Japanese Baggage Handlers Caught On Tape

Japanese Baggage Handlers Caught On Tape


Every so often a video goes viral of how recklessly many baggage handlers are with bags. If you check a bag, you should fully expect that it will be thrown with force. I can appreciate that baggage handlers have hard jobs and it’s physically exhausting to lift so many bags, though at times it seems like baggage handlers almost throw bags as a way of letting out aggression.

Well, you can always count on the Japanese to restore your faith in just about anything. A video has surfaced of baggage handlers in Japan offloading bags from a plane. And well, after you see this you may be ready to check unsecured, fine china in your bags. 😉


Of course this shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, as this is also the country where this happens:


And where this happens:

And where this happens:

So I don’t think there’s anything the least bit surprising here, eh?

Conversations (35)
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  1. Icarus Guest

    I even recognise the NH staff at Haneda having flown there recently. So polite even at 6am when they checkin opened

    When a flight is delayed or cancelled they are generally very calm and accepting

    Unlike in other countries when staff get abused because a flight is delayed 30 mins due to the heavy fog they can clearly see

    When the Japanese bow I find myself responding

    As for the baggage...

    I even recognise the NH staff at Haneda having flown there recently. So polite even at 6am when they checkin opened

    When a flight is delayed or cancelled they are generally very calm and accepting

    Unlike in other countries when staff get abused because a flight is delayed 30 mins due to the heavy fog they can clearly see

    When the Japanese bow I find myself responding

    As for the baggage handlers— at some airports they would be opening the bags looking for things to take

    The service in Japan is generally wonderful.
    If the train is 5 mins late they will even give you an apology letter

  2. Callum Guest

    Ryan - "This is just one example, but I think a good one, of how the Japanese respect each other."

    Respect, or a crippling fear of looking bad and being judged?

    I personally think it's a bizarre society, and the benefits like orderly queues are outweighed by the downsides like a crippling work/life balance and a high suicide rate. The constant bowing alone was driving me crazy towards the end (it doesn't come across as being remotely sincere to me)!

  3. James H Guest

    “However, the same country attacked the US and invaded other Asian Countries and did all cruel things that average human beings can’t even imagine. Did they really change or they are just hiding their ambition? LOL”

    The same could be said about the behavior of a number of other countries during wartime, including the U.S. Do you have the same trouble understanding how they have changed?

  4. Savannah Guest

    I see a lot of racist posts have been left on here. Great moderating team...

  5. Mark Guest

    The staff for the Airport Limoousine bus at Narita bow to each bus as it departs too. One of the things that really made me realise I was back in Japan when I was last there :)

  6. David Diamond

    @globetrotter What you say is true. Almost all of the civilians in Japan alive today have absolutely nothing to do with WWII, and many of them dislike what the Japanese government is doing by ignoring the atrocities in textbooks, but the reason why some Asian countries still can't let it go is because of the Prime Minister visiting Yasukuni Shrine, where many of war criminals are housed. (The Emperor and Empress of Japan, however, refuses...

    @globetrotter What you say is true. Almost all of the civilians in Japan alive today have absolutely nothing to do with WWII, and many of them dislike what the Japanese government is doing by ignoring the atrocities in textbooks, but the reason why some Asian countries still can't let it go is because of the Prime Minister visiting Yasukuni Shrine, where many of war criminals are housed. (The Emperor and Empress of Japan, however, refuses to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, so I am absolutely not saying most, or even many, Japanese are like their Prime Minister.)

  7. globetrotter Member

    Over a dozen years that I operate the business, I never once have a Japanese or South Korean who steals or causes damage but they always tip and keep the place much less messy than others. But when you talk to any East Asian who expeirienced the atrocities taking place under Japanese occupation before WWII, they all carry deep hatred toward the Japanese, despite the fact that Japan is no longer a fascist nation. I...

    Over a dozen years that I operate the business, I never once have a Japanese or South Korean who steals or causes damage but they always tip and keep the place much less messy than others. But when you talk to any East Asian who expeirienced the atrocities taking place under Japanese occupation before WWII, they all carry deep hatred toward the Japanese, despite the fact that Japan is no longer a fascist nation. I watched on youtube clip that features how Japanese catch dolphins or tuna in the ocean. It is among the most heart-wrenching videos I watched, along with" Trophy " that aired recently on CNN. A journalist who was invited to watch and film the event where Japanese fishermen cast a wide net to capture dolphins. The dolphins were so terrified that they drowned to death. One dolphin swam to the rock where the journalist sat watching it unfold. He narrated that the dolphin sensed that he was the only one who could save its life. But he was not allowed to react. Never want to watch how Japanese catch whales, dolphins or tuna again.I have mixed perception about the Japanese but will not bring up their past atrocities because all countries went thru barbaric times before becoming civilized and advanced in modern time, so long as they learned from past brutal actions and never repeat their mistakes.

  8. Gamecock New Member

    Because these days, its self-centered, arrogant, people like the political leadership of our country that sets the example for everybody and teaches all of us that such self-centered behavior is perfectly acceptable and desirable.....

    Every time I go to Japan for business, I am amazed that that people can show respect to other people in normal daily life. It's not always "x first", with x = me me me or x = my...

    Because these days, its self-centered, arrogant, people like the political leadership of our country that sets the example for everybody and teaches all of us that such self-centered behavior is perfectly acceptable and desirable.....

    Every time I go to Japan for business, I am amazed that that people can show respect to other people in normal daily life. It's not always "x first", with x = me me me or x = my country....

    Another example of the cultural difference is reflected in the level of politeness comparing AA or UAL flight attendants and ANA or JAL flight attendants.....

  9. bostonwalker Guest

    @Sergio : To your disappointment, I'm a proud American (not Texan though, LOL). You are just one smart-ass who doesn't worth my ridicule. I know, truth hurt.

  10. Paul Guest

    After a 3 hour tarmac delay at Narita due to snow and eventual cancellation passengers had to de-board and go back to the terminal. It was about midnight while waiting for my checked bag I couldn't help but notice all of the luggage on the carousel had their handles facing out for easy access. You definitely don't see that in the U.S.

  11. Sergio Guest

    @bostonwalker: your comment is the most stupid thing I've read this year. You sound like the ultimate Texan, without any notion of what the world outside is like and completely ignorant of your own country's history.

  12. Dan Allen Member

    unlike the animals in the US and GB they are forced to give jobs to.

  13. David Diamond


    Not sure what that has to do with anything. Did anyone wish America could take over the world? The prevailing international sentiment right now is for America to mind their own business.

    Also, I’m not American.

  14. Don K Member

    Well, I wouldn't press the issue by saying pack the fine china. There still are some 'throws' 'lofting' 'dumps' going on in the vid.

  15. David Diamond

    I have a huge amount of respect for the Japanese and their work ethics, but saying you wish they conquered the world is unnecessarily political, and insensitive to those who had family massacred during the WWII Japanese occupation (for example, the Nanjing massacre in China and various medical experiments conducted on the Chinese).

  16. Tom Guest

    Trump is going to make America like Japan! MAGA!!!

  17. Aditya New Member

    Back in 2007 when I was flying Ams-Vie-Bom, I had a lot of glassware in my luggage. I stick up a bill mentioning ' Handle with care - Glass inside

    From the window pane it just happened to see 2 bag handlers at AMS putting bags on Aircraft in a hurry. When I saw my baggage(it was having lot of stickers) from the window ne of the baggage handler spoke with the other one and both of them gently took my bag and put it on the aircraft belt.

    Was happy to see the gesture.

  18. Ryan Guest

    If Ben is who I think he is, I recall when he came onto the scene and he was MAJORLY dorky then, and was mentored by some of the older folks who felt sorry for him. I do believe the frequent flier scene attracts a fair amount of gays, who have the time to do the underlying travel (mileage runs, mattress runs, etc.) absent family responsibilities, though there are A LOT of folks who travel for business as well

  19. Jim Guest

    The Japanese and many of the Asians are taught about morals, respect, courtesy and tolerance , family values since their childhood. It is part of their daily life and their parents raise their children like that.

  20. Malc Guest

    @Lucky –– I've just noticed that in your "About" blurb above, it says "About lucky" with a small "L". Has it always been like this? It seems like a typo I'd have noticed before.

  21. bostonwalker Guest

    well, Japan is a country i can never truly understand. It is the country where people are super nice, the customer service is top notch, and Japanese tourists are the most welcome ones all over the world. However, the same country attacked the US and invaded other Asian Countries and did all cruel things that average human beings can't even imagine. Did they really change or they are just hiding their ambition? LOL

  22. Fred M Guest

    One of those two Japanese bag handlers is surplus to need. They are great at creating non-jobs to keep employment levels up. Bought some shoes in Japan a while back and five people, in sequence, served me.

    Tour a factory and every few metres a bloke is waving flags to direct the tourmobile driver who has only been there a lifetime and could navigate between the assembly lines in his sleep.

    Customer service is not...

    One of those two Japanese bag handlers is surplus to need. They are great at creating non-jobs to keep employment levels up. Bought some shoes in Japan a while back and five people, in sequence, served me.

    Tour a factory and every few metres a bloke is waving flags to direct the tourmobile driver who has only been there a lifetime and could navigate between the assembly lines in his sleep.

    Customer service is not legendary everywhere. The airport shuttle driver who spent an 80km trip shouting at one passenger for not having the correct paperwork for the ride comes to mind. The miscreant paid up, when he was finally shown the correct machine at the other end, by someone else.

    Lining up and bowing goodbye is also common practice for ground crews at Seoul Incheon. Which makes up for that airport , apparently in the next time zone to the city, being home to the most chaotic duty free shop I have ever been in. ‘Course I’d rather be directed to four different tills than spend time in the lounge.

  23. Will New Member

    Here is how they do it in America. I caught the end of it but the one guy was getting in his daily workout via bag tossing.


  24. Julia Guest

    It's all about EDUCATION.

  25. Joey Diamond

    Thanks for sharing this. I rarely ever check any luggage but if I do and have to fly to Asia, I'll certainly consider flying ANA!

  26. Shay New Member


    You're not the smartest out there huh?

    The article was literally about the headline.

  27. Mike Guest

    Respect of people's property and Care attitude, that's what makes the differences to most of other cultures (including other Asian cultures) and attitude.
    Take pride in your job and this can happen everywhere. It is a wonder how for the same amount of flights arriving and departing at Japanese airports compared to other world airports, that they can be so efficient in delivering bags, prioritizing bags and informing passengers arriving at the baggage belt...

    Respect of people's property and Care attitude, that's what makes the differences to most of other cultures (including other Asian cultures) and attitude.
    Take pride in your job and this can happen everywhere. It is a wonder how for the same amount of flights arriving and departing at Japanese airports compared to other world airports, that they can be so efficient in delivering bags, prioritizing bags and informing passengers arriving at the baggage belt of delays without having to wait until the last bag is out.
    I've only seen all of this in Japan and extensively in Korea. No other places can beat them...


  28. ryan Member

    If only every people and culture could take after the Japanese...

    I lived in Japan for 9 years and was in Tokyo during the massive earthquake of 3/11/2011. Rather than raiding and looting like Americans (and many other cultures) do, everyone lined up and patiently waited for their turn to enter the convenience store to buy whatever goods they needed. This is just one example, but I think a good one, of how the...

    If only every people and culture could take after the Japanese...

    I lived in Japan for 9 years and was in Tokyo during the massive earthquake of 3/11/2011. Rather than raiding and looting like Americans (and many other cultures) do, everyone lined up and patiently waited for their turn to enter the convenience store to buy whatever goods they needed. This is just one example, but I think a good one, of how the Japanese respect each other. The world could learn from them.

  29. AlB Guest

    Sendaiban, apart from the fact that Japanese can be extremely xenophobic

  30. J Guest

    This behavior was also fairly common in S. Korea.

    And then the comment section derailed, with some jackwad mentioning something that has nothing to do with this post: Politics.

  31. AlB Guest

    Why do some pathetic cretins feel the need to bring Trump into everything?

  32. Ole Guest

    When I see this stuff, some part of me wishes Japan would conquer the world. No more Trump in charge and my OCD would be fulfilled with happiness...

  33. sendaiben Guest

    I thought this was going to be bad behaviour, which would be unheard of here in Japan.

    There was an incident last year where a delivery guy was seen kicking a package, and it did real damage to that company's image and bottom line.

    Once you are used to Japanese customer service, you will find it difficult to live anywhere else!

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Icarus Guest

I even recognise the NH staff at Haneda having flown there recently. So polite even at 6am when they checkin opened When a flight is delayed or cancelled they are generally very calm and accepting Unlike in other countries when staff get abused because a flight is delayed 30 mins due to the heavy fog they can clearly see When the Japanese bow I find myself responding As for the baggage handlers— at some airports they would be opening the bags looking for things to take The service in Japan is generally wonderful. If the train is 5 mins late they will even give you an apology letter

Callum Guest

Ryan - "This is just one example, but I think a good one, of how the Japanese respect each other." Respect, or a crippling fear of looking bad and being judged? I personally think it's a bizarre society, and the benefits like orderly queues are outweighed by the downsides like a crippling work/life balance and a high suicide rate. The constant bowing alone was driving me crazy towards the end (it doesn't come across as being remotely sincere to me)!

James H Guest

@bostonwalker “However, the same country attacked the US and invaded other Asian Countries and did all cruel things that average human beings can’t even imagine. Did they really change or they are just hiding their ambition? LOL” The same could be said about the behavior of a number of other countries during wartime, including the U.S. Do you have the same trouble understanding how they have changed?

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