.
Yes! I have seen something similar while in nyc over New Jersey. It’s definitely odd.
Why couldn't ET visit a more interesting city? ET needs a travel agent
It's 三体 - Three body problem.
They were vultures flying over Cowboy stadium waiting for Jerry Jones to kick the bucket!
I’ve talked with several very credible people in my life who’ve seen within 100 yards, saucer shaped objects floating in the sky making zero noise. Then from zero to “1000 miles per hour” disappeared into the sky, usually at an angle. It’s actually pretty silly to think we are alone considering at 6 billion years old, Earth is pretty young. Look how far we’ve come in the last 200 years.
If the evil Deep State truly controlled everything . . .
and there was that metallic orb which appeared at Manchester Airport last week & hovered just feet above the ground before shooting off into space, filmed by a pilot from his flight deck. Time to admit that we are not alone methinks...
Maybe test flights of the secret YF-119 fighter?
Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Quantum Teleportation.
Starlink satellites per the comments.
Space Force Training missions.
I've read that it's light reflection. Same as the one that was found over the white house weeks ago.
Listen, if Independence Day the movie was based on a true story, lemme know when y'all find the aliens. I wanna have a word with them about my frequent flyer miles.
Air East 31, do you wish to report a UFO?
Came here just for this comment!!!!
There's a really secret military base at San Antonio, including Air Force stuff. Something top secret and stealthy out on a test run strikes me as possible
So stealthy they put 4-5 lights on it…..
Okay, @UncleRonnie...I think you won the internet award for the day
I have always wondered why advanced alien technology would require such heavy use of external lighting. Good call Uncle Ronnie.
Ah, yes. The aliens have running lights, do they?
Does seem rather convenient that an Aviation YouTuber’s wife was flying at that same time and had a vantage point to click those pictures. I see a conspiracy there..
It's indeed absolutely shocking that the aviation YouTuber's wife was flying on a plane that also had a pilot on board.
Samo said it best. But you also obviously don't know Noel, extremely authentic, almost nerdy (sorry, Noel! it's a compliment!), aviation vlogger in the YouTube arena...
Also, it's unlikely to be military. The military would conduct test flights in more secluded areas. They have no incentive to do this so close to a major airport.
I'm not sure that's true. The new B-21 stealth bomber is testing from Edwards Air Force base, just north of Los Angeles.
Yes, but that is a public test program of a publicly known aircraft. This on the other hand, if it were military, would be something top secret since civil/commercial aviation was not notified by the military.
Are we even able to pilot craft like that “100 miles into space” or in our atmosphere for that matter?
They weren’t? You checked?
that's 100+ miles north east of LAX....
Yes, close. Did you have another comment?
forget the border wall
They're heeeeeere!