The Amex Offers program frequently has promotions for hotel stays, which can save you money or earn you bonus points for stays you’d make anyway. We’ve just seen a new offer rolled out for stays at Fairmont and Raffles properties, which could come in handy if you have any upcoming Accor stays.
Spend $500+ with Fairmont and Raffles, save $100
There’s a targeted Amex Offers deal for stays at select Fairmont and Raffles properties in the Americas and Europe:
- Save $100 when you spend $500+ across one or more transactions (up to 20% back)
- This is valid when you pay for your stay between November 15, 2024, and February 15, 2025
- This is only valid for stays at select properties in the Americas and Europe, and you can find the full list of participating properties here
- The terms state that you need to book directly with Accor to take advantage of this; for these purposes, an Accor STEP booking should qualify, though
- All room charges, including taxes and fees, should qualify toward this offer
- This is valid only for room rate and charges, and excludes all other Accor brands, residences, registries, weddings and events, amenities such as golf, spa, and dining, Fairmont Store, Raffles Boutique, and any other retail purchases
- Registration is required
Bottom line
There’s a new Amex Offers deal that can save you money at select Fairmont and Raffles properties in the Americas and Europe. If you have any upcoming stays with these Accor brands, this deal is absolutely worth taking advantage of.
Ideally you’ll see these offers on the Amex Green Card, as it offers 3x points on travel purchases (including hotel purchases). That way you can maximize your points while also taking advantage of this offer.
Was your account targeted for this Amex Offers deal, and if so, do you plan on taking advantage of it?
Offer is online and in store, but not applicable to pre paid online bookings…so what is the “online” portion referring to?