The Maldives is introducing what’s sure to be a controversial new travel ban…
In this post:
Maldives bans Israelis, in solidarity with Palestine
Mohamed Muizzu, the President of the Maldives, has “resolved to impose a ban on Israeli passports.” We don’t yet know exactly when this new law will take effect, though details should be announced soon. As part of this, the country also announced a new national fundraising campaign, named “Maldivians in Solidarity with Palestine.”
In 2023, just under 11,000 visitors entered the Maldives with Israeli passports, representing around 0.6% of the total number of visitors to the country. This year, the country has seen a steep drop in visitors entering with Israeli passports — in the first four months of the year, only 528 people entered the Maldives with an Israeli passport, representing an 88% decline.
It’s worth acknowledging that there are probably many people with Israeli passports who enter the country with other passports, so I imagine the total number of visitors who also have an Israeli passport is significantly higher. Furthermore, I suspect many Jewish people with other passports will reconsider a trip to the Maldives in light of this policy.
In response to this ban, a foreign ministry spokesperson for Israel has urged Israeli passport holders to depart the Maldives:
“For Israeli citizens staying in the country, it is recommended to consider leaving, since if they fall into distress for any reason, it will be difficult for us to help.”
While the Maldives is one of the few countries to have recently added an entry ban against Israelis, it’s far from the only country that doesn’t allow entry with an Israeli passport. Other countries with similar laws include Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen. Countries like the United Arab Emirates have established relations with Israel in recent years, though a similar ban existed there until 2020.

My take on the Maldives banning Israeli passports
It goes without saying that the current Israel and Gaza conflict couldn’t be more polarizing. I find the dialogue surrounding it to be consistently disappointing, since people are just talking past one another.
The way I view it, multiple things can be true. Yes, Israel had a horrible terrorist attack committed against it on October 7, and Hamas is a terrorist organization. But it’s also tragic how many people have died in Gaza, particularly women and children, and it’s fair to question whether the current military operation is the appropriate response. I don’t want to get more into it here, because I don’t think this conflict will be solved in the comments section of OMAAT (though everyone on Twitter/X seems to think they have the answer).
With that in mind, I’ll just say a few things:
- I’ve always been opposed to travel bans based solely on which passport someone enters a country with; “punishing” ordinary citizens for the actions of a government just seems juvenile
- The Maldives is heavily reliant on tourism, which is why the country has compromised so much on its religious “morals,” by allowing alcohol and much more at resorts; it’s interesting that this is the place where the country draws the line
- This won’t be good for the Maldives’ tourism, as I’m sure the country will see more than a 0.6% reduction in tourism, as Jewish people with other passports avoid the country as well
- This kind of seems silly, since the only thing this will accomplish is reducing the Maldives’ own tourism revenue (which, in turn, could be used to support to Palestinians, if that was the goal); it’s not like this is what’s going to lead to a major revolt against Netanyahu
- The irony here of course is that many Israeli passport holders are Muslim; now, those aren’t necessarily the people visiting the Maldives, but it seems strange to ban them

Bottom line
The Maldives is introducing a new entry ban against those with Israeli passports. While the Maldives is far from the first country to restrict entry to Israeli passport holders, it is one of the first countries to add such a ban following the current conflict, and to do so expressly in solidarity with Palestine.
I’ve always been opposed to travel bans that punish ordinary citizens for the actions of a government, and this is no different.
What do you make of the Maldives banning entry with Israeli passports?
"I’ve always been opposed to travel bans that punish ordinary citizens for the actions of a government, and this is no different."
Ben, Since its inception "Israel" was, is, and will always be a settler colonial ethno-supremacy project. That's a fact. Now it's up to you to enlighten yourself and see things as they are, or you can choose to continue being hypnotised by the zionist narrative; the biblical delusion of the promised land. The choice is yours. Cheers
There have been a lot of bad takes on this thread, but I think you might have the first genuinely anti-semitic comment.
Speaking the truth against the rogue state of Israel is not Anti-Semitic. Palestinians are Arabs so they are the real Semites. Majority of Israelis are European Jews with Zionist and colonial mindset. They just want to colonize the people of that area the way Europeans did in the past all over the world.
On the other hand we have the Arab Jews who are indigenous Jews. They lived with Palestinians there in peace until...
Speaking the truth against the rogue state of Israel is not Anti-Semitic. Palestinians are Arabs so they are the real Semites. Majority of Israelis are European Jews with Zionist and colonial mindset. They just want to colonize the people of that area the way Europeans did in the past all over the world.
On the other hand we have the Arab Jews who are indigenous Jews. They lived with Palestinians there in peace until the European Jews came and destroyed everything.
Note that Europeans are not Semites so speaking the truth against European Jews and the crimes they commit and the terror they spread by putting all the blaming on Hamas is not Anti-Semitic. I agree that Hamas are not innocent but Israelis too are not angels... They have blood on their hands.
Hello @Vikram,
First and foremost, I would appreciate it if you paid closer attention to what I have written. The reference you made to "Jews" above is an antisemitic trope, which I wholeheartedly condemn.
Secondly, there is no excuse for ignorance. Nowhere in my statement did I mention “Jews”, “Judaism”, or anything related. Please do not fall into the trap of conflating Zionism with Judaism, as the likes of @Watson like to promote. Judaism is...
Hello @Vikram,
First and foremost, I would appreciate it if you paid closer attention to what I have written. The reference you made to "Jews" above is an antisemitic trope, which I wholeheartedly condemn.
Secondly, there is no excuse for ignorance. Nowhere in my statement did I mention “Jews”, “Judaism”, or anything related. Please do not fall into the trap of conflating Zionism with Judaism, as the likes of @Watson like to promote. Judaism is a 3,500-year-old ancient monotheistic Abrahamic religion that originated in the eastern region of Canaan, while Zionism is a secular, colonial political ideology that emerged in mid-19th century Europe. It later became "Israel's" national ideology and has absolutely NOTHING to do with the ancient Jewish faith. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise. Anti-Zionism is NOT antisemitism, just as the pamphlet "Der Judenstaat" is NOT the "Chameesha Choomshey Torah." Got it? Please educate yourself. Cheers
My comment was a reply to @Watson who called your comment as "Genuinely anti-Semitic". In fact I was on your side because I agreed with you 100%. The only mistake I made is that I did not mention @Watson at the beginning.
You summarized the truth about Israel in the following sentences;
"Ben, Since its inception "Israel" was, is, and will always be a settler colonial ethno-supremacy project. That's a fact. "
"Palestinians are Arabs so they are the real Semites"
I when people like Vikram show just how uneducated and racist they are. Please find a new site to frequent where you can have deep conversations with people on your own level. I assume there are many terrorist groups who would be happy to welcome you onto their chat boards. Just make sure you tell them what size suicide vest fits you.
You yourself looks like a modern day terrorist for supporting an apartheid state. Real terrorism is bombing schools, hospitals, refugee camps and people lining up to receive food and lying to media that the bombing were mistakenly carried out. Apartheid states are always racist and since your are defending them it shows how racist you are. Educate yourself you illiterate fellow.
Speaking the truth against the rogue state of Israel is not Anti-Semitic. Palestinians are Arabs so they are the real Semites. Majority of Israelis are European Jews with Zionist and colonial mindset. They just want to colonize the people of that area the way Europeans did in the past all over the world.
On the other hand we have the Arab Jews who are indigenous Jews. They lived with Palestinians there in...
Speaking the truth against the rogue state of Israel is not Anti-Semitic. Palestinians are Arabs so they are the real Semites. Majority of Israelis are European Jews with Zionist and colonial mindset. They just want to colonize the people of that area the way Europeans did in the past all over the world.
On the other hand we have the Arab Jews who are indigenous Jews. They lived with Palestinians there in peace until the European Jews came and destroyed everything.
Note that Europeans are not Semites so speaking the truth against European Jews and the crimes they commit and the terror they spread by putting all the blaming on Hamas is not Anti-Semitic. I agree that Hamas are not innocent but Israelis too are not angels... They have blood on their hands.
The regular israeli folk is not to blame for the actions of its government but you cannot pretend to turn a blind eye to what's happening all over the world, the world is fed up, not every country is going to side with Israel. Israelis should get used to this kind of bans or sanctions, it's only natural, at the end of the day, they elected their leader, they're also responsible for putting such an...
The regular israeli folk is not to blame for the actions of its government but you cannot pretend to turn a blind eye to what's happening all over the world, the world is fed up, not every country is going to side with Israel. Israelis should get used to this kind of bans or sanctions, it's only natural, at the end of the day, they elected their leader, they're also responsible for putting such an evil man on office.
A lot of israelis are anti zionism and anti Netanyahu but that doesn't change the fact that what's done is done. It's time Israel and the US wake up and realize the reality. When Putin invaded Ukraine people around the world exhorted russians to protest and rebel against Putin, many russians opposed the war and protested, nothing happened. Anti russian sentiment arose all around the world. It's happening the same with this conflict and this military intervention.
In the long run Netanyahu's actions will only hurt israelis, nobody outside of the regular allies is siding with Israel, this will only bring more prejudice upon israelis and jews, unfortunately. Outside of America anti israeli sentiment is very strong and this climate is also leading to anti semitism, it's unfortunate but it's the truth.
Israelis can't expect the world to blindly support their government and turn a blind eye on what's going on and everything that has been happening in the last decades. I think israelis will find harder opposition and resentment from many countries.
It isn't funny but they will still be able to travel to the US or Argentina. They'll find places to spend their holidays or nice destinations to spend their money on, it's just a matter of perspective or adjustment.
I'm Miami based and hold a US passport, my parents are colombian, I spent a lot of time in Colombia, I hold two citizenships, Israeli tourists have been welcome in Colombia for decades now, there's a few tourist spots that are regularly visited by israelis, you can see a lot of israelis vacationing, or backpacking. They have been welcome and well received even though they have gained a reputation as druggies or junkies looking for weed and cocaine, a few israelis have been involved in sex trafficking and sex tourism rings, this isn't exclusive to israelis but you get the picture. The point is, israelis will find other places to visit without opposition so the pearl clutching is not necessary in the middle of this conflict. It's time we all wake up and take the truth for what it is.
Go to the Promised Land Ben.
@Peter Brown
Leaders of the promised land are not gay-friendly.
Wonder if it will be like their moral opposition to alcohol, where you cant enter the country with it but they have no problem at all with it so long as youre paying massively inflated prices for it at a hotel.
They are right to cut off business from Netanyahus goons. I've been following this blog for a while and won't anymore after controversial posts. I'm not sure why youd want to vacation next to islamic folks when you dont like them and bomb them. and why even fly Emirates and Qatar @Ben you can fly EL AL. Please talk openly like this in Doha and Dubai not online @Ben. Twitter fingers are real.
On 7th October 2023 after Hamas launched attacks on Israel, Ben posted an article about the attack and he was whining like a child. I wonder why someone like Ben who has traveled and seen the world could be so blind to the crimes committed by Israel before 7th October.
@fmemeti: "Please talk openly like this in Doha and Dubai not online @Ben." Why should that be a concern? Qatar and UAE are enlightened bastions of freedom, right? Unlike nasty Israel.
@Vikram: Do you think that being upset about Oct 7 is wrong?
The irony is that Ben is very sad at what Hamas did on 7th October but he has forgotten how Israel has been treating Palestinians in Gaza. Gaza has been an open air prison for decades. Don't forget the fact that the Zionist Israeli Government had been the biggest supporter of Hamas. They also funded Hamas for years. A lot of lies were told by the Israeli government about the rape of women, beheaded babies...
The irony is that Ben is very sad at what Hamas did on 7th October but he has forgotten how Israel has been treating Palestinians in Gaza. Gaza has been an open air prison for decades. Don't forget the fact that the Zionist Israeli Government had been the biggest supporter of Hamas. They also funded Hamas for years. A lot of lies were told by the Israeli government about the rape of women, beheaded babies and all these have been proved to be lies. Even the world hasn't seen any pictures if beheaded babies in Israel but we have seen pictures of babies without heads in Gaza. Israel bombing refugee camps in Rafah burning the helpless Palestinians alive and lying that it was mistakenly done.
After reading your post, its clear that you're in need of urgent psychiatric help.
"After reading your post, its clear that you're in need of urgent psychiatric help."
That's a cute little quip and all, but let's see you factually refute a single thing that was said.
There ya go, bub.
The Maldives bans the open practice of any religion besides Sunni Islam.
The Maldives is off my travel list.
It always surprises me that secular western socities must always be the bigger person and allow freedom of religion, construction of mosques, influx of muslin immigrants, but these countries are not as open and welcoming of other religions, they sure love western money. It always bugs me to hear about countries that ban christian churches or suppress christian minorities. Imagine if predominantly christian countries will take that path.
By all means, keep ignoring the reality of the horrific and disgusting human rights violations at the hands of Muslim countries... keep patronizing them, making excuses, passing it off as "cultural" and bowing down to the "religion of peace."
But for the love of all things, don't you dare eat at Chick-fil-A or let an NFL player say Catholic things at a Catholic college.
"it’s fair to question whether the current military operation is the appropriate response"
Really? Good one Sherlock.
I'll be amazed if they see even a 0.3% drop in tourism. Israel is nominally a secular democracy. Pushing the idea that Israel and Judaism are inextricably linked, no matter how far Israeli policy strays from what Judaism represents, only promotes anti-Semitism. I find the idea that Jews from other countries will avoid the Maldives very odd, unless they're also far-right extremists, who probably aren't taking such vacations in the first place.
I'm also...
I'll be amazed if they see even a 0.3% drop in tourism. Israel is nominally a secular democracy. Pushing the idea that Israel and Judaism are inextricably linked, no matter how far Israeli policy strays from what Judaism represents, only promotes anti-Semitism. I find the idea that Jews from other countries will avoid the Maldives very odd, unless they're also far-right extremists, who probably aren't taking such vacations in the first place.
I'm also surprised at Lucky thinking people will avoid the Maldives for disagreeing with the policies of a foreign government when he's happy to visit countries that have the death penalty for being gay. I personally would much rather visit a country that had a stated opposition to the policies of a country that claimed to represent me without my consent than one which stated in law that I should be killed.
I love how so many people have comments on issues that have nothing to do with them. Just goes to show how much the media and negativity control all of your little minds.
Ban the US too. This is land that was taken by force, thievery, rape, murder, slavery and prejudice.
LOL, what a *stupid* comment.
People have to be directly involved/affected by something, in order to have something to say about it?
You don't have to be directly affected by something to have something to say about it. The US and Israel are the biggest terrorist.
It's less about having something to day and more about nobody placing value on what you have to say.
At the end of the day, you're just a boy.
...and yes, that was an incalculable STUPID comment of yours. Wow, lol.
incalculably too :-P
To better understand the insurmountable miseries, pains and losses on Jews and Palestinians, of their own doing, it is important to read "The Untold: Story of Arab Jews and their solidarity with Palestinians" and "You can't understand Israel-Palestine without understanding Arab Jews" articles written by Sigal Samuel. We cannot solve the ongoing wars between two sides until we understand the root cause of the conflicts.
Jews live in all Arab states, including Iran and...
To better understand the insurmountable miseries, pains and losses on Jews and Palestinians, of their own doing, it is important to read "The Untold: Story of Arab Jews and their solidarity with Palestinians" and "You can't understand Israel-Palestine without understanding Arab Jews" articles written by Sigal Samuel. We cannot solve the ongoing wars between two sides until we understand the root cause of the conflicts.
Jews live in all Arab states, including Iran and its proxies, but they all originated in Yemen, under the Queen of Sheba. The British did not allow the Jews in Palestine but the Palestinians welcomed and assisted them settling in Palestine. Arab Jews and European Jews are night and day. When the British left, under pressure of European Jews, they ceded Palestine to European Jews to create Israel that forced Palestinians flee.
European Jews are highly successful in finances so they become wealthy,
influential and powerful in the west and Israel. They avoid being called Semites/ Zionist for some reason. The Palestinians are weakened by internal conflicts, incompetence and corruption under leadership of multiple factions. They will never fight militarily with Israel with success. Instead, they must focus on building economy to better their lives. Besides the five permanent UN members, Iran, Ukraine and Vietnam, I cannot name any country that can self defend while enjoying a self sufficient economy.
The Palestinians have been terrorizing Israel and their Muslim counterparts for over five decades. They assassinated the Jordanian PM. One of the assassins licked the blood of a slain PM in the street !!! After Arafat supported Hussein invading Kuwait, Kuwait did not allow the majority of Palestinians back in the country. Many lost their chairmanship positions at KU and went back to teaching, if they were allowed back. On Kuwait Airways flight from Athens to Kuwait City in the spring of 94, there were four air marshals in plain clothes. They also attempted to steal land from Egypt that forced it to build the wall to keep them out. It is no surprise to hear cricket from the Arab states, especially the GCC states, to support them in this climate. On Israelis side, Netanyahu has problems with all US presidents and all of them were afraid to push back, due to the powerful & influential Israeli lobby organizations. He intends to wipe out Palestinians but will be unable to decimate Hamas. He allowed Qatar to provide financial aids to Hamas, routed thru Israel, because both Israel and US intended to use Qatar to monitor Hamas to weaken Palestinian factions. Same policy and result when the US used the Afghan mullahs fight against the USSR. Countless reports from non-profit news agencies reveal young and underage Palestinian males died from single sniper shots. If the objective is to wipe out the next generation of Hamas fighters, Israel should take cue from the Chinese dynasties. To eliminate the threat of losing the throne, Chinese kings executed three generations of males born into the family. I am not advocating such practice in any way, just stating the facts existed centuries ago. We should not fight among ourselves on what and who constitute anti-semitic. We must focus on the wealthy and powerful: Prescott Bush, Nixon, Trump, Schwarzman, Greenblatt, Musk, etc.. who paid lip service to fighting anti-Jewish, whatever advances their interests. To them, money is their god. No values. No principles. To frame college students ' protests as pro-Palestinian is disingenuous. They should be called anti-war movement.
In the 60s and 70s, it was not called pro-communist movement.
In my opinion, the solution is simple. Palestinians are incapable to co-exist in peace and harmony with their neighbors so they do not deserve their own state in that location. In return, US should shift 5 year annual assistance to Israel in conjunction with a matching fund from Israel for ten years to relocate and build a Palestinian state elsewhere. Egypt will voluntarily offer some deserted islands to them. There is no such thing as weaponry precision that detects civilians from combatants. Weapons are not designed like coin machine that separates different denominations of coins. It is hair raising to read Biden is all in assisting Israel 's intent to wipe out Hamas at any human and military costs while advocating Saudi Arabia and UAE to pay for the reconstruction in Gaza. Such an imperialist approach: proliferating deadly weapons and benefitting US conglomerates, like Bechtel in Kuwait.
Muslims, who have ruled the land for last hundreds of years are getting kicked out, to give that land to the Jews who have only ruled that land in thousands of years ago?
You must be out of your senses to suggest that Palestinians should be given a land somewhere else to live. Before that nasty comment you yourself had commented that Palestinians welcomed Jews to live with them and assisted them in settling in Palestine. In your comments you yourself have proven that Israel is a rogue state created on stolen land.
Just read all the anti-Semitic comments here, bah. Disgraceful.
The anti-sematic comments here are disgusting. You have a problem with Israel and Palestine. Fine. No need to use racist comments.
Lucky - get rid of the Guest comment ability and ban racists!
'Anti-semitic'? For heaven's sake, stop using this trope; the world is fed up of it. Criticism of Israeli policy is NOT anti-semitic. Are Jewish people the only Semites on earth? Palestinians are Semites, too!
I will call Arab Jews (indigenous Jews) Semites. Palestinians are Semites since they are Arabs. Majority of Jews in Israel are European Jews who are mentally corrupted Zionists. European Jews are not Semites. European Jews use the term (anti-Semitic) to play victims
Good job, Malvides.
Before writing your hyporcitical defense comment towards the Illegitimate State of Israel, here's what to remember: Israel created, supported and funded Hamas from the beginning to all the way until before the war. Also, Israel have been warned by Egypt about the war but they chose to ignore.
So the whole thing is caused by Israel, period. And they wouldn't even had to fight back Fatah (the reason why they...
Good job, Malvides.
Before writing your hyporcitical defense comment towards the Illegitimate State of Israel, here's what to remember: Israel created, supported and funded Hamas from the beginning to all the way until before the war. Also, Israel have been warned by Egypt about the war but they chose to ignore.
So the whole thing is caused by Israel, period. And they wouldn't even had to fight back Fatah (the reason why they created Hamas) or any Palestinians at all if they weren't obsessed with a land they had in thousands of years ago.
Call me a racist if that makes you to feel better. I'd be a racist if that actually help such miserable people by being one.
Israel did not create or fund Hamas. Bibi made an unconscionable choice to allow Qatari money to continue flowing to them, and I hope he is held accountable for that one way or another.
Hamas, on the other hand, has stated repeatedly that the destruction of Israel is its goal.
So no, the whole thing was not caused by Israel, your defense of Hamas notwithstanding.
Watson, go back and read your history of Israel after 1948 --- and don't consult the official textbook.
Ah yes, "go do your own research" — congratulations, you have the same debate skills as a Flat Earther.
Stop the partisanship, period.
And you still couldn't defend Illegitimate State of Israel from the fact that they knew about the war.
> "Stop the partisanship, period."
You're spitting in the mirror, bud. You're as partisan as it gets. Even most of the pro-Palestine crowd at least *recognizes* Israel. You can't even do that, so don't talk to me about partisanship.
I am fairly moderate on this issue, but you're so far in the Hamas camp that you can no longer distinguish center from hyperpartisan. I support a ceasefire. I support a Palestinian state. I support disbanding...
> "Stop the partisanship, period."
You're spitting in the mirror, bud. You're as partisan as it gets. Even most of the pro-Palestine crowd at least *recognizes* Israel. You can't even do that, so don't talk to me about partisanship.
I am fairly moderate on this issue, but you're so far in the Hamas camp that you can no longer distinguish center from hyperpartisan. I support a ceasefire. I support a Palestinian state. I support disbanding West Bank settlements. Netanyahu is terrible and must be removed from power. What I don't support are any sympathy for the terrorist organizations Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthi or downplaying/justifying their crimes, baseless accusations of genocide, denial of Israeli and Jewish rights to a homeland, complete dismissals of Israel's legitimate security concerns, and anti-semitism. Yet for some reason that seems to be all the online pro-Palestine commenters know how to write.
> "And you still couldn't defend Illegitimate State of Israel from the fact that they knew about the war."
So you told 3 lies which I called out, and are feeling triumphant about your one half-truth. Congratulations. Israel received intelligence from Egypt but dismissed it as non-credible. Countries do it all the time. This one turned out to be a very costly mistake by Israel, and will likely cost Bibi his job.
I have to say this 10xes my probability of holidaying in the Maldives. To know I won't be in close proximity to genocidal squatters with a distinctly two tier value system ref "God's chosen people" vs the goyims ... so reassuring.
You should considered staying permanently so the rest of us don't have to suffer your presence.
I would, but I have also discovered that Philippines is 99.999982% (exact computation) jew free :) There is actually one single synagogue in the country with around 20 regulars - not bad for a nation of 112 million. Probably a good thing considering the amount of port consumed here ;)
If they are going to ban people with Israeli passports, shouldn't they ban people with Russian passports as well???
As well as Chinese passports
What about American, British, German, and French passports --- these being totally complicit in mass murder.
Because Russia doesn't target the civilians all the time (can't say not at all), while the Illegitimate State of Israel does.
Another reason (besides the ridiculous expense and logistics) to avoid the Maldives.
Some questions for you related to this sentence: "But it’s also tragic how many people have died in Gaza, particularly women and children, and it’s fair to question whether the current military operation is the appropriate response."
1) How many people do you think have died in Gaza, and how many of those are women and children? Because the number keeps changing.
2) How many dead or kidnapped Jews are acceptable to you?
I am not Ben, but before I answer, can you clarify, what is an acceptable ratio of dead Palestinian children and women for each Jew?
Ask Hamas, which deliberately puts their own people in harm's way.
Perfect…tell me I am brainwashed without telling me I am brainwashed.
Enough of these nasty comments about Hamas putting their own people in harm's way. You Zionist do not have any other thing to say except these nonsense? Few days ago Israel bombed a refugee camp in Rafah and some Zionists were blaming Hamas for it. Israel killed Palestinians who were lining up to receive food and that too was put on Hamas for using them as Human shield. If Israel knows that Hamas...
Enough of these nasty comments about Hamas putting their own people in harm's way. You Zionist do not have any other thing to say except these nonsense? Few days ago Israel bombed a refugee camp in Rafah and some Zionists were blaming Hamas for it. Israel killed Palestinians who were lining up to receive food and that too was put on Hamas for using them as Human shield. If Israel knows that Hamas is using Palestinians as Human shields then why do they go on with the bombing? Why don't they kill Hamas militants but instead they kill innocent people.
"Enough of these nasty comments about Hamas" - Vikram
Well that tells me all I need to know about you.
because you cant just kill the military people. you will get some civilians.
SOOOOO true!!! Human shields
Any loss of live, irrespective of the religion is sad especially children. But my question is why isn't there any outrage for Yemen civil war where 10x more people have died especially when 60% of them are kids? Why isn't there any outrage for Uyghurs where millions of people are persecuted just for their religious believes?
The number is zero, hope you are feeling better now :)
I hope and believe that not just Jewish people will refrain from traveling to the Maldives going forward
I'm not Jewish, and I sure won't go there now. Unfortunate, because it was on my list. This is sick.
A hyporcite who justifies whatever is done against something one dislikes - the dislike caused by a delusional ideology - belongs to no place on this world.
Jewish people are welcome in the Maldives, because not all Jews are Israeli. By conflating Jewishness with Israel you are an antisemite and make Jews who have nothing to do with the ongoing genocide unsafe.
LOL if you think that the entire population of Maldives is discerning enough to understand "Jewish, not Israeli". Countries, especially Muslim ones, are chock full of people who hold Jews collectively responsible for the actions of Israel.
I, an American Jew, would sure as hell not step foot in any Muslim country right now, because all it takes is one dipshit shouting "Zionist!" to rile up a mob.
But sure, these commenters the anti-Semites, and...
LOL if you think that the entire population of Maldives is discerning enough to understand "Jewish, not Israeli". Countries, especially Muslim ones, are chock full of people who hold Jews collectively responsible for the actions of Israel.
I, an American Jew, would sure as hell not step foot in any Muslim country right now, because all it takes is one dipshit shouting "Zionist!" to rile up a mob.
But sure, these commenters the anti-Semites, and not the person reinventing the meaning of the word genocide just to slap it on the only Jewish country in the world.
Of course the Maldivians wouldn't understand that "Jew, not the Illegitimate State of Israel citizen" thing, when the Americans with supposedly high standards of knowledge and moral values can't even differentiate the Palestine and Hamas.
You bet. I am an avid diver and spend two weeks in the Maldives some years ago. I was looking for a nice destination to go to at the end of the year and was also checking some places in the Maldives. They are off the list now. I don't hold an Israeli passport and I am not Jewish.
Why not go, Shutterbug? President Muizzi is taking a principled stand, and good on him. Unlike much of the world he is not reacting to the horrors Israel is visiting on Gaza by just throwing up his hands. Will India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, and other Asian destinations be next to follow renowned Israeli journalist Gideon Levi's advice to ban Israelis in a campaign of BDS as a way of convincing them to change their...
Why not go, Shutterbug? President Muizzi is taking a principled stand, and good on him. Unlike much of the world he is not reacting to the horrors Israel is visiting on Gaza by just throwing up his hands. Will India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, and other Asian destinations be next to follow renowned Israeli journalist Gideon Levi's advice to ban Israelis in a campaign of BDS as a way of convincing them to change their murderous ways? Worked for the apartheid state of South Africa. As for you, Shutterbug, there should be nothing to worry about since you are not burdened with a passport from what is now regarded as a pariah nation by the global South.
I have genuine respect for the writer who try to make this place free of politics.
There are some travel websites that put that personal opinion on a place basis on their political preference. That is not the point of a travel blog.
*cough* Live and Let's Fly *cough*
Exactly. No longer clicking there.
After reading all these comments, many minds have been changed and everyone has a new perspective on everything in the Middle East, and they now know who to support and who to condemn.
The Maldives is an ethnostate that requires its citizens be muslin. This is plainly racist!
Dear god, turn off the comments on this post
Sick. This is a Jew ban. Or go back and scrub “Muslim ban” from your other articles.
"But it’s also tragic how many people have died in Gaza"
No, Benny, they were killed.
... in a war... that they started. What's your point? Many Germans were killed in WWII, too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The war they started, right.
"They" are the one created by the Illegitimate State of Israel. Hamas started the war, not Palestine (in a literal sense - did Fatah or any Palesitnian faction supported any of their actions?). And Israel had a chance to prevent the whole thing, yet they didn't. Doesn't it sound like Israel is "also" on a fault?
Many Germans were killed in WW2.
Sure, Germans voted the Nazis...
The war they started, right.
"They" are the one created by the Illegitimate State of Israel. Hamas started the war, not Palestine (in a literal sense - did Fatah or any Palesitnian faction supported any of their actions?). And Israel had a chance to prevent the whole thing, yet they didn't. Doesn't it sound like Israel is "also" on a fault?
Many Germans were killed in WW2.
Sure, Germans voted the Nazis by their own will. But do you really support the "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth"?
You justifying an ethnic cleansing, just because they attacked first (completely ignoring the illegal occupation and countless other crimes of Israel) and the fact that they oppress the LGBTQ/women rights, is really disgusting.
Who the hell defined an oppression of LGBTQ and women rights as a worse action than a (mass) murder? You supporting such people and ideology really makes me frightening.
This is such a shitlib take on what is happening and honestly really shows up your privilege Ben - it seems like you are basically saying principles and moral stance are pointless. South Africa was blockaded due to it's disgraceful apartheid that made its black majority second class citizens, and I am in doudbt that was brought to an end with the help of various measures against it and its citizens. The idea it is...
This is such a shitlib take on what is happening and honestly really shows up your privilege Ben - it seems like you are basically saying principles and moral stance are pointless. South Africa was blockaded due to it's disgraceful apartheid that made its black majority second class citizens, and I am in doudbt that was brought to an end with the help of various measures against it and its citizens. The idea it is pointless is so awful and risible but frankly I expect nothing else from someone who lives such a gilded lifestyle that they can just turn off and brush it away as just "two sides". There is a right and wrong here, sometimes being balanced doesn't mean just equalising injustice.
There is a right and a wrong here--the hostages must be released!
Ask Bibi to take make the deal. Ask Bibi to grow a pair and stand up to religious extremists in his coalition so that innocent people do not have to suffer. Of wait, Bibi was the one turning blind eye to Hamas.
The hostages are likely dead because Israel has been bombing the tiny area they're being held in. Israel doesn't care about the hostages, its just an excuse to annihilate Palestinians in its genocide against them.
@john jacob jingleheimer schmidt
Yes, release the thousands of Palestinian hostages being held in Israeli detention centers without charge.
I'm also disgusted by the ones who supported the Illegitimate State of Israel, saying that they form a solidarity with them, now turning away from them as if nothing happened meanwhile.
Your support has resulted tens of thounsands of civilians die in the conditions comparable to the WW2 times. The blood is literally on everyone's hands, regardless of whether are they the ones support or oppose Israel.
Shame on the entire humanity.
What's your view on Ukraine.
Shame on who?
What does that have to do with this? Aren't you just trying to pull out an ad hominem strategy?
Not surprised that someone with your take is completely wrong about logical fallacies, too. Ad hominem has nothing to do with this. Please try Google... it's right in front of you. Oh and "WW2" wasn't all about the holocaust" sounds a lot like "the civil war wasn't about slavery." But hey, if 1940s America was full of people like you, none of this would matter because no Jews would exist today, and we'd all be...
Not surprised that someone with your take is completely wrong about logical fallacies, too. Ad hominem has nothing to do with this. Please try Google... it's right in front of you. Oh and "WW2" wasn't all about the holocaust" sounds a lot like "the civil war wasn't about slavery." But hey, if 1940s America was full of people like you, none of this would matter because no Jews would exist today, and we'd all be speaking German. Enjoy the sharia law and murder of gays that you're voting for with your support.
I simply found your claims to be too stupid to actually worth investing my time into, so I'll say the most important thing only: stop your stupid partisanism. Just because I criticize Israel doesn't mean I support Hamas, and also the other way around.
And even if I was really a Hamas supporter, I'd be happy that I'm at least not a hypocrite like you who feels the justice by supporting the genocide....
I simply found your claims to be too stupid to actually worth investing my time into, so I'll say the most important thing only: stop your stupid partisanism. Just because I criticize Israel doesn't mean I support Hamas, and also the other way around.
And even if I was really a Hamas supporter, I'd be happy that I'm at least not a hypocrite like you who feels the justice by supporting the genocide.
Honestly what you said makes me to rethink about whether is Eskimo actually the biggest troll of OMAAT, because now I know about the person by the name of Jen.
Can't even answer the question?
Just another brainwashed hypocrite in a narrow minded silo who claims to not be one.
There's a saying that it's hard to win an argument against a smart person, but it's impossible to do so against a dumb person. GGs. You won. Whatever you say is correct.
"Your support has resulted tens of thounsands [sic] of civilians die in the conditions comparable to the WW2 times."
This is a woefully ignorant, false equivalence inconsistent with historical fact. Unquestionably, what is happening to Gazans is horrible and, I would argue, war crimes. Netanyahu's regime, however, is not executing Gazans by the millions in gas chambers, by firing squads, or in ovens, nor is Israel experimenting on Gazans medically or sterilizing them. We...
"Your support has resulted tens of thounsands [sic] of civilians die in the conditions comparable to the WW2 times."
This is a woefully ignorant, false equivalence inconsistent with historical fact. Unquestionably, what is happening to Gazans is horrible and, I would argue, war crimes. Netanyahu's regime, however, is not executing Gazans by the millions in gas chambers, by firing squads, or in ovens, nor is Israel experimenting on Gazans medically or sterilizing them. We can have an intellectually honest debate of what is happening today and compare it to events of the past, but only when those events of the past are being presented honestly.
The WW2 isn't all about The Holocaust... but fair point, I guess.
I'm sure the comments here will be normal and measured...
I spend too much time in student activism to argue about this conflict on a miles website lmao, but fun fact: Hamas *technically* lost the parliamentary election in Gaza and won in the West Bank, and after the civil war, Fatah was left in control of the West Bank, and Hamas in control of Gaza
And Hamas killed all the Fatah members that remained in Gaza
That’s what your supporting
Hamas ideology and actions are just like ISIS (terror group) not sure why your supporting them
They publicly kill LGBTQ members and women
Have no mercy on those guys or their supporters
@Me and you
And the Illegitimate State of Israel killed 36K+ civilians shamelessly
That's what you're supporting
Israel ideology and actions are just like the Nazis (fascist/racist state) not sure why you're supporting them
They publicly kill Palestinian kids and women
Have no mercy on those guys or their supporters
I'm giving all those words back to you.
If the occupation didn't exist, Hamas wouldn't exist.
Good, hopefully first of many.
You write "and it’s fair to question whether the current military operation is the appropriate response."
Is it fair? No one seems to be questioning whether Ukraine or Russia is responding incorrectly as innocent people get caught up in war. No campus protests about Ukraine and Russia. No demonstrations in the streets of major cities about Ukraine and Russia.
What is it about Israel that makes so many people lose their minds? Hmmm, I...
You write "and it’s fair to question whether the current military operation is the appropriate response."
Is it fair? No one seems to be questioning whether Ukraine or Russia is responding incorrectly as innocent people get caught up in war. No campus protests about Ukraine and Russia. No demonstrations in the streets of major cities about Ukraine and Russia.
What is it about Israel that makes so many people lose their minds? Hmmm, I can't seem to put my finger on it.
One thing that clearly stands out to me and a clear distinction between the Ukraine v Russian conflict and Israel v Gaza is civilians in Ukraine can escape over the border, Gaza is landlocked and blockaded on all sides!
And on the other side Netanyahu was quite close to Putin while it was clear Russian army were already raping, kidnapping and killing people. At that tiime "Money, Self interest in Middle east issues, freedom to bomb Siria whenever wanted were IL main issues... Real Politik on 1 word.... Obviously Russia and 4 million mice in a mousetrap is not the same....
Egypt is the one blocking Gazans from seeking refuge via the only border that wasn't destroyed by Hamas on 10/7.
Do you realize that the Egypt, at least the current Egyptian government favors the West. So of course they wouldn't help Hamas and Palestine. They even warned the Illegitimate State of Israel before the war, but the so-great leader of the Israel and Jews, Benjamin Netanyahu ignored that.
And Israel is still the victim when they killed 45 times more civilians than Hamas. What a logic.
Nonsense. And Israel just took over the crossing into Egypt and even before that had bombed it.
It's interesting that there isn't as much anger at Egypt or Jordan or even any other arab states who don't seem to want the Palestinians as much as the Israelis don't either.
"It's interesting that there isn't as much anger at Egypt or Jordan or even any other arab states who don't seem to want the Palestinians as much as the Israelis don't either."
Maybe because they aren't the ones committing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians?
Uh oh
It’s NOT lock land
They can cross over to Egypt ,…….
But they are not welcome there (because Hamas terror group is an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood terror network which Egypt got rid of)
Egypt wants no terroists on its land
Russia is not using US weapons to kill Ukrainian civilians.
"What is it about Israel that makes so many people lose their minds?"
Western governments aren't supporting the genocide in Gaza they way they are the one in Ukraine, for one thing.
For one thing Ukraine has been armed to the teeth with advanced US made weaponry and the ability to fight back. Meanwhile, Gazan citizens are being bombed with the same weapons and no means of self defense. Hmm….. really tough one!
@Nick In Chicago
Nah, US have been sending mostly surplus weapons. Some are even near obsolete. But they are still good at killing.
Nothing really advance have been sent to Ukraine.
Maldives is now at the top of the bucket list.
Why not visit Tehran,? Hamas supporters??
Might also be a good option for you
@Me and you
Just because someone doesn't like the Illegitimate Israel doesn't mean they support Hamas. Partisanship in 2024?
That's exactly what it means, when you are telling Israel that it has to let Hamas get away with torturing and murdering its citizens, and they have to just abandon their hostages.
I'm sure if a gang came into your house and abducted your family, and the cops decided they wouldn't help, you'd realize the cops were on the gang's side, if you had any sense.
"I'm sure if a gang came into your house and abducted your family, and the cops decided they wouldn't help, you'd realize the cops were on the gang's side, if you had any sense."
Sounds like what the citizens of the West Bank have to deal with on a daily basis when it comes to the settlers there and the IDF.
Thank you for taking your time to remind Jen how stupid is she. I'm actually feeling sorry that you had to engage with this empty-headed hypocrite woman.
You are an empty-headed woman to think that Israel cares about the hostages. You cannot bomb a place relentlessly from north to south if you know that your loved ones have been kept there as hostages in fear of not hurting them. Israel has already killed some of their hostages through those bombings. God knows how many are still alive. The hostages who were released by Hamas talked of how Hamas took care of them while the IDF fired bullets at them.
> The hostages who were released by Hamas talked of how Hamas took care of them
This is a bald-faced lie.
Are there still nonstop flights from the US to Tel Aviv?
Yes. Plenty. El Al. United. Delta
Yay, they fixed it!
Way to go, Maldives!
Banning me and my family from the Maldives has ended all conflict in the Middle East. Phew! That was easy! Such a relief!
Obviously, every Israeli--in fact, every Jew--has total control and agreement with the Israeli government.
Pro tips for the Maldives:
Try some anti-Semitic tropes! Here are some popular options:
- It's about money because you know who controls the banks. Also, all Jews...
Yay, they fixed it!
Way to go, Maldives!
Banning me and my family from the Maldives has ended all conflict in the Middle East. Phew! That was easy! Such a relief!
Obviously, every Israeli--in fact, every Jew--has total control and agreement with the Israeli government.
Pro tips for the Maldives:
Try some anti-Semitic tropes! Here are some popular options:
- It's about money because you know who controls the banks. Also, all Jews are really rich.
- Disproportionate influence. Jews--after all--control the media as well as the banks.
- Jews (and thus Israelis because the two are the same) are smart but they're crafty. You have to keep an eye on them. I hate to use the word "conspiracy," but you know what I mean. Look at who owns every company ever.
- Some of them are okay. Like if you need a good deal on a mortgage, or the nice Jewish boy down the street. I think he's a doctor. I don't know them, but they're okay. I think. But they'll shortchange you, so be careful.
I don't know what banks you're referring to.
But at least you are right about one bank, West Bank.
And don't you just love it when you can joke or use sarcasm on your own race and get away with being a racist or in your case, antisemitic.
The clown of OMAAT is back with the worst claim yet.
I also love it when someone gets offended by the truths and it's not even about the group they belong to. Your snowflakism is in the next level.
@Mad Mason
It's even more fun to pretend like you're offended and drive haters bat sh*t crazy to the next level.
You're welcome.
The fact that you took that as a "hate" just confirms that you've been offended.
@Mad Mason
The fact that you don't even understand what a simple word like "pretend" means just confirms that you really can't think or understand well.
Jews aren't banned. Israeli passport holders are.
Thank you Julla! Even Arabs whom have Israeli passports are banned.
Good news. Countries that are enacting Genocide and are subject to their leaders being trialed in the ICC should face international sanctions.
Countries that are complicit in this, such as the United States, should be next on the list.
In that case, they should ban the citizens of Iran and Qatar. These governments fund and shelter Hamas, the party actually responsible for anything resembling a “genocide.”
Then the targer of the sanction comes back to the Illegitimate State of Israel, if that's what you're talking about. Israel created and funded Hamas to fight Fatah. Israel is the only one responsible for every losses occured.
Going there 3 weeks this summer. Whilst i dont think gerenal bans are good at some point boycott has worked to change south africa. Perhaps if this was generalized it would start to change the crazy mentality of lets grab more land and then play victim
Change in South Africa was possible because the black leaders never demanded to kill or deport all whites.
Hamas and their supporters demand Israel to not exist. No amount of pressure - not even a Maldives travel ban - would make Israel accept this.
Oh, and I just saw this news piece.
“The Congress of Christian Leaders is issuing a global travel warning: no Christian should feel safe in a country where Islamic extremists determine national policy.”
That is a fantastic response.
Western Hypocrisy at its finest.
Here’s the beauty of Western values.
I have never met Ben or Ford but would love to one day. I am so happy that they met, fell in love, married and have a family. Those are Western values.
In the Maldives, their vision of Islam forbid that. I Gaza, they would be murdered and thrown off a building.
So, to bring it full circle, it’s not just Israel that is part of this conversation and I fully support Western values.
I think you failed to acknowledge a long history of settlers' aggressiveness in Gaza. While it is a very important part of the current conflict, it is also something a lot of americans fail to recognize or even aware of.
Regarding the passport ban, maybe Maldives is hoping to get more sympathy from the middle east tourists?
True. The entire situation in that region is a self inflicted wound caused by both sides. It is true Hamas has done horrible things and their failure to recognize Israel as a state is a core issue to their own cause, but Israel has also not helped with their hostile attitude towards the Palestinian cause and their inhumane stance against the civilian casualties being inflicted by their side. For a brief period during the 90s,...
True. The entire situation in that region is a self inflicted wound caused by both sides. It is true Hamas has done horrible things and their failure to recognize Israel as a state is a core issue to their own cause, but Israel has also not helped with their hostile attitude towards the Palestinian cause and their inhumane stance against the civilian casualties being inflicted by their side. For a brief period during the 90s, it was looking both sides would find reconciliation, but the rise of the ultra nationalist under Netanyahu’s subsequent governments has severely deteriorated any sort of peace. Sadly many Americans do not see this, they think Hamas bad, Israel good, and that’s the end of it.
I don’t think Maldives will gain significant Arab tourists, it is hot and they generally tend to prefer Europe.
What settlers are in Gaza?!?
There haven’t been settlers in Gaza since 2005
Eh, shthole country, no great loss.
And how many times have you been?
Have you ever been, or are you just talking out of your (one presumes American, given the language and attitude) rear orifice? It's beyond arrogant to go around calling places derogatory names as you have done.
There are some stunning Sonevas and Como resorts, a beautiful Ritz-Carlton, from what I hear an excellent Four Seasons and St Regis, and so forth. Each of these are probably individually - let alone collectively - more luxurious than...
Have you ever been, or are you just talking out of your (one presumes American, given the language and attitude) rear orifice? It's beyond arrogant to go around calling places derogatory names as you have done.
There are some stunning Sonevas and Como resorts, a beautiful Ritz-Carlton, from what I hear an excellent Four Seasons and St Regis, and so forth. Each of these are probably individually - let alone collectively - more luxurious than anything in your home city.
I assume the comment refers to Israel? I agree- not a great loss for the Maldives indeed.
I think Israel’s response has been truly unique as they provide advance notice to the Gaza population on where they plan to strike and they also allow food, water, medicine and fuel to be brought into the area. Compare that to the Allied response during WWII or after 9/11 to Afghanistan.
The sad thing is the deranged mindset of Hamas that happily uses their fellow Gazans as human shields. Furthermore, Gaza’s gay population have...
I think Israel’s response has been truly unique as they provide advance notice to the Gaza population on where they plan to strike and they also allow food, water, medicine and fuel to be brought into the area. Compare that to the Allied response during WWII or after 9/11 to Afghanistan.
The sad thing is the deranged mindset of Hamas that happily uses their fellow Gazans as human shields. Furthermore, Gaza’s gay population have no rights, children are indoctrinated with extreme hate funded by UN schools, women have little rights and so on. Also, Hamas and their allies continue to send rocket attacks into Israel. Iran continues to have their hand in all of this.
And where were the protests of China killing millions of Muslims, Syria killing many Muslims from other sects, and the list goes on and on.
Remember such bans are a slippery slope. Next thing this Maldivian government will be targeting other population segments.
We live in strange times.
What are you reading news from? Ben Gvir Times?
Hi Eve, nope. I don’t follow him. I consume information from a variety of sources and news mainly from the WSJ.
I also have an undergrad history degree from an Ivy League University where we studied issues in depth from a variety of sources. I am not sure a degree from any of the Ivies would be beneficial anymore as it seems many young adults at these schools have fallen into zombie group think....
Hi Eve, nope. I don’t follow him. I consume information from a variety of sources and news mainly from the WSJ.
I also have an undergrad history degree from an Ivy League University where we studied issues in depth from a variety of sources. I am not sure a degree from any of the Ivies would be beneficial anymore as it seems many young adults at these schools have fallen into zombie group think. Perhaps I should have done what Ben, Gary and Greg did with travel blogging - although I know it is not as easy as one thinks ;-) .
I am also happy I chose Mykonos as part of my summer vacation this week instead of the Maldives. Greece supports liberal rights that Islamist and Marxist populations do not.
Wishing everyone much happiness!
The IDF have found OMAAT
Nope, just a regular ol’ American but thanks for what would have been a compliment. I have to admit that I do admire Rep. Brian Mast who honorably served in the Army and Israeli military. And I support liberal values which seem to be at odds with Islamist and Marxist philosophies trying to infiltrate and indoctrinate western civilization.
@Hmmmmmmm The way you wrote your comment, you do not sound “liberal” at all. In fact it just sounds like your watched an entire nights worth of Newsmax and Fox, and even went around 4chan and Truth social in the morning
Hi Eve, I happen to be extremely liberal socially (personal rights and freedoms) and fiscally conservative. The two historically go hand in hand.
Hamas is extremely non-liberal. That is what shocks me so much. Same with Qatar, Iran, and others. I do not subscribe to group think and I make my own decisions based on knowledge and logic. That is why I am so perplexed with what is going on in the world.
...Hi Eve, I happen to be extremely liberal socially (personal rights and freedoms) and fiscally conservative. The two historically go hand in hand.
Hamas is extremely non-liberal. That is what shocks me so much. Same with Qatar, Iran, and others. I do not subscribe to group think and I make my own decisions based on knowledge and logic. That is why I am so perplexed with what is going on in the world.
And I have never been on Truth Social, 4Chan, or Newsmax. I stopped watching all television news a while ago because it is all targeted to one side or another.
I admire Elon Musk for acquiring Twitter and consume diverse information from there and other sources. The nice thing about X is that you can translate from all different languages to get diverse perspectives on global issues.
I just wish more people would be critical thinkers and actually study the issues.
You sound very left wing denier, so far left that you get your news from Dailybeast but denies it and thinks CNN is already conservative.
You do read WSJ but you think they all lie.
You claim to admire Elon about free speech yet you call Ivy students, whose free speech are heavily suppressed, a zombie group.
By the way, even on X if you just read tweets from your so...
You sound very left wing denier, so far left that you get your news from Dailybeast but denies it and thinks CNN is already conservative.
You do read WSJ but you think they all lie.
You claim to admire Elon about free speech yet you call Ivy students, whose free speech are heavily suppressed, a zombie group.
By the way, even on X if you just read tweets from your so called zombie group you won't get different perspectives. You probably learn the same thing in 10 languages.
So much for claiming to be a critical thinkers and actually study the issues.
Stop lying to yourself.
I'm ashamed that people like you are the majority of those stand against the Illegitimate State of Israel.
Just because they don't like what you say, doesn't make them racists/Republicans/Paleocrats/Trumpists. Grow up.
Hmmmmmmm did a nice copy and paste from the hasbara playbook.
Ah yes, another American justifying Imperial Japan. Ever heard about the plan Japan was going to launch if they hadn't been attacked by the nukes? All Japanese citizens and colonial individuals would have been drafted and just die without making significant achievements if the US didn't end the war that way. And I didn't even start talking about what could have been...
Ah yes, another American justifying Imperial Japan. Ever heard about the plan Japan was going to launch if they hadn't been attacked by the nukes? All Japanese citizens and colonial individuals would have been drafted and just die without making significant achievements if the US didn't end the war that way. And I didn't even start talking about what could have been happened to their colonies.
Shame on the US for letting Japan to get away from their war crimes and faking the history, as well as improperly educating the truths. And there still are people saying that the US stand on the side of "right". Clowns.
I would love to know the % the Jews make up of total tourist spending as opposed to % of visiting. I imagine that would be a lot higher.
It’s ok I’m sure Israelis will be fine not going to a hostile Muslim country.
Not as hostile as Israel itself.
Most of Maldives tourism comes from India, China, Brits, followed by mainland Europeans. And they probably did their numbers as Israeli passport holders probably make a small percentage of tourists and i am pretty sure, dual passport holders will probably use their alternate passport either way to enter Maldives. I always use my alternate passport when i enter countries where my other passport can cause risk towards me. When people want to go somewhere, if...
Most of Maldives tourism comes from India, China, Brits, followed by mainland Europeans. And they probably did their numbers as Israeli passport holders probably make a small percentage of tourists and i am pretty sure, dual passport holders will probably use their alternate passport either way to enter Maldives. I always use my alternate passport when i enter countries where my other passport can cause risk towards me. When people want to go somewhere, if there is an option, they will always use it.
Yes but the problem is returning to Israel. You would have to travel with split tickets to avoid showing you’re travelling to/ from tel aviv.
The numbers affected are minuscule so it’s really no big deal anyhow.